"Act" at the end of an entry refers to one of the 1997 Wisconsin Acts (e.g., "Act 27" is a reference to
1997 WisAct 27). Any number preceded by "JR-" is a reference to an enrolled Joint Resolution deposited with the Secretary of State. The reference "SCO" indicates a change in a statutory court rule, effective beginning on the date shown, made by Supreme Court Order.
Table of Contents
Abortion-related activities funded with public funds prohibited; family planning definition revision [Sec. 760f, 1528ym, 1529c, 1595j, k, 1701m, 1857f, 1861d, 1883m, 1942e, 1967d, 1968s, 1973t, 2169f-h, 2198r-t, 2768k, 2782j, 3404m, 3436f-3437hj, 3447Lm-mn, 9356 (4g)] -
Act 27
Abortion-related activities funded with public funds: prohibition to apply to certain program, project or service using public funds and engaging in prohibited activities [Sec. 57w, x] -
Act 237
Induced abortion report revision [Sec. 2227r, 9356 (3f)] -
Act 27
Partial-birth abortions prohibited, exception to save life of woman; violators sentenced to life imprisonment; liability provisions -
Act 219
Printed materials required to be given to a woman prior to abortion: county department authority to charge fee removed; information re family planning [Sec. 1446L, m, 3451t-3452s]
Act 27
CHIPS substitute care provider revisions re TPR hearings and child's HIV test results -
Act 80
Community AODA and HIV services programs; foster grandparent funding revision [Sec. 590m, 600m, 604, 1411, 1505, 1506, 1524, 2131, 2132, 2142, 2709m, 2733m-2738m, 2745ag, ar, 2847, 3406, 3407] -
Act 27
Health insurance premium subsidies: eligibility expanded [Sec. 3409-3425, 3427-3431] -
Act 27
HIV, AIDS or sexually transmitted disease: penalty enhancement for serious sex crime offenders infected with
Act 276
HIV infection and certain other diseases: laws revised re testing of certain defendants found not guilty by reason of mental disease or not competent to proceed -
Act 182
HIV positive test result: physician may report to state epidemiologist names of persons significantly exposed
Act 54
Petenwell lake harbor and boat launching facilities: recreational boating project funding; percentage matching requirements [Sec. 9137 (8tv)] -
Act 27
Brownfields grant program created; memorandum of understanding required [Sec. 186c, 202m, 4351, 9110 (2), (3), (4)] -
Act 27
Budget comparison requirements [Sec. 105p-t] [vetoed] -
College tuition prepayment program appropriation made continuing; DOA to repay general fund [Sec. 102, 692, 9201 (1)] -
Act 27
College tuition prepayment program revised -
Act 158
Community development block grant housing program: rules re applicant eligibility to receive funds [Sec. 102pr]
Act 27
Contaminated property re land recycling loan program [Sec. 294, 864, 889, 3534, 3552, 3560, 3569, 3649, 3684, 3690, 3715, 3716, 3721] [3569 — partial veto]
Act 27
Contaminated property re land recycling loan program: application deadlines [Sec. 481e-g] -
Act 237
Corr.Dept information system reengineering; JCIP approval required [Sec. 9132 (1k)] [vetoed]
Country of origin for state vehicles [Sec. 117s, 9301 (1m)] [vetoed] -
Delinquent taxes: DORL license denial, suspension, revocation or nonrenewal for; licensing departments to enter into memorandum of understanding with DOR; SSN and federal employer ID provisions [for section numbers, see entry under ``Income tax — Delinquent"] -
Act 237
Depository selection board abolished; State treasurer duties expanded [Sec. 26m, 50m, 744e-747m, 840m, 1150c-x, 4291t, 4677m, 9101 (13m)] [vetoed] -
DHFS information services employe positions transferred to DOA [Sec. 9123 (8)] -
Act 27
DOA gasohol and alternative fuels report modified (remedial legislation) -
Act 73
Drug crime prosecutions in Milwaukee and Dane counties: DOA funding to OJA for DA positions [Sec. 9101 (3), (4)] -
Act 27
Drug law enforcement and strategic intelligence unit: transfer of moneys to DOJ [Sec. 687] -
Act 27
Efficiency measures requirement for certain executive branch agencies [Sec. 9156 (6ng)] -
Act 27
Energy conservation audits and related construction projects in state-owned buildings; energy savings performance contracting repealed [Sec. 124m, 126-130, 131, 234, 243, 244, 245, 248, 271, 508, 647, 665, 686, 759]
Act 27
Facility licensing and certification system: DHFS to develop; DOA Secretary may withhold approval of funding re DORL input [Sec. 9123 (7)] -
Act 27
Facility operation and maintenance: DOA appropriation lapse [Sec. 9201 (2)] -
Act 27
Federal grant application processing appropriation repealed [Sec. 670p] -
Act 27
Food stamp program eligibility revised; distribution methods expanded; simplified food stamp program to be developed [Sec. 1742, 1744-1749, 1751b, c, 1752, 1755m, 1794-1796, 1801m] -
Act 27
Gaming board abolished, functions transferred to DOA; Division of gaming created; authority over state lottery transferred to DOR [for section numbers, see entry under ``Gambling"] -
