(c) During its 2 most recent fiscal years, the business had, together with all of its consolidated affiliates, an average annual net income, after federal income taxes and excluding any carry-over losses, of not more than $2,000,000, as determined in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.
(d) The business has, together with its consolidated affiliates, a net worth that is not in excess of $5,000,000.
(e) The business is not predominantly engaged in professional services provided by accountants, lawyers or physicians.
(f) The business is not engaged in the development of real estate for resale.
(g) The business is not engaged in banking or lending and does not make any loans to, or investments in, certified capital companies.
(2) Department opinions and exceptions. A certified capital company may, prior to making an investment in a specific business, request a written opinion from the department that a business in which it proposes to invest is a qualified business. If the department determines that the business meets the requirements under sub. (1), the department shall issue a written opinion stating that the business is a qualified business.
560.34 Operation of certified capital companies. (1) Qualified investments requirements. In order for a certified capital company to prevent disqualification under s. 560.37 of an investment pool, the certified capital company shall ensure that the investment pool makes qualified investments in accordance with the schedule under sub. (1m). An investment is a qualified investment if the investment meets all of the following requirements:
(a) The investment is a cash investment in a qualified business for the purchase of any of the following:
1. An equity security of the qualified business.
2. A debt security of the qualified business if the debt has a maturity of at least 5 years and if one of the following conditions is met:
a. The debt is unsecured.
b. The debt is convertible into equity securities or equity participation instruments such as options or warrants.
(b) As a condition of the investment, the qualified business agrees not to use the proceeds from the investment for the purpose of relocating its operations.
(c) As a condition of the investment, the qualified business agrees, as long as the certified capital corporation continues to hold the investment, not to relocate its headquarters out of this state.
(d) As a condition of the investment, the qualified business agrees, as long as the certified capital corporation continues to hold the investment, to maintain at least 75% of its employes in this state.
(e) As a condition of the investment, the qualified business agrees, as long as the certified capital corporation continues to hold the investment, to maintain at least 75% of its employes at work sites that were maintained by the qualified business at the time that the investment was made, unless the qualified business obtains an exemption from the department under this paragraph. The department may grant an exemption unless it determines that the qualified business is locating the employes at new sites to take advantage of lower wage rates in the areas where the new sites are located.
(1m) Qualified investment schedule. (a) A certified capital company shall ensure that each of its investment pools makes qualified investments according to the following schedule:
1. Within 3 years after the investment date for a particular investment pool, at least 30% of the investment pool shall be placed in qualified investments.
2. Within 5 years after the investment date for a particular investment pool, at least 50% of the investment pool shall be placed in qualified investments.
(b) The proceeds of all capital of a qualified investment returned to a certified capital company by a qualified business may be placed in new qualified investments, which shall count toward the percentage requirements under par. (a) and s. 560.36 (3). The department shall promulgate rules governing the extent to which a reinvestment of proceeds from the sale of a qualified investment in a qualified business may be counted toward the percentage requirements under par. (a) and ss. 560.36 (3) and 560.37 (3m) (a) 2. These rules may provide that reinvested proceeds from the sale of short-term investments shall be only partially counted toward the percentage requirements under par. (a) and ss. 560.36 (3) and 560.37 (3m) (a) 2. The rules may also provide that proceeds from the sale of an investment in a qualified business that are reinvested in that qualified business, or an affiliate of that qualified business, shall be only partially counted toward the percentage requirements under par. (a) and ss. 560.36 (3) and 560.37 (3m) (a) 2.
(2) Nonqualified investments. All certified capital investments in a certified capital company that are not invested in qualified investments may be held or invested by the certified capital company as it considers appropriate, except that a certified capital company may not invest certified capital investments in an insurance company or in an affiliate of an insurance company.
(3) Diversification requirement. A certified capital company may not make a qualified investment in a person if, at the time of the investment, more than 15% of the total certified capital of the certified capital company would be invested in that person and affiliates of that person.
(4) Restrictions on management. No certified capital company may be managed or controlled by, or have a general partner that is, an insurance company or an affiliate of an insurance company.
560.35 Reporting requirements and fees. (1) Receipts of certified capital. As soon as practicable after the receipt of a certified capital investment, a certified capital company shall report all of the following to the department:
(a) The name of the certified investor from which the certified capital was received, including the certified investor's tax identification number.
(b) The amount of the certified capital investment.
(c) The date on which the certified capital investment was received by the certified capital company.
(d) The investment date for the investment pool of which the certified capital will be a part.
(1m) Violation of agreements by qualified businesses. As soon as practicable after the receipt of information by the certified capital company that a qualified business has violated an agreement made under s. 560.34 (1) (b) to (e), the certified capital company shall notify the department of the violation and the facts giving rise to the violation.
(2) Annual reports. On or before January 31 annually, a certified capital company shall report all of the following to the department:
(a) The amount of the certified capital company's certified capital at the end of the preceding year.
(b) Whether the certified capital company has invested more than 15% of its total certified capital in any one person.
(c) All qualified investments that the certified capital company has made during the previous calendar year and the investment pool from which each qualified investment was made.
