756.04 Petit jurors; lists; number; how drawn.
756.041 Penalty upon clerk for fraud.
756.05 Insufficient number of jurors.
756.06 Bystanders, when called.
756.08 Jury summons, when and how issued.
756.095 Fine for official neglect in impaneling jury.
756.096 Drawing of petit jury.
756.098 Oaths.
756.10 Grand jury.
756.11 Oath of grand jurors.
756.12 Foreman and clerk.
756.13 Reporter; oath; salary; assistant.
756.14 Oaths to witnesses.
756.145 Witnesses rights; transcripts.
756.147 Secrecy.
756.15 District attorney, when to attend.
756.16 Attendance; absence; excuse; number required for grand jury session; number required to concur in indictment.
756.17 Report progress and return indictments.
756.18 Procedure upon discharge of grand jury.
756.19 Indictment not to be disclosed.
756.20 Votes not to be disclosed.
756.21 When testimony may be disclosed.
756.22 May serve twice.
756.23 Fine for nonattendance.
756.24 Jurors, how paid.
756.25 Juror's fees and mileage.
756.26 Talesmen's compensation.
756.27 Automation of jury selection.
756.28 Length of juror service; periods of juror eligibility.
756.001 756.001 State policy on jury service; opportunity and obligation to serve.
756.001(1)(1) The legislature recognizes that trial by jury is a cherished constitutional right and that jury service is a civic duty.
756.001(2) (2) All persons selected for jury service shall be selected at random from a fair cross section of the population of the area served by the court. All qualified persons shall have an equal opportunity, in accordance with this chapter, to be considered for jury service in the state and an obligation to serve as jurors when summoned for that purpose. The judges, the clerk of circuit court and the jury commissioners, if any, in each county shall manage all jury systems in an efficient, equitable and cost-effective manner, in accordance with this chapter.
756.001 History History: 1991 a. 271.
756.001 Note NOTE: 1991 Wis. Act 271, which created this section, contains extensive legislative council notes.
756.01 756.01 Qualifications of jurors.
756.01(1) (1) Persons who are U.S. citizens, who are electors of the state, who are possessed of their natural faculties, who are not infirm, who are able to read and understand the English language, and who have not been summoned to attend for prospective service as petit jurors for the time periods applicable under s. 756.28, shall be liable to be drawn as grand or petit jurors.
756.01(2) (2)Subsection (1) shall not exempt, exclude or disqualify a person from jury service on the ground of infirmity because of a physical condition unless the judge finds that the person clearly cannot fulfill the responsibilities of a juror. The judge shall not consider the structural, physical or architectural limitations or barriers of a building, courtroom, jury box or other facility in making such a finding.
756.01 History History: 1975 c. 275; 1977 c. 187 s. 95; 1977 c. 318; 1977 c. 447 s. 210; 1977 c. 449; Stats. 1977 s. 756.01; 1991 a. 271.
756.01 Annotation Purpose of (2) is to protect jurors, not litigants. See note to 756.04, citing State v. Coble, 95 W (2d) 717, 291 NW (2d) 652 (Ct. App. 1980); aff'd 100 W (2d) 179, 301 NW (2d) 221 (1981).
756.01 Annotation Law enforcement officers should not be automatically excused for cause from venire on grounds of implied bias. State v. Louis, 156 W (2d) 470, 457 NW (2d) 484 (1990).
756.01 Annotation Persons 18, 19 and 20, who are electors of this state, must be included within that class of citizens from which jurors are chosen for service in the courts of our state. 61 Atty. Gen. 137.
756.01 Annotation State v. Louis: A Missed Opportunity to Clarify when Law Enforcement Officials May Serve as Petit Jurors in Criminal Cases. 1992 WLR 757.
756.02 756.02 Exemptions and excuses from jury service.
756.02(2)(a)(a) Any person or group of persons may be excluded from the jury panel or excused from service as jurors by order of the judge or, if authorized under sub. (4), by a determination made by the clerk of circuit court based on a finding that jury service would entail undue hardship, including undue hardship caused by the aging process, extreme inconvenience or serious obstruction or delay in the fair and impartial administration of justice. The exclusion or excuse shall continue for a period deemed necessary by the judge or the clerk of circuit court, at the conclusion of which the person or group of persons shall reappear for jury service in accordance with the order of the judge or the determination made by the clerk of circuit court. If the clerk of circuit court excludes or excuses a person under this subsection, the clerk of circuit court shall secure from the person a sworn statement that provides evidence of the grounds for the exclusion or excuse.
756.02(2)(b) (b) A state legislator or full-time elected official shall be excused from service as a juror if the official states to the court that jury service would interfere with the performance of his or her official duties.
