(5) Records and reports. Each wild rice dealer shall keep a correct and complete book record in the English language form required by the department of all wild rice bought, sold or processed by the dealer during the period covered by the dealer's license showing the date of each transaction, the names and addresses of all other parties thereto to the transaction, and the amount of wild rice involved, whether raw or processed. Each such The record shall be open for inspection by the department or its agents at all reasonable times. All licensed wild rice dealers shall file such reports on their operations as wild rice dealers as are required by the department.
(6) Private waters. (a) Nothing in this section shall be construed as giving the this state of Wisconsin, or the department or its agents the right to control, regulate, manage or harvest wild rice growing on privately owned beds of flowages or ponds.
(b) No person shall, within the boundaries of this state, may use or cause to be used any mechanical device of any nature in the harvesting or gathering of wild rice.
(7) Penalties. Any person violating this section shall be punished pursuant to s. 29.99 29.971 (2) and (12).
248,595 Section 595 . 29.547 of the statutes is renumbered 29.611, and 29.611 (title), (1) (intro.), (4) (b) and (11), as renumbered, are amended to read:
29.611 (title) Ginseng protected Wild ginseng. (1) Definitions. (intro.) As used in In this section:
(4) (b) The dealer knows that the vendor has violated this section or a rule promulgated under this section.
(11) Penalty. A person who violates this section or a rule promulgated under this section shall forfeit not more than $500. A person who violates this section or a rule promulgated under this section within 3 years after conviction for a previous violation of this section or a rule promulgated under this section shall forfeit not more than $1,000.
248,596 Section 596 . 29.55 of the statutes, as affected by 1997 Wisconsin Act 27, is renumbered 29.857.
248,597 Section 597 . Subchapter VII (title) of chapter 29 [precedes 29.553] of the statutes is created to read:
Chapter 29
Subchapter VII
Approval fees and
effective periods
248,598 Section 598 . 29.555 of the statutes is renumbered 29.617.
248,599 Section 599 . 29.557 of the statutes is renumbered 29.089.
248,600 Section 600 . 29.56 of the statutes is renumbered 29.091 and amended to read:
29.091 (title) Game or Hunting or trapping in wildlife refuge. No person shall at any time or in any manner may hunt or trap within the boundaries of any game or wildlife refuge established pursuant to under s. 23.09 (2) (b) or 29.57 29.621, nor or have possession or control of therein, any gun or rifle , firearm, bow or crossbow unless the same gun or firearm is unloaded, the bow or crossbow is unstrung and the gun, firearm, bow or crossbow is enclosed within a carrying case. The taking of predatory game birds and animals shall be done as the department directs. All state game or wildlife refuge boundary lines shall be marked by posts placed at intervals of not over 500 feet and bearing signs with the words “Wisconsin Wildlife Refuge".
248,601 Section 601 . 29.563 of the statutes is created to read:
29.563 Fee schedule. (1) General. Unless specifically provided otherwise in this chapter, a person who applies for an approval shall pay the applicable fees specified in subs. (2) to (14).
(2) Hunting approvals. The fees for hunting approvals are as follows:
(a) Resident licenses. 1. Small game: $12.25.
2. Small game issued to a resident senior citizen: $5.25.
3. Small game issued to a member of the armed forces under s. 29.194 (3): $0.
4. Small game issued to 12-year-olds to 17-year-olds: $6.25.
5. Deer: $18.25.
6. Class A bear: $39.25.
7. Class B bear: $6.25.
8. Archer: $18.25.
9. Wild turkey: $9.25.
(b) Nonresident licenses. 1. Annual small game: $73.25.
2. Five-day small game: $41.25.
3. Deer: $133.25.
4. Class A bear: $199.25.
5. Class B bear: $98.25.
6. Archer: $133.25.
7. Fur-bearing animal: $148.25.
8. Wild turkey: $53.25.
(c) Resident permit. 1. Bonus deer: $12.
2. Bonus deer issued to a person under s. 29.181 (2m): $0.
(d) Nonresident permit. Bonus deer: $20.
(e) Stamps. 1. Wild turkey: $5.
2. Pheasant: $7.
3. Waterfowl: $6.75.
(3) Fishing approvals. The fees for fishing approvals are as follows:
(a) Resident licenses. 1. Annual: $13.25.
2. Annual fishing issued to a resident senior citizen: $6.25.
3. Husband and wife: $23.25.
4. Annual fishing license issued to 16-year-olds and 17-year-olds: $6.25.
5. Two-day sports fishing: $9.25.
6. Annual fishing issued to a member of the armed forces under s. 29.194 (2): $0.
7. Annual fishing issued to a disabled person under 29.193 (3): $6.25.
8. Annual fishing issued to a resident at Wisconsin Veterans Home at King: $0.
9. Annual fishing license issued to a disabled veteran under s. 29.219 (2) (c): $4.25.
(b) Nonresident licenses. 1. Annual: $33.25.
2. Annual family: $51.25.
3. Fifteen-day: $19.25.
4. Fifteen-day family: $29.25.
5. Four-day: $14.25.
6. Two-day sports: $9.25.
(c) Stamps. 1. Inland waters trout: $7.
2. Great Lakes trout and salmon: $7.
(d) Other. 1. Sturgeon spearing: $9.25.
2. One-day special fishing events: the fee as established by rule.
(4) Combination approvals. The fees for combination approvals are as follows:
(a) Resident licenses. 1. Sports: $41.25 or a greater amount at the applicant's option.
2. Conservation patron: $107.25 or a greater amount at the applicant's option.
(b) Nonresident licenses. 1. Sports: $248.25 or a greater amount at the applicant's option.
2. Conservation patron: $572.25 or a greater amount at the applicant's option.
(5) Guide and sport trolling approvals. The fees for guide and sport trolling approvals are as follows:
(a) Resident licenses. 1. Guide: $39.25.
2. Sport trolling: $100.
(b) Nonresident licenses. 1. Guide: $99.25.
2. Lake Michigan and Green Bay sport trolling: $400.
3. Lake Superior sport trolling: $400.
(6) Approvals for trapping, fur dealers and taxidermists. The fees for trapping, fur dealer, taxidermist and related approvals are as follows:
(a) Resident licenses. 1. Trapping: $17.25.
2. Class A fur dealer: $25.
3. Class B fur dealer: $10.
(b) Other licenses. 1. Itinerant fur buyer: $200.
2. Fur dresser or dyer: $25.
3. Fur auctioneer: $250.
(c) Resident permit. Taxidermist: $50.
(d) Nonresident permit. Taxidermist: $100.
(7) Commercial fishing, clamming and fish dealer approvals. The fees for commercial fishing, clamming and fish dealer approvals are as follows:
(a) Resident commercial fishing licenses. 1. Outlying waters: $899.25 for the first licensed boat and $899.25 for each additional licensed boat.
2. Outlying waters without boat: $899.25.
3. Rough fish harvest under contract under s. 29.417 or 29.421: $25 for the first licensed boat and $25 for each additional licensed boat.
4. Rough fish harvest under contract under s. 29.417 or 29.421 without a boat: $25.
(b) Nonresident commercial fishing licenses. 1. Outlying waters: $6,499.25 for the first licensed boat and $6,499.25 for each additional licensed boat.
2. Outlying waters without boat: $6,499.25.