To all to whom these presents shall come, greeting:
Know ye, that reposing special trust and confidence in the integrity and ability of ...., of the county of ...., we do hereby appoint and constitute .... a conservation warden (or county, or special conservation warden) for the (county of ....), state of Wisconsin, and do authorize and empower .... to execute and fulfill the duties of that office according to law, during good behavior and the faithful performance of the duties of that office.
In testimony whereof, the secretary has hereunto affixed the secretary's signature and the official seal of the department, at its office in the city of Madison, Wisconsin, this .... day of ...., 19.. .... (year).
(Seal) state of wisconsin
department of natural resources.
By .... ....
250,8 Section 8 . 59.64 (1) (d) 1. (form) of the statutes is amended to read:
59.64 (1) (d) 1. (form)
State of Wisconsin
In .... Court
Complaint for ....
Before ...., .... Judge.
Heard the .... day of ...., 19.. .... (year)
To the County Board of .... County:
I hereby certify that in the foregoing entitled action the following named persons rendered services therein, and attended before me in the capacity stated, and that they are severally entitled to the amounts specified below for the services, attendance and travel, and that the services were actually and necessarily rendered, and said action was prosecuted in good faith:
A.B. (constable or sheriff), actually and necessarily traveled in serving the .... herein, .... miles, and attended court .... days, and is entitled to .... dollars for other just and lawful services in the cause, and in all is entitled to .... dollars.
Dated this .... day of ...., 19.. .... (year)
250,9 Section 9 . 62.075 (3) (form) of the statutes is amended to read:
62.075 (3) (form) Notice is hereby given that the petition of .... will be heard by the circuit court of .... county, at the court house, in the city of ...., Wisconsin, on the .... day of ...., 19 .... (year), at .... M., or as soon thereafter as counsel can be heard. That said petition prays for the detachment of the following area of land from the city of .... and annexation to the town of ...., in accordance with section 62.075 of the Wisconsin statutes, which area of land is described as follows:
Dated ....
.... (Petitioner's attorney) ....
P.O. Address ....
250,10 Section 10 . 62.50 (13) (form) of the statutes is amended to read:
62.50 (13) (form) To the honorable board of fire and police commissioners:
Please take notice that I appeal from the order or decision of the chief of the .... department, discharging (or suspending) me from service, which order of discharge (or suspension) was made on the .... day of ...., 19.. .... (year).
250,11 Section 11 . 66.123 (form) of the statutes is amended to read:
66.123 (form)
.... County
In the .... court of the .... of ....
A. F., being duly sworn, says that on the .... day of ...., 19.. .... (year), in said county, in and upon certain premises in the (city, town or village) of .... and more particularly described as follows: (describe the premises) there now exists a necessity to determine if said premises comply with (section .... of the Wisconsin statutes) or (section .... of ordinances of said municipality) or both. The facts tending to establish the grounds for issuing a special inspection warrant are as follows: (set forth brief statement of reasons for inspection, frequency and approximate date of last inspection, if any, which shall be deemed probable cause for issuance of warrant).
Wherefore, the said A. F. prays that a special inspection warrant be issued to search such premises for said purpose.
...(Signed) A. F.
Subscribed and sworn to before me this .... day of ...., 19.. .... (year)
.... Judge of the .... Court.
Special Inspection Warrant
.... County
In the .... court of the .... of ....
The State of Wisconsin, To the sheriff or any constable or any peace officer of said county:
Whereas, A. B. has this day complained (in writing) to the said court upon oath that on the .... day of ...., 19.. .... (year), in said county, in and upon certain premises in the (city, town or village) of .... and more particularly described as follows: (describe the premises) there now exists a necessity to determine if said premises comply with (section .... of the Wisconsin statutes) or (section .... of ordinances of said municipality) or both and prayed that a special inspection warrant be issued to search said premises.
Now, therefore, in the name of the state of Wisconsin you are commanded forthwith to search the said premises for said purposes.
Dated this .... day of ...., 19.. .... (year),
.... Judge of the .... Court.
Indorsement on Warrant
Received by me ...., 19.. .... (year), at .... o'clock .... M.
.... Sheriff (or peace officer).
Return of Officer
.... Court
.... County.
