343.30 (1q) (b) 4m. If there was a minor passenger under 16 years of age in the motor vehicle at the time of the violation that gave rise to the conviction under s. 346.63 (1) or a local ordinance in conformity with s. 346.63 (1), the applicable minimum and maximum suspension or revocation periods under subd. 2., 3. or 4. for the conviction are doubled.
84,23 Section 23 . 343.30 (1q) (c) 1. (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
343.30 (1q) (c) 1. (intro.) Except as provided in subd. 1. a. or b., the court shall order the person to submit to and comply with an assessment by an approved public treatment facility as defined in s. 51.45 (2) (c) for examination of the person's use of alcohol, controlled substances or controlled substance analogs and development of a driver safety plan for the person. The court shall notify the department of transportation of the assessment order. The court shall notify the person that noncompliance with assessment or the driver safety plan will result in license suspension revocation of the person's operating privilege until the person is in compliance. The assessment order shall:
84,24 Section 24 . 343.30 (1q) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
343.30 (1q) (d) The assessment report shall order compliance with a driver safety plan. The report shall inform the person of the fee provisions under s. 46.03 (18) (f). The driver safety plan may include a component that makes the person aware of the effect of his or her offense on a victim and a victim's family. The driver safety plan may include treatment for the person's misuse, abuse or dependence on alcohol, controlled substances or controlled substance analogs, or attendance at a school under s. 345.60, or both. If the plan requires inpatient treatment, the treatment shall not exceed 30 days. A driver safety plan under this paragraph shall include a termination date consistent with the plan which shall not extend beyond one year. The county department under s. 51.42 shall assure notification of the department of transportation and the person of the person's compliance or noncompliance with assessment and with treatment. The school under s. 345.60 shall notify the department, the county department under s. 51.42 and the person of the person's compliance or noncompliance with the requirements of the school. Nonpayment of the assessment fee or, if the person has the ability to pay, nonpayment of the driver safety plan fee is noncompliance with the court order. If the department is notified of any noncompliance, other than for nonpayment of the assessment fee or driver safety plan fee, it shall suspend revoke the person's operating privilege until the county department under s. 51.42 or the school under s. 345.60 notifies the department that the person is in compliance with assessment or the driver safety plan. If the department is notified that a person has not paid the assessment fee, or that a person with the ability to pay has not paid the driver safety plan fee, the department shall suspend the person's operating privilege for a period of 2 years or until it receives notice that the person has paid the fee, whichever occurs first. The department shall notify the person of the suspension or revocation, the reason for the suspension or revocation and the person's right to a review. A person may request a review of a suspension revocation based upon failure to comply with a driver safety plan within 10 days of notification. The review shall be handled by the subunit of the department of transportation designated by the secretary. The issues at the review are limited to whether the driver safety plan, if challenged, is appropriate and whether the person is in compliance with the assessment order or the driver safety plan. The review shall be conducted within 10 days after a request is received. If the driver safety plan is determined to be inappropriate, the department shall order a reassessment and if the person is otherwise eligible, the department shall reinstate the person's operating privilege. If the person is determined to be in compliance with the assessment or driver safety plan, and if the person is otherwise eligible, the department shall reinstate the person's operating privilege. If there is no decision within the 10-day period, the department shall issue an order reinstating the person's operating privilege until the review is completed, unless the delay is at the request of the person seeking the review.
84,25 Section 25 . 343.30 (1z) of the statutes is amended to read:
343.30 (1z) If a court imposes a driver improvement surcharge under s. 346.655 and the person fails to pay the surcharge within 60 days after the date by which the court ordered the surcharge to be paid, the court may suspend the person's operating privilege until the person pays the surcharge, except that the suspension period may not exceed 5 2 years. Any period of suspension under this subsection is subject to sub. (1q) (h).
84,26 Section 26 . 343.30 (2d) of the statutes is amended to read:
343.30 (2d) A court may suspend or revoke a person's operating privilege upon conviction of any offense specified under ss. 940.225, 948.02, 948.025 and 948.07, if the court finds that it is inimical to the public safety and welfare for the offender to have operating privileges. The suspension or revocation shall be for one year or until discharge from prison or jail sentence or probation or parole with respect to the offenses specified, whichever date is later. Receipt of a certificate of discharge from the department of corrections or other responsible supervising agency, after one year has elapsed since the suspension or revocation, entitles the holder to reinstatement of operating privileges. The holder may be required to present the certificate to the secretary if the secretary deems necessary.