756.02(3) (3) No citizen may be excluded from service as grand or petit juror in any court of this state on account of race or color or because of a physical condition, except as provided in s. 756.01 (2).
756.02(4) (4) A majority of the circuit court judges in the county may authorize the clerk of circuit court to grant exclusions or excuses under sub. (2). The authorization may limit the grounds on which the clerk may grant the exclusion or excuse.
756.02 History History: 1975 c. 275; 1977 c. 26; 1977 c. 187 ss. 95, 135; 1977 c. 318; 1977 c. 447 s. 210; Stats. 1977 s. 756.02; 1991 a. 271.
756.02 Note NOTE: 1991 Wis. Act 271, which affected this section, contains extensive legislative council notes.
756.02 Annotation See note to art. I, sec. 7, citing Brown v. State, 58 W (2d) 158, 205 NW (2d) 566.
756.025 756.025 Parties to actions disqualified. Every person summoned as a juror shall be paid and discharged if it appears that the person is a party to any action triable by jury at that time.
756.025 History History: Sup. Ct. Order, 67 W (2d) 585, 757 (1975); 1975 c. 218; 1977 c. 187 s. 95; 1977 c. 449; Stats. 1977 s. 756.025.
756.03 756.03 Jury commissioners.
756.03(1)(1) The county board shall determine if the selection of jurors shall be by the clerk of circuit court or by jury commissioners appointed by the circuit court judges. If jury commissioners are appointed, there shall be 3 jury commissioners in the county. They must be qualified electors of the county and possess the qualifications required for jurors by s. 756.01. Jury commissioners shall be appointed by the joint action of the judges of the circuit court for the county. One commissioner shall be appointed each year for a term of 3 years commencing on July 1 following the appointment. Appointments shall be made in writing and shall be filed in the office of the clerk of circuit court.
756.03(2) (2) Before entering upon the duties of office each commissioner shall take and subscribe the following oath: "I do solemnly swear that I will honestly and faithfully discharge the duties of a jury commissioner without fear or favor; and that I will not consent to the selection of a person as juror whom I believe to be unfit for jury duty, or likely to render a partial verdict; and that I will report to the court the names of all persons who seek to influence me in the selection of jurors". The oath shall be filed in the office of the clerk of the circuit court of the county.
756.03(3) (3) In all counties having a population of less than 500,000 the commissioners shall be paid for each day's service at the same rate as fixed by the county board for the payment of grand and petit jurors under s. 756.25 and 15 cents for each mile traveled in the discharge of their duties. Such compensation and mileage shall be paid by the county treasurer upon order of the judge of the court for which the jury commissioners discharged their duties, upon certification of the clerk of the court. In counties having a population of 500,000 or more, the county board shall fix the salary of the commissioners. The commissioners shall be provided with such articles, books, postage, stationery, office space and assistants as shall be required by them to properly discharge their duties, upon the recommendation of the circuit judge, or circuit judges, of the several counties.
756.03(4) (4) The commissioners shall meet at such times as the discharge of their duties requires and at such times as the appointing judge or judges or any of them shall direct. Two commissioners shall constitute a quorum. They may subpoena any person to appear before them within the town, village or city where the person resides for examination as to any person's qualifications for jury service, and may compel the person to give testimony under oath. The commissioners may investigate by inquiries at any person's place of business, residence, or elsewhere, or by other means, his or her fitness for jury service. All public officers and employes shall furnish the commissioners, upon their request, the records and assistance which the commissioners deem proper to perform their duties.
756.03(5) (5) The clerk of circuit court shall perform the functions of the jury commissioners set forth in this chapter in a county in which jury commissioners are not appointed.
756.03 History History: 1977 c. 187 ss. 95, 135; 1977 c. 199, 273, 318; 1977 c. 447 ss. 182, 210; 1977 c. 449; Stats. 1977 s. 756.03; 1991 a. 271.
756.03 Note NOTE: 1991 Wis. Act 271, which affected this section, contains extensive legislative council notes.
756.03 Annotation Sections 756.03 and 756.031 do not unconstitutionally restrict free expression. 69 Atty. Gen. 19.
756.031 756.031 Official malfeasance in preparing jury list. Any person who asks or solicits any jury commissioner appointed under s. 756.03, or the sheriff or other officer to select him or her or any other person, or place his or her name or the name of any other person on any list as a grand or petit juror in any court, and any such jury commissioner or sheriff or other officer who selects the person or places his or her name upon any such list upon such solicitation may be fined not more than $100 or imprisoned not more than 6 months.
756.031 History History: 1977 c. 187 s. 95; 1977 c. 318, 447; Stats. 1977 s. 756.031.
756.031 Annotation Sections 756.03 and 756.031 do not unconstitutionally restrict free expression. 69 Atty. Gen. 19.
756.04 756.04 Petit jurors; lists; number; how drawn.