(3) Financial statements. Within 90 days of the end of the certified capital company's fiscal year, the certified capital company shall provide to the department a copy of its annual audited financial statements, including the opinion of an independent certified public accountant. The audit shall address the methods of operation and conduct of the business of the certified capital company to determine whether the certified capital company is complying with this subchapter and the rules promulgated under this subchapter, including whether certified capital has been invested in the manner required under s. 560.34. The financial statements provided under this subsection shall be segregated by investment pool and shall be separately audited on that basis to allow the department to determine whether the certified capital company is in compliance with s. 560.34 (1m).
(4) Fees. On or before January 31 annually, a certified capital company shall pay a nonrefundable certification fee of $5,000 to the department, unless January 31 falls within 6 months of the date on which the certified capital company was certified under s. 560.31.
(5) Exemption from rights of inspection and copying. If the department determines that a document submitted by a certified capital company under this section contains a trade secret, as defined in s. 134.90 (1) (c) or a business secret, that document is not subject to the right of inspection and copying under s. 19.35.
560.36 Distributions. A certified capital company may make a distribution only if one of the following conditions is met:
(1) Qualified distribution. The distribution is a qualified distribution.
(2) Written determination. The department made a written determination that the distribution may be made without adversely affecting the ability of the certified capital company to place, in qualified investments, an amount equal to 100% of the certified capital in the investment pool from which the distribution is to be made.
(3) Placement of 100% of investments in qualified investments. The certified capital company has placed in qualified investments an amount equal to 100% of the certified capital investments in the investment pool.
(4) Debt payments. The distribution is a payment of principal or interest owed to a debt holder of a certified capital company, even if the debt holder is also a holder of equity and even if the indebtedness is a certified capital investment.
560.37 Compliance reviews; decertification; disqualification. (1) Annual compliance review. The department shall conduct an annual review of each certified capital company to determine if the certified capital company is complying with the requirements of this subchapter, to advise the certified capital company regarding the status of its investments as qualified investments and to ensure that no investment has been made in violation of this subchapter. The cost of the annual review shall be paid by each certified capital company according to a reasonable fee schedule adopted by the department.
(2) Disqualification of an investment pool. Any material violation of s. 560.34 (1m) is a ground for disqualification of the noncomplying investment pool. If the department determines that the certified capital company is not in compliance with s. 560.34 (1m) with respect to an investment pool, it shall send a written notice to the certified capital company and the commissioner of insurance stating that the investment pool has been disqualified.
(3) Decertification of a certified capital company. Any material violation of s. 560.34 (2), (3) or (4) or 560.35 (1), (2), (3) or (4) is a ground for decertification of the noncomplying certified capital company. If the department determines that the certified capital company is not in compliance with s. 560.34 (2), (3) or (4) or 560.35 (1), (2), (3) or (4), the department shall send a written notice to the certified capital company that the certified capital company may be subject to decertification in 120 days from the date on which the notice was mailed, unless the certified capital company brings itself into full compliance with ss. 560.34 (2), (3) or (4) and 560.35 (1), (2), (3) and (4). If at the end of the 120-day period the certified capital company is not in compliance with ss. 560.34 (2), (3) or (4) and 560.35 (1), (2), (3) and (4), the department shall send a notice to the certified capital company and the commissioner of insurance stating that the certified capital company has been decertified.
(3m) Voluntary decertification. (a) A certified capital company may voluntary decertify itself as a certified capital company if any of the following conditions are met:
1. It has been at least 10 years since the last certified capital investment was made in the certified capital company.
2. The certified capital company has placed in qualified investments an amount equal to 100% of the certified capital investment in the certified capital company.
(b) A certified capital company wishing to decertify itself under this subsection shall send a notice to the department certifying that it is eligible for decertification under par. (a). The decertification is effective on the date that the notice under this paragraph is received by the department.
(4) Effect of decertification. Decertification of a certified capital company or an investment pool has the effects specified in s. 76.635 (4).
(5) Notices to certified investors. The department shall notify a certified investor when the certified capital company tax credit arising from a certified investment is no longer subject to recapture and forfeiture under s. 76.635 (4).
560.38 Department evaluation of program. Beginning on March 31, 2000, and on March 31 of each even-numbered year thereafter, the department shall submit a report to the legislature under s. 13.172 (2) regarding the program under this subchapter. The report shall include all of the following:
(1) The total amount of certified capital investments made during the previous 2 calendar years, as well as the total amount of certified capital investments made since the effective date of this subsection .... [revisor inserts date].
(2) Statistical information on the qualified investments made by certified capital companies during the previous 2 calendar years.
(3) The department's assessment of the number of jobs created in this state during the previous 2 calendar years as a result of the certified capital company program under this subchapter.
215,4 Section 4 . Nonstatutory provisions.
(1) Rule making. The department of commerce shall submit in proposed form the rules required under sections 560.31 (1) and 560.34 of the statutes, as created by this act, to the legislative council staff under section 227.15 (1) of the statutes no later than the first day of the 4th month after the effective date of this subsection.
(2) Position authorizations. The authorized FTE positions for the department of commerce are increased by 2.0 PR positions to be funded from the appropriation under section 20.143 (1) (hm) of the statutes, for the purpose of administering the program under subchapter II of chapter 560.
215,6 Section 6 . Effective date.
(1f) This act takes effect on July 1, 1999.