Corporations, dissolution proceeding, claim180.1406 (2), 180.1407 (2)
Corporations, shareholder dissent180.1328 (2), 180.1330 (1)
Corporations, take-over, recovery of security552.21 (3)
Creditors' claims128.14
Dam, lien for damages related to31.26
Death, effect on cause of action859.15
Decedent's estate,
Contesting claim 859.33
Claim against859.01
Election of surviving spouse 861.11
Fraud of surviving spouse 861.17 (5)
Marital property agreement766.58 (13)
Tort claim against 859.45
Discrimination in employment, complaint 111.39 (1)
Drainage proceedings, appeals 88.09
Election, contesting, notice 13.23
Execution, after death of debtor815.14
Extradition of persons of unsound mind51.84
Family and Medical Leave Act, violations103.10 (13)
Felony prosecutions 939.74
Flood damage from milldam, action for31.33 (1)
Franchise investment, action to enforce553.51 (4)
Fraudulent representation, commercial100.18 (11) (b) 3.
Gambling, recovery of wagers895.056
Garnishment, reinstatement of employment 425.110
General relief, recovery49.08
Highways, alleys, defect in deed80.01 (4)
Housing discrimination106.04 (6) & (10)
Income tax, collection actions71.77
Insurance, action on policy 631.83
Insurance policy, absent insured 813.22
Insurance securities, recovery of insider profits611.31 (4)
Insurer liquidation, claim 645.47 (2), 645.49
Insurer rehabilitation 645.34
Limited liability company, claims against dissolved
companies183.0907 (3), 183.0908 (3)
Limited liability company, wrongful distribution183.0608 (3)
Marital property, claim against spouse 766.70 (1)
Medical and family leave law, violations 103.10 (13)
Medical malpractice, mediation request tolls655.44 (4)
Minor's estate, recovery of 786.50
Misdemeanor prosecutions 939.74
Monopoly, recovery of damages 133.18 (2)
Motor vehicle; extended warranty claims 218.017 (3)
Motor vehicle dealer; forfeiture for violation218.01 (8m)
Negotiable instruments403.118
Parental rights termination, motion for relief48.46 (2)
Partition 842.31
Personnel commission, appeals to 230.44 (4) (c)
Personnel commission orders, action to enforce230.44 (3)
Probate, action on fiduciary's bond878.07 (3)
Probate, distributees, actions against865.19
Probate, informal administration, fraud865.031
Probate, personal representatives, actions against865.18
Probate, spouses' rights in fraudulent transfers861.17 (5)
Probate, summary proceedings, claim 867.02 (4)
Property tax, collection action74.55
Public assistance, recovery of 49.08
Public improvements, action on bond779.14 (2)
Public improvements, notice of claim, lien779.15 (3)
Racketeering violations, civil or criminal actions946.88 (1)
Railroad, claim for overcharge195.37, 195.38
Real estate loan, 1st lien, customer action428.106 (4)
Real property, action for rent or profits843.09, 843.13 (1)
Real property conveyances, adverse claims706.09
Repeal, effect of 990.06, 991.07
Sales and use taxes, liability determinations77.59
Sales finance company; forfeiture for violation 218.01 (8m)
Savings and loan liquidation, claim in 215.32 (6) (a)
Securities violations, civil liabilities551.59 (5)
State public official interested in contract, action to void19.45 (6)
Statute of limitation, repeal, effect 990.06, 991.07
Tax certificate, voided75.20
Tax deed, action by grantee 75.26
Tax deed, action to bar previous owner75.39
Tax deed, application of all limitations 75.28
Tax deed, recovery by former owner75.27
Tax deed, void, ejectment action 75.29
Tax deed, void, recovery by original owner75.30
Ticket refunds134.22
Unclaimed property; generally Chs. 171, 177
Unclaimed property; museum loans 171.32
Unfair honesty testing, employment relations111.39 (1)
Unfair labor practice claim111.07 (14)
Victim's civil action against criminal 949.165 (10)
Victim's compensation, claim for949.08 (1)
Wards' estates, recovery786.50
Well contamination, tolling of limitations281.75 (15)
Worker's compensation claims102.12, 102.16, 102.17
Worker's compensation, 3rd party action102.29 (5)
This is an archival version of the Wis. Stats. database for 1995. See Are the Statutes on this Website Official?