Raynor, Rev. John P., S.J.: life and service to Marquette University commemorated [AJR-82] - JR-14
Emissions inspection of motor vehicles: provisions created for transfer of ownership to surviving spouse
Act 46
Individual income tax rates reduced [Sec. 284e-im] -
Act 237
Individual income tax rates reduced; indexing implemented [Sec. 2261ds-o, fm, fn, 2302m, no, 9443 (3t)]
Act 27
Married persons filing joint return: tax credit increased [Sec. 2262ns-nu] -
Act 27
Nonpayment of support: DWD to establish system to suspend operator's licenses, professional certificates and recreational licenses for failure to pay; SSN required on professional license applications, written judgments in actions affecting the family and marriage documents; driver's license number required on recreation licenses; memorandum of understanding and subpoena or warrant provisions -
Act 191
Spouse of slain correctional officer, fire fighter or law enforcement officer provided tuition exemption at technical college and U.W. systems; technical college exemption extended to child of slain correctional officer
Act 163
Veteran definition expanded re civil service hiring; spousal provision added [Sec. 3290e, f, r, 3310d-t, 9156 (7d), 9317 (3g)] -
Act 27
ARC community services, inc.: funding for substance abuse day treatment services for pregnant and postpartum women and their infants [Sec. 1500s] -
Act 27
Badger care health plan created; DHFS to request federal waiver; report required; JCF duties [Sec. 529m, 567b, 591cm, 594gm, mm, 1797-1798m, 1819b, 1833c, 1866v, x, 1878p, 1891, 1892, 1949, 1950b, 1952-1966b, 1969b-1973b, 1980p, 5036m, n, 5189p, 9132 (7c)] [1980p — partial veto] -
Act 27
Children's code coverage extended to unborn children of mothers with alcohol and controlled substance abuse problems; DHFS and Child abuse and neglect prevention board duties set; priority for pregnant women for private AODA treatment
Act 292
Child's first book initiative funding: Governor may contract with state agency to send books to parents of newborn children [Sec. 9120 (1)] -
Act 237
Fetal death report filed with state registrar (remedial legislation)
Act 114
Milwaukee healthy women and infants program [Sec. 551b, 3449s] -
Act 27
Neonatal intensive care unit training grants created [Sec. 43m, n, 9122 (3ty), (3tz), 9422 (3ty)] -
Act 237
Obstetric and pediatric services under MA: DHFS annual report requirement eliminated [Sec. 199] -
Act 237
Public health aids eliminated [Sec. 539, 3399] -
Act 27
Unborn child: crime and penalties created re causing harm, death or great bodily harm; certain exceptions provided
Act 295
WIC enforcement; DHFS contract with entities re alternative food distribution; groceries and pharmacies allowed to accept drafts in exchange for certain food [Sec. 555, 3285, 3438-3447, 5186, 5193] -
Act 27
WIC supplemental food program appropriation increased [Sec. 9222 (7t)] -
Act 237
Life and public service [AJR-114] - JR-24
Life and public service [AJR-127] - JR-23
Badger care health plan created; DHFS to request federal waiver; report required; JCF duties [Sec. 529m, 567b, 591cm, 594gm, mm, 1797-1798m, 1819b, 1833c, 1866v, x, 1878p, 1891, 1892, 1949, 1950b, 1952-1966b, 1969b-1973b, 1980p, 5036m, n, 5189p, 9132 (7c)] [1980p — partial veto] -
Act 27
Child abuse and neglect: prevention program created; child abuse and neglect and early childhood family education center grants; domestic abuse training for certain staffs
Act 293
CIP-1B funding for relocation of individual: facility required to submit plan for delicensing bed [Sec. 1473]
Act 27
CIP use of model service contract to receive COP funds required (remedial legislation) -
Act 114
Community care of certain developmentally disabled persons: reimbursement by county for care costs [Sec. 1914m, 1915m, 2134-2137] [2136 — partial veto]
Act 27
COP services for MA recipients: monthly limit on reimbursement eliminated [Sec. 99] -
Act 237
COP supplement changed re decreased utilization of nursing home beds by MA recipients [Sec. 44L, 98m, n, 203g-i, 9222 (7g)] [203g — partial veto; 44L, 98m, n, 203h, i — vetoed] -
Act 237
``Critical access" category of hospitals created; DHFS to apply to federal government to establish medicare rural hospital flexibility program [Sec. 252-254, 260-265, 9122 (1)]
Act 237
Dental services under MA: DHFS to request federal waiver re pilot managed care program [Sec. 1942m] [partial veto]
Act 27
Family planning services under MA: DHFS to request federal waiver re demonstration project [Sec. 1943c]
Act 27
Fraudulent misrepresentation of residence: W-2 and food stamp provisions to incorporate federal provisions [Sec. 1755, 1764, 1799, 1800, 1808, 1809] -
Act 27
Health insurance premium subsidies: eligibility expanded [Sec. 3409-3425, 3427-3431] -
Act 27
Home health, personal care, private-duty nursing services and long-term COP: limitations eliminated [Sec. 1459, 1940, 1941, 1967, 1968] -
