Restaurant definition exception re concession stand at local sporting events [Sec. 3473m] -
Act 27
Transportation aids to professional baseball park district; sunset provided [Sec. 470, 470m, 2486, 2486ag, 9449 (5n)]
Act 27
University food contracts: sales tax exemption; provision re national football league team [Sec. 2393nq, 9343 (8w)] [2393nq — partial veto] -
Act 27
Delinquent taxes: state bar membership license denied or suspended for; SSN and memorandum of understanding provisions [Sec. 604, 9145 (1)] -
Act 237
Indian reservation disputes: Governor to employ special counsel [Sec. 4n] [vetoed] -
Minnesota-Wisconsin student reciprocity re University of Minnesota Law school [Sec. 1310m, 9356 (7g)]
Act 27
Nonpayment of support: state bar membership license denied or suspended for; SSN, memorandum of understanding and subpoena or warrant provisions -
Act 191
DA request for assistance from other DA or assistant AG expanded (remedial legislation) -
Act 73
Hospitals for sale or lease: regulations established in certain cases; application requirements created; AG, DHFS and OCI duties specified -
Act 93
Telecommunication services: enforcement of interconnection agreements by the PSC; protections for users, AG provision; study required -
Act 218
Auction of personal farm property or household goods: sales tax exemption revised [Sec. 313cm] [vetoed]
Aeronautics, Council on, eliminated [Sec. 84g] -
Act 27
Aviation fuel purchase: allowance re petroleum inspection fee [Sec. 720, 3118, 3119, 3120, 3121, 9310 (7)]
Act 27
Aviation fuel tax computation revision [Sec. 2434b] -
Act 27
Aviation fuel tax computation: technical correction re 1997 Wis Act 27 -
Act 41
Helicopter support services for Milwaukee county [Sec. 46r, 393sm, t] -
Act 237
Bank trust fund provision re 1995 WisAct 273 reinstated (Revisor's correction bill) -
Act 138
Banking laws revised re definition of capital and nondiscrimination rules for ATMs [Sec. 3254m, 3255]
Act 27
Banking revisions re in-state branch of out-of-state bank and out-of-state state bank regulations, examinations, capital stock, corrections re 1995 WisAct 336 and action without meeting by board of directors -
Act 146
Child support liens, levies and financial institution account data exchange; support collections trust fund repealed [partial veto] -
Act 191
Community-based organization registration re loans [Sec. 3266b-3273m] -
Act 27
Investment adviser and representative regulations and registration of securities revised; transfers of trust business within bank holding company systems -
Act 316
Minority business development program revised; grants for economic development, education and training and employment opportunities [Sec. 199n, 4532b-4547m] [4532g, m — vetoed] -
Act 27
Saving institutions authority revised re loans and investments and relocating offices; S&L pension and deferred compensation plan approval modified -
Act 144
Banking revisions re in-state branch of out-of-state bank and out-of-state state bank regulations, examinations, capital stock, corrections re 1995 WisAct 336 and action without meeting by board of directors -
Act 146
Consumer credit review board abolished [Sec. 43k, 60am, 2923p, 3183g, r, 3200b-3220b, 3254eb-ed, 3282b-r, 9119 (1h)] -
Act 27
Mortgage bankers and loan originators and solicitors: regulation and registration provisions revised; ``loan solicitor" changed to ``mortgage broker" -
Act 145
Nonpayment of support: Banking division denial, revocation, suspension or restriction re certain licenses; SSN, memorandum of understanding and subpoena or warrant provisions
Act 191
Pawnbroking by certain licensed lenders authorized [Sec. 2923m, 2926e-s] -
Act 27
Foreclosed property sale by sheriff: procedure revised [Sec. 2160r] -
Act 27
Tax amnesty program created; DOR authority to collect delinquent taxes expanded re DWD and county agency records; Corr.Dept may release information re sex offender registry [Sec. 50, 50t, 84, 194b, 195, 207, 299, 302-304, 306, 311, 333, 490, 504, 9142 (1), 9242 (1), 9342 (1)]
Act 237
Benevolent retirement home for the aged task force created; report and proposed legislation re property tax exemptions required [Sec. 9156 (2m)] -
Act 27
Fraternal organization: insurance benefits extended to spouse and children of employe and retired employes
Act 177
Police relief associations: laws revised -
Act 223
Historic site of H.H. Bennett studios: funding for director [Sec. 27w, 9124 (1c)] -
Act 237
Life and public service [AJR-97] - JR-15
Food and beverage tax exemption for certain local retailers [Sec. 2407, 9443 (3)] -
Act 27
Sales and use tax: meal and sandwich defined; provision re food product or beverage packaged with other goods [Sec. 313bm, c, d, e, f, g, 9442 (3c)] -
Act 237
Bicycle trails: DNR report on feasibility of paving [Sec. 9137 (3g)] [vetoed] -
Bicycle trails: DNR report on feasibility of paving -
Act 86
Neenah bicycle-pedestrian overpass funding [Sec. 477m, 9149 (4z)] -
Act 27
Transportation enhancement grants program re federal funds; grants for bicycle and pedestrian facilities [Sec. 483, 484, 2475r, 2476] -
Act 27
Benevolent retirement home for the aged task force created; report and proposed legislation re property tax exemptions required [Sec. 9156 (2m)] -
Act 27
Elderly person care or foster care: report and proposed legislation re tax credit for persons providing [Sec. 9123 (12j)] -
Act 27
Fish and game approvals and admission to certain state lands: provisions revised; proposed legislation required re personally identifiable information [for section numbers and vetoes, see ``Natural resources, Department of — Administration"] -
Act 27
Long-term care: pilot project established; DHFS to submit proposed legislation re elderly and adult disabled persons; contractual authorization for counties; COP funding increased [Sec. 44, 92, 9122 (3), (4), 9222 (5)-(7), (8)]
Act 237
LRB drafting services: persons authorized to submit requests specified; privileges of certain agencies removed [Sec. 14n, np] -
Act 27
Menominee county management review task force created; report to include proposed legislation [Sec. 9156 (1c)]
Act 237
Prison impact assessment: Director of state courts to prepare for certain bill drafts; report required [Sec. 3m, 9101 (4t)] [vetoed] -