.... Return of Property
.... Confirmation, vacation, modification or correction of arbitration award
.... $........
If you wish to dispute this matter, you must then be in Room...., of the .... (County) County Courthouse, .... (address), .... (city), Wisconsin before .... o'clock (a.m.) (p.m.), on ...., 19.. .... (year). If you do not appear, a judgment may be given to the person suing you for what that person is asking.
You are encouraged to bring with you all papers and documents relating to this matter, but there is no need to bring witnesses at this time.
Dated at .... County, Wisconsin, this .... day of ...., 19.. .... (year).
Signed: .... ....
E. F., Clerk of Circuit Court
G. H., Plaintiff's Attorney
State Bar No.: ....
Address: ....
City, State Zip Code: ....
Phone No.: ....
250,32 Section 32 . 799.06 (3) (form) of the statutes is amended to read:
799.06 (3) (form)
A. B.
City, State Zip Code File No. ....
, Plaintiff
vs. C O M P L A I N T
C. D.
Address .... (Case Classification Type): .... (Code No.)
City, State Zip Code
, Defendant
For the Plaintiff's claim against Defendant, Plaintiff states that:
1. Plaintiff's injuries or losses occurred on or about .... (month and day), 19.. .... (year), and under the following circumstances (brief statement of the facts of plaintiff's claim):
2. Wherefore, Plaintiff demands judgment for (return of property) (confirmation, vacation, modification or correction of arbitration award) (the sum of $....) plus attorney fees, if any, costs of this suit and such other relief as the court deems proper.
Signed: ....
A. B., Plaintiff
E. F., Plaintiff's Attorney
State Bar No.: ....
Address: ....
City, State Zip Code: ....
Phone No.: ....
250,33 Section 33. 799.12 (6) (c) (form) of the statutes is amended to read:
799.12 (6) (c) (form)
....(Defendant's Name)
....(Defendant's Address, if known)
You are being sued by .... (plaintiff's name) in the small claims court for .... County, .... (room number, address and telephone number of the court). A hearing will be held at .... o'clock (a.m.) (p.m.), on ...., 19.. .... (year). If you do not appear, a judgment may be given to the person suing you. [A copy of the claim has been mailed to you at the address above.]
250,34 Section 34 . 799.16 (4) (a) (form) of the statutes is amended to read:
799.16 (4) (a) (form)
You are hereby notified that (an attachment) (a garnishment) has been issued against you and your property (attached) (garnisheed) to satisfy the demand of .... amounting to $ .....
Now, unless you shall appear in the circuit court, of .... County, located in the courthouse in .... (municipality), before Judge ...., or before any judge to whom the action may be assigned, on .... (date), at .... (time), judgment will be rendered against you and your property sold or applied to pay the debt as provided by law.
Dated .... , 19 .... (year)
.... Plaintiff
By .... Plaintiff's Attorney
250,35 Section 35 . 799.16 (4) (b) (form) of the statutes is amended to read:
799.16 (4) (b) (form)
You are hereby notified that a replevin action has been issued to recover the possession of the following described goods and chattels, to wit: .... of which I, the plaintiff, am entitled to possess, but which you have (unjustly taken) (unlawfully detained) from me.
Now, unless you shall appear in the circuit court, of .... County, located in the courthouse in .... (municipality), before Judge ...., or before any judge to whom the action may be assigned, on .... (date), at .... (time), judgment will be rendered against you for the delivery of said property to me and for damages for the (taking and) detention thereof and for costs.
Dated .... , 19 .... (year)
.... Plaintiff
By .... Plaintiff's Attorney
250,36 Section 36 . 799.16 (4) (c) (form) of the statutes is amended to read:
799.16 (4) (c) (form)
Take notice that an eviction action has been commenced against you to recover the possession of the following described premises ...., of which I, the plaintiff, am entitled to possession, but which you have unlawfully detained from me.
Unless you appear and defend on the .... day of ...., 19.. .... (year), at .... o'clock ..M., in the circuit court of .... county, located in the courthouse in the city of ...., before the Honorable ...., a Judge of said court, or before any judge to whom the action may be assigned, judgment may be rendered against you for the restitution of said premises and for costs.
Dated: ...., 19... .... (year)
.... Plaintiff
By .... Plaintiff's Attorney
250,37 Section 37 . 799.44 (4) (form) of the statutes is amended to read:
799.44 (4) (form)
(Venue and caption)
THE STATE OF WISCONSIN To the Sheriff of .... County:
The plaintiff, ...., of .... recovered a judgment against the defendant, ...., of ...., in an eviction action in the Circuit Court of .... County, on the .... day of ...., 19.. .... (year), to have restitution of the following described premises:
.... (description as in complaint), located in .... County, Wisconsin.
YOU ARE HEREBY COMMANDED To immediately remove the defendant, ...., from the said premises and to restore the plaintiff, ...., to the possession thereof. You are further commanded to remove from said premises all personal property not the property of the plaintiff, and to store and dispose of the same according to law, and to make due return of this writ within ten days.
Witness the Honorable ...., Judge of the said Circuit Court, this .... day of ...., 19.. .... (year)