Fish and game laws: chap.29, Wis.Stats., recodified -  Act 248
Hunting, fishing, trapping or managment of wild animals: local governmental unit ordinance authority; DNR provision  -  Act 170
Seized fish and game: distribution to certain food programs authorized; person liable for processing costs  -  Act 321
Wildlife damage abatement and claim program: hunting access provision revised [Sec. 82ac-ae] -  Act 237
Wildlife damage program revised; certain land required to be open to hunting; urban wildlife damage control grants, claims and abatement programs; JCF approval re release of funds; report required [Sec. 322m, 381g-v, 994e, k, 998b-m, 1085b, 1087m, 1099b, bn, 1139p-ryd, 9137 (11x), (13b), 9337 (7xog), 9437 (9xoj)] [381t, v, 9437 (9xoj) — partial veto; 322m, 381r, 1139rv — vetoed] -  Act 27
game _ huntingGame — Hunting
DNR revisions re fish and game approval fees, fish and wildlife activities funding, bear hunting regulations and approval system, wildlife damage surcharge, bonus deer hunting for certain farm owners, retiring certain fishing licenses and fee exemption for veterans home at King residents; reports required  -  Act 1
Group deer hunting revisions re killing deer for another member of the party, using bow and arrow for anterless deer and hunters' use of electronic communication [Sec. 1119b-g] [vetoed]  -  AB-100
Hunting and fishing regulations modified; DNR study required -  Act 249
Hunting, fishing, trapping or managment of wild animals: local governmental unit ordinance authority; DNR provision  -  Act 170
Hunting near school grounds: definition of school expanded -  Act 151
Hunting small game in state parks permitted [Sec. 71m] -  Act 237
Trapping for sport: waiver of approvals for certain DNR sponsored or approved programs or special events  -  Act 195
Wildlife damage abatement and claim program: hunting access provision revised [Sec. 82ac-ae] -  Act 237
Wildlife damage program revised; certain land required to be open to hunting; urban wildlife damage control grants, claims and abatement programs; JCF approval re release of funds; report required [for section numbers and vetoes, see ``Game"] -  Act 27
game _ hunting licenseGame — Hunting license
Agreements to retire commercial fish and game licenses: ban on payments [Sec. 847g, 967m, n] -  Act 27
Deer (antlerless) and small game hunting provisions re hunter education and firearm safety program certificate  -  Act 12
Delinquency victim and witness assistance surcharge required; suspension of operator's privilege or hunting and fishing license for nonpayment; disposition of inmate earnings in work programs [Sec. 646m-r, 1418, 2160m, p, 2163m, p, 3857, 3910bb, d, 5220-5222, 5263, 5265, 5346d, 9331 (1x), 9431 (1x)] -  Act 27
Delinquent taxes: DNR denial and revocation of certain approvals; SSN and federal employer ID provisions [Sec. 64-66, 67, 69, 70, 71, 73-80, 9336 (1)] -  Act 237
Disabled hunter permit for visually handicapped: bow and arrow or crossbow hunting authorized -  Act 168
DNR revisions re fish and game approval fees, fish and wildlife activities funding, bear hunting regulations and approval system, wildlife damage surcharge, bonus deer hunting for certain farm owners, retiring certain fishing licenses and fee exemption for veterans home at King residents; reports required  -  Act 1
Fish and game approvals and admission to certain state lands: provisions revised; proposed legislation required re personally identifiable information [for section numbers and vetoes, see ``Natural resources, Department of — Administration"] -  Act 27
Fish and game approvals: cumulative preference system [Sec. 1009j-y, 1017g-rm, 1085c-p, 1087g, 9437 (9w)]  -  Act 27
Fish or game approval suspension or revocation: applicability of penalty expanded -  Act 196
Hunter education program and approvals issued to bow hunters: provisions revised -  Act 197
Hunting and fishing regulations modified; DNR study required -  Act 249
Hunting approvals issued to residents born after January 1, 1973: requirements revised [Sec. 1098m] -  Act 27
Hunting small game in state parks permitted [Sec. 71m] -  Act 237
Lac du Flambeau tribe issuance of fish and game approvals and ATV and snowmobile registrations authorized; use of fees specified; JCF approval of natural resource agreements [Sec. 438, 776-781, 783v, 845-847, 969, 979, 999, 1041, 1042, 1081, 2414, 2428, 2440, 3966, 4189, 4190, 4194-4196] [779, 1041, 1042, 4194 — partial veto; 783v — vetoed]  -  Act 27
Nonpayment of support: DNR denial of fish and game approvals; SSN, memorandum of understanding and subpoena or warrant provisions -  Act 191
Nonpayment of support: DWD to establish system to suspend operator's licenses, professional certificates and recreational licenses for failure to pay; SSN required on professional license applications, written judgments in actions affecting the family and marriage documents; driver's license number required on recreation licenses; memorandum of understanding and subpoena or warrant provisions -  Act 191