84,27 Section 27 . 343.30 (2g) of the statutes is created to read:
343.30 (2g) A court may suspend or revoke a person's operating privilege for any period not exceeding one year upon conviction of that person for violating s. 346.67, 346.68 or 346.69. This subsection does not apply to circumstances that require the department to revoke a person's operating privilege under s. 343.31 (1) (d) or (3) (i) or (j).
84,28 Section 28 . 343.30 (2m) of the statutes is amended to read:
343.30 (2m) A court may suspend a person's operating privilege upon such person's first conviction of the person for violating s. 346.93 and may revoke a person's operating privilege upon such person's second or subsequent conviction for violating s. 346.93. Such suspension or revocation shall be for a period of not less than 30 days nor more than one year.
84,29 Section 29 . 343.30 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
343.30 (3) The court that ordered the issuance of an occupational license under sub. (4) s. 343.10 (4) (b) may revoke withdraw the order to issue the license whenever the court, upon the facts, does not see fit to permit the licensee to retain the occupational license. The revocation shall be for a period of one year Upon receiving notice that a court has withdrawn its order to issue an occupational license, the department shall cancel that license.
84,30 Section 30 . 343.30 (6) (b) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
343.30 (6) (b) (intro.) If a court imposes suspension or revocation of a person's operating privilege under s. 125.07 (4) (c) or 938.344 (2), (2b) or (2d), the suspension or revocation imposed shall be one of the following:
84,31 Section 31 . 343.30 (6) (b) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:
343.30 (6) (b) 3. For a violation committed within 12 months of 2 or more previous violations, revocation suspension for not more than 2 years.
84,32 Section 32 . 343.30 (6) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
343.30 (6) (c) Except as provided by par. (d), the suspension or revocation of the operating privilege under this subsection shall commence on the date of disposition.
84,33 Section 33 . 343.30 (6) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
343.30 (6) (d) If the person subject to suspension or revocation under this subsection does not hold a valid license under this chapter other than a license under s. 343.07 or 343.08 on the date of disposition, the suspension or revocation under par. (b) shall commence on the date that such a license would otherwise be reinstated or issued after the person applies and qualifies for issuance or 2 years from the date of disposition, whichever occurs first.
84,34 Section 34 . 343.30 (6) (e) of the statutes is repealed.
84,35 Section 35 . 343.305 (10) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
343.305 (10) (d) The assessment report shall order compliance with a driver safety plan. The report shall inform the person of the fee provisions under s. 46.03 (18) (f). The driver safety plan may include a component that makes the person aware of the effect of his or her offense on a victim and a victim's family. The driver safety plan may include treatment for the person's misuse, abuse or dependence on alcohol, controlled substances or controlled substance analogs, attendance at a school under s. 345.60, or both. If the plan requires inpatient treatment, the treatment shall not exceed 30 days. A driver safety plan under this paragraph shall include a termination date consistent with the plan which shall not extend beyond one year. The county department under s. 51.42 shall assure notification of the department of transportation and the person of the person's compliance or noncompliance with assessment and treatment. The school under s. 345.60 shall notify the department, the county department under s. 51.42 and the person of the person's compliance or noncompliance with the requirements of the school. Nonpayment of the assessment fee or, if the person has the ability to pay, nonpayment of the driver safety plan fee is noncompliance with the court order. If the department is notified of noncompliance, other than for nonpayment of the assessment fee or driver safety plan fee, it shall suspend revoke the person's operating privilege until the county department under s. 51.42 or the school under s. 345.60 notifies the department that the person is in compliance with assessment or the driver safety plan. If the department is notified that a person has not paid the assessment fee, or that a person with the ability to pay has not paid the driver safety plan fee, the department shall suspend the person's operating privilege for a period of 2 years or until it receives notice that the person has paid the fee, whichever occurs first. The department shall notify the person of the suspension or revocation, the reason for the suspension or revocation and the person's right to a review. A person may request a review of a suspension revocation based upon failure to comply with a driver safety plan within 10 days of notification. The review shall be handled by the subunit of the department of transportation designated by the secretary. The issues at the review are limited to whether the driver safety plan, if challenged, is appropriate and whether the person is in compliance with the assessment order or the driver safety plan. The review shall be conducted within 10 days after a request is received. If the driver safety plan is determined to be inappropriate, the department shall order a reassessment and if the person is otherwise eligible, the department shall reinstate the person's operating privilege. If the person is determined to be in compliance with the assessment or driver safety plan, and if the person is otherwise eligible, the department shall reinstate the person's operating privilege. If there is no decision within the 10-day period, the department shall issue an order reinstating the person's operating privilege until the review is completed, unless the delay is at the request of the person seeking the review.