I hereby certify that by virtue of the within warrant I searched the named premises and found the following things (describe findings).
Dated this .... day of ...., 19.. .... (year).
.... Sheriff (or peace officer).
250,12 Section 12 . 66.37 (2) (form) of the statutes is amended to read:
66.37 (2) (form)
State of Wisconsin,
County of ....
I, .... (designation of officer), do certify that .... has this day exhibited to me the head (or ears) of ...., which (he, she) claims to have killed in said (town, city, village), and that the head (or ears) of said .... was (were) destroyed in my presence, and that the said .... is on presentation of this certificate to the (town, city, village) clerk within 20 days from the date hereof, entitled to an order on the (town, city, village) treasurer for the sum of .... dollars, to be drawn from the general fund of said (town, city, village).
Dated this .... day of ...., 19.. .... (year).
.... (Designation of Officer) ....
250,13 Section 13 . 66.54 (6) (a) (form) of the statutes is amended to read:
66.54 (6) (a) (form)
$.... No. ....
(name of municipality)
Contractor's certificate
For construction of ....
(name of municipality)
Issued pursuant to
250,66 Section 66.54 (6) Wis. Stats.
We, the undersigned officers of the (name of municipality), hereby certify that (name and address of contractor) has performed the work of constructing .... in .... benefiting the following premises, to wit: (insert legal description) in the (name of municipality) .... County, Wisconsin, pursuant to a contract entered into by said (name of municipality) with the said (name of contractor), dated ...., and that .... entitled to the sum of .... dollars, being the unpaid balance due for said work chargeable to the property hereinabove described.
Now, therefore, If the said sum shall not be paid to the treasurer of (name of municipality) before the first day of December, next, the same shall be extended upon the tax roll of the (name of municipality) against the property above described as listed therein, and collected for, as provided by law.
This certificate is transferable by indorsement but such assignment or transfer shall be invalid unless the same shall be recorded in the office of the clerk of the (name of municipality) and the fact of such recording is indorsed on this certificate. The holder of this certificate shall have no claim upon the (Name of municipality) in any event, except from the proceeds of the special assessments levied for said work against the above described land.
This certificate shall bear interest from its date to January 1 next succeeding.
Given under our hands at (name of municipality), this .... day of ...., 19 .... (year)
.... ....
(Mayor, President, Chairperson)
.... ....
Clerk, (name of municipality)
Assignment record
Assigned by .... .... (Original Contractor) to .... .... (Name of Assignee) of .... (Address of Assignee) .... .... (Date and signature of clerk)
250,14 Section 14 . 70.44 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
70.44 (1) Real or personal property omitted from assessment in any of the 2 next previous years, unless previously reassessed for the same year or years, shall be entered once additionally for each previous year of such omission, designating each such additional entry as omitted for the year 19 .. .... (giving year of omission) and affixing a just valuation to each entry for a former year as the same should then have been assessed according to the assessor's best judgment, and taxes shall be apportioned, using the net tax rate as provided in s. 70.43, and collected on the tax roll for such entry. This section shall not apply to manufacturing property assessed by the department of revenue under s. 70.995.
250,15 Section 15 . 70.995 (12) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
70.995 (12) (a) The department of revenue shall prescribe a standard manufacturing property report form that shall be submitted annually for each real estate parcel and each personal property account on or before March 1 by all manufacturers whose property is assessed under this section. The report form shall contain all information deemed necessary by the department and shall include, without limitation, income and operating statements, fixed asset schedules and a report of new construction or demolition. Failure to submit the report shall result in denial of any right of redetermination by the state board of assessors or the tax appeals commission. If any property is omitted or understated in the assessment roll in any of the next 5 previous years, the assessor shall enter the value of the omitted or understated property once for each previous year of the omission or understatement. The assessor shall designate each additional entry as omitted or understated for the year 19.. .... (giving year of omission or understatement). The assessor shall affix a just valuation to each entry for a former year as it should have been assessed according to the assessor's best judgment. Taxes shall be apportioned and collected on the tax roll for each entry, on the basis of the net tax rate for the year of the omission, taking into account credits under s. 79.10, and interest shall be added at the rate of 0.0267% per day for the period of time between the date when the form is required to be submitted and the date when the assessor affixes the just valuation.