Act 27
In-home and community mental health and AODA services; reimbursement for community-based psychological services [Sec. 1946m, 1948m, 1967m, 1968m] -
Act 27
MA annual review for certain residents of nursing homes and mental disease institutions: requirement eliminated [Sec. 1916] -
Act 27
MA copayments re specialized medical vehicle services [Sec. 204] -
Act 237
MA denial appeals: DHFS may delegate responsibility to counties or W-2 agencies to the extent permitted by federal law or waiver [Sec. 1905, 1911, 1912] -
Act 27
MA estate recovery re certain funds, joint account or payable-on-death account; payment schedule and transfer by affidavit [Sec. 1144, 1976, 3166, 3173, 4051, 5201-5210, 9323 (1)] -
Act 27
MA outreach funding [Sec. 42c, 9222 (8k)] -
Act 237
MA reimbursement of nursing homes and CBRFs; standards requirement for efficiently and economically operated facilities removed, report re utilization of beds by MA recipients [Sec. 1919-1921, 1923, 1925, 1928, 1931-1932m] [1921, 1932m — partial veto] -
Act 27
MA subrogation cases: DHFS liability [Sec. 5184, 9309 (1)] -
Act 27
Medicare upper limit consultant: DHFS to hire [Sec. 96r] -
Act 27
Mental health crisis intervention services under MA: city, village and town authority eliminated (remedial legislation) -
Act 114
Nursing facilities in certain high-cost labor region: MA direct care payments [Sec. 9123 (15s)] [vetoed]
Nursing home formula provisions re occupancy rate standard and direct care target increase requirement for excess funding [Sec. 9123 (13b), (13d)] -
Act 27
Obstetric and pediatric services under MA: DHFS annual report requirement eliminated [Sec. 199] -
Act 237
Primary health care program: appropriation account reduced [Sec. 9223 (1)] [vetoed] -
Respiratory care services payment rate increased [Sec. 1941b-e, 9423 (9p)] -
Act 27
Urgent MA determinations [Sec. 199m, 9122 (3t)] -
Act 237
W-2 health plan elimination by 1997 WisAct 27: cross-references eliminated -
Act 41
Women's health grant program and screening for low-income women; report re health insurance program for uninsured children and families [Sec. 592, 1944, 3482, 9123 (5), (6)] [9123 (5) — vetoed] -
Act 27
Working recipients of SSI and SSDI: DHFS to establish pilot project; federal waiver requested [Sec. 205, 9222 (1), (2)] -
Act 237
Family practice residency program expanded re medically underserved areas in central Milwaukee [Sec. 9153 (2zgg)] [vetoed] -
Family practice residency program: funding increased [Sec. 9134 (1), 9234 (1), 9252 (1)] -
Act 237
Physician education and training study required -
Act 311
Health care information: revisions re collection, analysis and dissemination by DHFS and confidentiality; provisions created re storage and disposal of certain documents and disclosure to or by insurer; Board on health care membership expanded; Bureau of health care information created; reports required [partial veto] -
Act 231
Neonatal intensive care unit training grants created [Sec. 43m, n, 9122 (3ty), (3tz), 9422 (3ty)] -
Act 237
Physician and health care provider loan assistance programs: appropriation created re collection of penalties [Sec. 26, 557-566, 9210 (3f)] -
Act 237
Physician and health care provider loan assistance programs: appropriations consolidated [Sec. 189-192, 4414, 4420, 4421, 4424, 4432, 4438, 4439, 4441] -
Act 27
Physician and health care provider loan assistance programs: definition and practice requirements modified [Sec. 1942, 4405-4413, 4415-4419, 4421b-4423, 4425-4431, 4433- 4437, 4439b-4440, 4441n, 4442, 9310 (1)]
Act 27
MEB authority re administrative warnings, disciplinary actions against physicians and verification of continuing education compliance; circuit court clerk to notify MEB of physician negligence findings; reports required; toll-free number to report physician misconduct required -
Act 311
Physician assistant: revisions re regulation of, definition and authority to prescribe drugs and medical devices; MEB duties set -
Act 67
Physician education and training study required -
Act 311
Podiatrists affiliated credentialing board created in DORL; Podiatry examining council abolished
Act 175
Health care liability insurance: occurence or claims-made coverage authorized; minimum limits increased; OCI duty set -
Act 11
Pharmacist administration of vaccines: revision re 1997 WisAct 68 [Sec. 727m, 9141 (1g)] -
Act 237
Pharmacists: continuing education required; administration of drug products, devices and vaccines permitted; liability insurance and advisory council provisions
Act 68
AODA and nervous and mental disorder insurance coverage: deductibles allowed [Sec. 4930d-rm, 9327 (3g), 9427 (4g)] -
Act 27
Breast reconstruction re mastectomy: insurance coverage required [Sec. 1324m, 1325m, 2860f, 4804b, 4930v, 9427 (4rcg)] -
Act 27