84,36 Section 36 . 343.307 (1) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:
343.307 (1) (intro.) The court shall count the following to determine the length of a revocation or suspension under s. 343.30 (1q) (b) and to determine the penalty under s. 346.65 (2):
84,37 Section 37 . 343.31 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
343.31 (1) (b) Upon the 2nd or any subsequent conviction for operation of a motor vehicle while under the influence of an intoxicant, controlled substance, controlled substance analog or a combination thereof, under the influence of any other drug to a degree which renders him or her incapable of safely driving, or under the combined influence of an intoxicant and any other drug to a degree which renders him or her incapable of safely driving, in accordance with the order of the court. This paragraph does not apply to a law of a federally recognized American Indian tribe or band in this state.
84,38 Section 38 . 343.31 (1) (e) of the statutes is renumbered 343.31 (2r) and amended to read:
343.31 (2r) Perjury The department shall suspend a person's operating privilege upon receiving a record of conviction showing that the person has been convicted of perjury or the making of a false affidavit or the making of a false statement or certification to the department under this chapter or any other law relating to the ownership or operation of motor vehicles.
84,39 Section 39 . 343.31 (1) (h) of the statutes is repealed.
84,40 Section 40 . 343.31 (1) (hm) of the statutes is created to read:
343.31 (1) (hm) A violation of s. 343.44 (1) (a), (b) or (d), or a local ordinance in conformity therewith, if the person has been convicted of 3 or more prior violations of s. 343.44 (1) (a), (b) or (d) or a local ordinance in conformity therewith within the 5-year period preceding the violation. Revocation under this paragraph shall be for a period of 6 months unless a lesser period of revocation is ordered under s. 343.30 (1g) (b).
84,41 Section 41 . 343.31 (1m) of the statutes is repealed.
84,42 Section 42 . 343.31 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
343.31 (2) The department shall revoke or suspend, respectively, the operating privilege of any resident upon receiving notice of the conviction of such person in another jurisdiction for an offense therein which, if committed in this state, would have been cause for revocation or suspension under this section or for revocation under s. 343.30 (1q). Such offenses shall include violation of any law of another jurisdiction that prohibits use of a motor vehicle while intoxicated or under the influence of a controlled substance or controlled substance analog, or a combination thereof, or with an excess or specified range of alcohol concentration, or under the influence of any drug to a degree that renders the person incapable of safely driving, as those or substantially similar terms are used in that jurisdiction's laws. Upon receiving similar notice with respect to a nonresident, the department shall revoke or suspend, respectively, the privilege of the nonresident to operate a motor vehicle in this state. Such suspension or revocation shall not apply to the operation of a commercial motor vehicle by a nonresident who holds a valid commercial driver license issued by another state.
84,43 Section 43 . 343.31 (2m) of the statutes is amended to read:
343.31 (2m) The department may suspend or revoke, respectively, the operating privilege of any resident upon receiving notice of the conviction of that person of under a law of another jurisdiction or a federally recognized American Indian tribe or band in this state for an offense which, if the person had committed the offense in this state and been convicted of the offense under the laws of this state, would have permitted suspension or revocation of the person's operating privilege under s. 343.30 (1g). Upon receiving similar notice with respect to a nonresident, the department may suspend or revoke the privilege of the nonresident to operate a motor vehicle in this state. The suspension or revocation shall not apply to the operation of a commercial motor vehicle by a nonresident who holds a valid commercial driver license issued by another state. A suspension or revocation under this subsection shall be for any period not exceeding 6 months.
84,44 Section 44 . 343.31 (2u) of the statutes is created to read:
343.31 (2u) The department shall suspend the operating privilege of a person who has been issued an occupational license upon receiving a record of conviction showing that the person has been convicted of any of the following offenses.