Act 27
General fund temporary borrowing limit and appropriation schedule [Sec. 21, 22] [22 — partial veto]
Act 237
Hearings and appeals, Division of: conduct of hearings for state agencies on fee bases permitted; fee revision [Sec. 685, 3279-3281] -
Act 27
Income augmentation services receipts expenditure: DOA to submit plan to JCF for approval -
Act 86
Indian gaming regulation: funding increased [Sec. 9201 (2)] -
Act 237
Information systems technology oversight [Sec. 7m, 10s, 143n, 9101 (11g)] [143n, 9101 (11g) — vetoed]
Act 27
Information technology, Council on, eliminated [Sec. 10rm, 54mm, 148e, 1346g] -
Act 27
Information technology development projects; services appropriation structure and lapse [Sec. 143r-146s, 666m, n, 670r, 740c-j, 9201 (3x), 9401 (3g)] [670r — vetoed]
Act 27
Information technology strategic plan updates [Sec. 143m] -
Act 27
Information technology strategic plans of state executive branch agencies [Sec. 143] -
Act 27
Land information board and Wisconsin land council restructured; memorandum of understanding, report and sunset provision [Sec. 44, 51, 55, 97, 133am-142am, 666g, h, p, q, 669, 669am, 672, 672m, 682ad-684ad, 769ad, 774am, 775am, 1156ad, 1164ad, 2164am-e, 2175aj-c, 2489ad, 9101 (1), (2), (11m), 9456 (3m)] [133c — partial veto]
Act 27
Literacy improvement: Governor authorized to make grants; state to solicit bids and contract with an organization to distribute free books; gifts and donations to help fund program [Sec. 22, 100m, 666nm, 667m, 668p, 698, 9101 (11h)]
Act 27
Lobbying laws revised re principal reporting and registration requirements; Ethics board to make information available, fee authorized; DOA support provided -
Act 186
Major highway development finance plan and revenue bonding policy considerations [Sec. 2485m] [vetoed]
Midwestern higher education act appropriations consolidated; Council of state governments provision [Sec. 28, 29, 678, 679, 716p] -
Act 27
Mobile home dealers and salespersons: certain PR appropriation repealed [Sec. 688, 689] -
Act 27
Nash auto museum project funding; DOA to approve [Sec. 9107 (12zt)] [partial veto] -
Act 27
Nonpayment of support: DOA, DHFS and DOT may deny, suspend or revoke licenses; SSN, subpoena or warrant provisions -
Act 191
Operating notes issuance: JCF passive review [Sec. 103-105] -
Act 27
Pari-mutuel wagering regulation funding [Sec. 9201 (1)] -
Act 237
Plat and boundary review functions transferred from Comm.Dept to DOA [Sec. 199, 206, 2186-2188, 2190-2194, 2235, 2236, 3391-3393, 9110 (1)] -
Act 27
Presentence investigation report for persons under age 21; delinquency adjudications; DA request for assistance; state agency records and forms management annual report; DOA gasohol and alternative fuels report (remedial legislation)
Act 73
Public libraries: laws revised; report and plan provisions; DOA, DLCL and State superintendent duties specified
Act 150
Public works projects: payment and performance assurance requirements revised [Sec. 319, 609-627, 9356 (2)]
Act 237
Residential schools: funding for maintenance; State superintendent duties set; maintenance funding removed, supplemental funding [Sec. 9132 (2r), 9140 (1)]
Act 27
Safe drinking water changes [for section numbers and vetoes, see entry under ``Water supply"] -
Act 27
School aid determination: amount for 1998-99 fiscal year specified; JCF to set thereafter; date for estimate by DOA and LFB revised [Sec. 28, 368y, 369, 727p]
Act 237
Sesquicentennial commission supplemental appropriation [Sec. 38g, gm, 48r, s, 9101 (1x), 9128 (1x), 9448 (1f)]
Act 237
Snowmobile pari-mutuel wagering provisions [Sec. 4549m, 4663e-r] -
Act 27
State master lease program: report by DOA required [Sec. 123mk] [vetoed] -
State publications sponsorship: standards for [Sec. 123n, r] [vetoed] -
Stationery of state agencies for outside correspondence: telephone and fax numbers and e-mail address required
Act 212
Tour.Dept may acquire excess or surplus DOA and DOT property [Sec. 118, 149, 459, 1327, 2472, 2473] [459, 1327 — partial veto] -
Act 27
Transportation infrastructure loan and assistance program created; JCF duties [Sec. 485-490, 836, 852, 855, 2485]
Act 27
Trust lands and investment, Division of, transferred from State treasurer to DOA; separate appropriation created [Sec. 25, 26, 693, 708, 710, 711, 9150 (1)] -
Act 27
Unbudgeted increases in compensation, fringe benefits and related adjustments; JCF passive review [Sec. 9101 (13n)] -
Act 27
U.W. center system moveable equipment: DOA may not require Regents to acquire under a master lease [Sec. 123m] [vetoed] -
U.W. real estate: DOA to contract with private firm for study of value-based approach to management; to include analysis of class scheduling [Sec. 9101 (13g)]
Act 27
Wisconsin promise challenge grant program created; National and community service board duties specified [Sec. 4w, x, 48g, h, 9101 (1z), 9401 (1z)] -
Act 237