756.04(1) (1) In this section:
756.04(1)(a) (a) "Department" means the department of transportation.
756.04(1)(b) (b) "Department list" means a compilation of information prepared by the department that includes the names, addresses, dates of birth, race and gender of persons who are licensed as motor vehicle operators under ch. 343 or who have received identification cards under s. 343.50 or 343.51.
756.04(1)(c) (c) "Race" means African American, Caucasian, Hispanic, native American or other racial category.
756.04(1g) (1g) Petit jurors for all circuit courts when exercising civil or criminal jurisdiction shall be drawn and obtained as prescribed in ss. 756.04 to 756.06.
756.04(1r) (1r) The department shall transmit annually, on a date established by the secretary of transportation, to the clerk of circuit court of each county, at no charge, a department list of persons residing in that county. The department shall establish uniform specifications regarding the size, format and content of computer tapes or other media used to prepare the department list.
756.04(2) (2)
756.04(2)(a)(a) The jury commissioners shall annually provide for each court covered by sub. (1g), unless the judge or judges of the county order more frequently, one countywide list of at least 200 names of persons to be drawn from the county to serve as petit jurors. The commissioners shall revise the list by striking from it the names of persons found by them to be ineligible for jury service, as provided in s. 756.01, and add to the list the names of additional persons as provided in s. 756.05. The list shall be certified by the commissioners as having been prepared in strict conformity with statutory requirements. The list shall also include a verified statement describing the manner in which the list was compiled or modified, including an enumeration of all public or private sources from which the names of the prospective jurors on the list were derived.
756.04(2)(am)1.1. The jury commissioners shall select randomly the names under par. (a) from the department list or from a master list that is established under subd. 2. and that consists of the department list and one or more other lists of county residents, including but not limited to the following:
756.04(2)(am)1.a. a. Voter registration lists.
756.04(2)(am)1.b. b. Telephone and municipal directories.
756.04(2)(am)1.c. c. Utility company lists.
756.04(2)(am)1.d. d. Lists of real property tax payers.
756.04(2)(am)1.e. e. Lists of high school graduates 18 years of age or older.
756.04(2)(am)1.f. f. Lists of persons receiving aid to families with dependent children under subch. III of ch. 49.
756.04(2)(am)2. 2. If more than the department list is used, the jury commissioners shall select randomly a sample of names from each source used. The same percentage of names shall be selected from each source used. The department list shall be designated a primary source, and the names selected from that source shall be compared with the list of names from the 2nd source. Duplicate names shall be removed from the 2nd source sample and the remaining names shall be combined with the sample of names selected from the primary source to form the master list. If more than 2 source lists are used, this process shall be repeated, using the previously combined list for comparison with the new source list.
756.04(2)(b)1.1. The commissioners shall determine eligibility for jury service by mailing to every prospective juror on the list a juror qualification form accompanied by instructions to fill out and return the form to the commissioners within 10 days after its receipt. The form shall elicit the information specified under s. 756.01, shall elicit the race of the prospective juror and shall contain a declaration that the responses are true to the best of the person's knowledge and an acknowledgment that upon a wilful misrepresentation of a material fact or failure to return the completed form within 10 days after its receipt the person may forfeit not more than $500. If the prospective juror is unable to fill out the form, another person may complete it and shall indicate that he or she has done so and the reason therefor. If it appears there is an omission, ambiguity or error in a returned form, the commissioners shall send the incomplete form back to the person with instructions to make the necessary addition, clarification or correction and to return the form to the commissioners within 10 days after its receipt.
756.04(2)(b)2. 2. Whoever wilfully misrepresents any material fact on a juror qualification form or fails to return the completed form within 10 days after its receipt may forfeit not more than $500.
756.04(2)(c) (c) A certified copy of the list, containing the name and the address and occupation of each person named in the list, shall be furnished to the clerk of circuit court, to be kept by him or her for the use of the courts and for public inspection. The name of each person listed shall be written by a commissioner on separate cards of like weight, size and color and measuring not more than 1 by 3 inches. All cards shall be placed in separate opaque envelopes of like weight, size and color and only large enough to admit the cards. The commissioners shall provide a master tumbler into which all the cards shall be placed. The tumbler shall have only one opening, and shall be kept locked at all times, except when the list is being revised or when the jury panel is being drawn therefrom. The tumbler shall be kept secure by the clerk of circuit court against unauthorized entry therein.
756.04(2)(d) (d) The commissioners shall furnish, upon periodic request of the sheriff, a current list of the names of persons available for jury duty in mental inquiries and reexaminations, inquests of the dead and for such other purposes as the sheriff is required by law to summon or select a jury.
This is an archival version of the Wis. Stats. database for 1995. See Are the Statutes on this Website Official?