(a) Any offense that may be counted under s. 351.02 (1) (a), other than s. 351.02 (1) (a) 5.
(b) Exceeding by 20 or more miles per hour any lawful or posted maximum speed limit.
(c) Participating in any race or speed or endurance contest.
84,45 Section 45 . 343.31 (3) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
343.31 (3) (b) If the suspension revocation results from a first conviction of operation of a motor vehicle while under the influence of an intoxicant, controlled substance, controlled substance analog or a combination thereof, under the influence of any other drug to a degree which renders him or her incapable of safely driving, or under the combined influence of an intoxicant and any other drug to a degree which renders him or her incapable of safely driving and the conviction occurs in another jurisdiction, the period of suspension revocation shall be 6 months.
84,46 Section 46 . 343.31 (3) (bm) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
343.31 (3) (bm) 1. The department shall suspend or revoke the person's operating privilege under this paragraph according to the number of previous suspensions, revocations or convictions that would be counted under s. 343.307 (1). Suspensions, revocations and convictions arising out of the same incident shall be counted as one. If a person has a conviction, suspension or revocation for any offense that is counted under s. 343.307 (1), that conviction, suspension or revocation shall count as a prior conviction, suspension or revocation under this subdivision.
84,47 Section 47 . 343.31 (3) (bm) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:
343.31 (3) (bm) 2. Except as provided in subd. 3., 4. or 4m., for the first conviction, the department shall suspend revoke the person's operating privilege for not less than 6 months nor more than 9 months. If an Indian tribal court in this state suspends revokes the person's privilege to operate a motor vehicle on tribal lands for not less than 6 months nor more than 9 months for the conviction specified in par. (bm) (intro.), the department shall impose the same period of suspension revocation. The person is eligible for an occupational license under s. 343.10 at any time.
84,48 Section 48 . 343.31 (3) (bm) 4m. of the statutes is amended to read:
343.31 (3) (bm) 4m. If the Indian tribal court that convicted the person determined that there was a minor passenger under 16 years of age in the motor vehicle at the time of the incident that gave rise to the conviction, the applicable minimum and maximum suspension or revocation periods under subd. 2., 3. or 4. for the conviction are doubled.
84,49 Section 49. 343.31 (3) (g) of the statutes is repealed.
84,50 Section 50 . 343.31 (3) (h) of the statutes is repealed.
84,51 Section 51 . 343.31 (4) of the statutes is repealed.
84,52 Section 52 . 343.315 (1) (a) of the statutes is repealed.
84,53 Section 53 . 343.315 (1) (b) of the statutes is renumbered 343.315 (1) and amended to read:
343.315 (1) (title) General Employer responsibility. An employer may not allow, permit or authorize a driver who is disqualified to operate a commercial motor vehicle during a period of disqualification after March 31, 1992. An employer who knowingly violates this paragraph subsection shall be fined not more than $5,000 or imprisoned for not more than 90 days or both. An employer who negligently violates this paragraph subsection shall forfeit not more than $2,500.
84,54 Section 54 . 343.32 (1) (b) of the statutes is renumbered 343.32 (1s) and amended to read:
343.32 (1s) Such The secretary shall suspend the operating privilege of any person who has been convicted under state law or under a local ordinance which is in conformity therewith or under a law of a federally recognized American Indian tribe or band in this state which is in conformity with state law of altering the person's license, loaning the person's license to another or unlawfully or fraudulently using or permitting an unlawful or fraudulent use of a license.
84,55 Section 55 . 343.32 (1) (d) of the statutes is repealed.
84,56 Section 56 . 343.32 (1m) (b) (intro.), 2. and 3. of the statutes are amended to read:
343.32 (1m) (b) (intro.) The secretary shall suspend or revoke a person's operating privilege for not less than 6 months nor more than 5 years whenever notice has been received of the conviction of such person under federal law or the law of a federally recognized American Indian tribe or band in this state or the law of another jurisdiction for any offense therein which, if the person had committed the offense in this state and been convicted of the offense under the laws of this state, would have required suspension or revocation of such person's operating privilege under s. 961.50. The person is eligible for an occupational license under s. 343.10 as follows:
2. For a 2nd conviction within a 5-year period, after the first 60 days of the suspension or revocation period.
3. For a 3rd or subsequent conviction within a 5-year period, after the first 90 days of the suspension or revocation period.