game birdGame bird
Delinquent taxes: DNR denial and revocation of certain approvals; SSN and federal employer ID provisions [Sec. 64-66, 67, 69, 70, 71, 73-80, 9336 (1)] -  Act 237
Nonpayment of support: DNR denial of fish and game approvals; SSN, memorandum of understanding and subpoena or warrant provisions -  Act 191
Wildlife damage program revised; certain land required to be open to hunting; urban wildlife damage control grants, claims and abatement programs; JCF approval re release of funds; report required [for section numbers and vetoes, see ``Game"] -  Act 27
gaming boardGaming board
Gaming board abolished, functions transferred to DOA; Division of gaming created; authority over state lottery transferred to DOR [for section numbers, see entry under ``Gambling"] -  Act 27
Lottery retailer selection requirements [Sec. 4745m] -  Act 27
Nonpayment of support: Gaming board suspension of supplier's license; SSN, memorandum of understanding and subpoena or warrant provisions -  Act 191
Vehicles obstructing freeway or expressway: removal of disabled vehicle; civil liability immunity re damage from removal or storage; stopping at scene of accident  -  Act 258
garbage and refuse disposalGarbage and refuse disposal, see Solid waste management
garden way, incGarden Way, Inc., see Business
Assignment of earnings, pension, lottery winnings and other benefits for payment of certain fees: laws revised; child support made priority -  Act 148
Child support order from another state: county child support agency may withhold income -  Act 191
Motor vehicle fuel tax refund and earnings garnishment forms modified (remedial legislation) -  Act 291
Nonpayment of support: retirement payment withholding authorized; statement of statewide concern cited  -  Act 191
Uniform interstate family support act revisions [Sec. 5091-5111, 5113-5136, 9326 (4)] -  Act 27
gasGas, see Fuel
gasoholGasohol, see Gasoline
DOA gasohol and alternative fuels report modified (remedial legislation) -  Act 73
Gasoline vapor recovery equipment grants [Sec. 37, 37b, 9136 (1t), 9436 (1t)] -  Act 237
Minimum markup law: revisions re sale of motor vehicle fuel; provisions re damage, petroleum price reporting service and notification requirements -  Act 55
Reformulated gasoline: labeling and rules re identification of oxygenates [Sec. 3119m, 9110 (6m), 9410 (5m)]  -  Act 27
``Special fuel" and ``motor fuel" replaced with ``alternate fuel" and ``motor vehicle fuel" respectively (remedial legislation) -  Act 291
gasoline _ taxationGasoline — Taxation
Gasoline sold for certain nonhighway use: exemption revised [Sec. 316m, 317g, 9442 (4c)] -  Act 237
International fuel tax agreement: DOT required to recalculate -  Act 41
Motor fuel tax refund: sales tax exemption for [Sec. 2381m, 2383r, 9443 (18e)] -  Act 27
Motor vehicle fuel tax rate increased; indexing formula modified [Sec. 2412m, 2414rm-s, 2418g, r, 2428m, 9343 (10q)] -  Act 27
Motor vehicle fuel tax refund and earnings garnishment forms modified (remedial legislation) -  Act 291
geeseGeese, see Game bird
general program revenue _gpr_General program revenue (GPR), see Appropriation
genetics and genetic testingGenetics and genetic testing
Child support enforcement: DWD authority re subpoena of financial data, access to certain records and genetic testing -  Act 191
D.N.A. surcharge re burglary conviction eliminated; crime laboratories and drug law enforcement assessment created; provision re Milwaukee county DA repealed [Sec. 644, 645, 791-806, 2201-2208, 2620-2629, 3100, 4138-4152, 5137- 5162, 5166-5174, 5185, 5192, 5445-5448, 5451]  -  Act 27
Genetic test information from health care providers: insurers prohibited from requesting -  Act 74
Genetic tests in paternity actions: advance payment provisions  -  Act 191
Paternity: presumption of -  Act 191
Paternity statutes revised re probable cause, temporary orders for child support and health care and evidence admissibility -  Act 191
gift re organ donationGift re organ donation, see Transplant
gifts and grantsGifts and grants, see specific subject
golfGolf, see Amusement
governorGovernor, see also Executive office
Child's first book initiative funding: Governor may contract with state agency to send books to parents of newborn children [Sec. 9120 (1)] -  Act 237
Efficiency measures requirement [Sec. 9121 (1)] -  Act 27
Environmental cleanup innovations or patented technology: waiver of competitive bidding permitted [Sec. 789, 790]  -  Act 27
Indian reservation disputes: Governor to employ special counsel [Sec. 4n] [vetoed] -  AB-768
Literacy improvement: Governor authorized to make grants; state to solicit bids and contract with an organization to distribute free books; gifts and donations to help fund program [Sec. 22, 100m, 666nm, 667m, 668p, 698, 9101 (11h)]  -  Act 27
National governors association conference: funding for 1998 meeting in Milwaukee [Sec. 696, 697, 9421 (1)]  -  Act 27
National governors association conference: funding increased [Sec. 9220 (1z)] -  Act 237