84,57 Section 57 . 343.32 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
343.32 (2) (a) The secretary may suspend or revoke a person's operating privilege if the person appears by the records of the department to be a habitually reckless or negligent operator of a motor vehicle or to have repeatedly violated any of the state traffic laws, any local ordinance enacted under ch. 349 or any traffic laws enacted by a federally recognized American Indian tribe or band in this state if the tribal traffic laws violated strictly conform to provisions in chs. 341 to 348 or, if the offense occurred on a federal military installation located in this state, any federal law which is in strict conformity with a state traffic law. For the purpose of determining when to suspend or revoke an operating privilege under this subsection, the secretary may determine and adopt by rule a method of weighing traffic convictions by their seriousness and may, subject to the limitations in this subsection, change such weighted scale as experience or the accident frequency in the state makes necessary or desirable.
84,58 Section 58 . 343.32 (2) (bg) of the statutes is amended to read:
343.32 (2) (bg) The scale adopted by the secretary shall assign, for each conviction, 6 3 demerit points for operating a commercial motor vehicle while disqualified, revoked, suspended or out-of-service under s. 343.44 or a local ordinance in conformity therewith.
84,59 Section 59 . 343.32 (2) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
343.32 (2) (c) In order for the secretary to suspend or revoke an operating privilege under this subsection, the operator must have accumulated 12 demerit points in any 12-month period.
84,60 Section 60 . 343.32 (2) (g) of the statutes is repealed.
84,61 Section 61 . 343.32 (6) of the statutes is amended to read:
343.32 (6) There shall be no minimum waiting period before issuance of an occupational license under s. 343.10 to a person whose operating privilege has been suspended or revoked under sub. (2) if the person is otherwise eligible for issuance of an occupational license.
84,62 Section 62 . 343.38 (1) (c) of the statutes is renumbered 343.38 (1) (c) 1. and amended to read:
343.38 (1) (c) 1. Unless 3 years have elapsed since the expiration of the period of revocation Except as provided in subd. 2., files and maintains with the department proof of financial responsibility in the amount, form and manner specified in ch. 344. Such proof of financial responsibility shall be maintained at all times during such 3-year period when the license is in effect. This subdivision does not apply after 3 years have elapsed since the expiration of the period of revocation.
2. No such proof under subd. 1. shall be required for a any of the following:
a. A vehicle subject to the requirements of s. 121.53, 194.41 or 194.42 or a.
b. A vehicle owned by or leased to the United States, this state or any county or municipality of this state.
84,63 Section 63 . 343.38 (1) (c) 2. c. and d. of the statutes are created to read:
343.38 (1) (c) 2. c. Reinstatement of an operating privilege revoked under s. 343.30 (1q) (b) 2. or (d), 343.305 (10) (d) or 343.31 (3) (b) or (bm) 2.
d. Reinstatement of an operating privilege revoked under s. 343.31 (1) (b) or (2) if, within the 5-year period preceding the violation, the person has not been convicted of a prior offense that may be counted under s. 343.307 (2) and if, within the 10-year preceding the violation, the person has not been convicted of 2 or more prior offenses that may be counted under s. 343.307 (2).
84,64 Section 64 . 343.38 (2) of the statutes, as affected by 1997 Wisconsin Act 27, is amended to read:
343.38 (2) Reinstatement of nonresident's operating privilege after revocation by Wisconsin. A nonresident's operating privilege revoked pursuant to under the laws of this state is reinstated as a matter of law when the period of revocation has expired and such nonresident obtains a valid operator's license issued by the jurisdiction of the nonresident's residence and pays the fee specified in s. 343.21 (1) (j).
84,65 Section 65 . 343.38 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
343.38 (3) Reinstatement after suspension. Except as provided in s. 343.10, the department shall not issue a license to a person whose operating privilege has been duly suspended while the suspension remains in effect. Upon the expiration of the period of suspension, the person's operating privilege is automatically reinstated as provided in s. 343.39.
84,66 Section 66 . 343.39 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
343.39 (1) (a) When, in the case of a suspended operating privilege, the period of suspension has terminated and, the reinstatement fee specified in s. 343.21 (1) (j) has been paid to the department and, for reinstatement of an operating privilege suspended under ch. 344, the person files with the department proof of financial responsibility, if required, in the amount, form and manner specified under ch. 344.