Anatomical gift: technicians authorized to remove donated human tissue or bone -
Act 52
Corr.Dept revisions re stewards of institutions, disposal of abandoned prisoner property, health service standards and discharge from probation (remedial legislation)
Act 289
Do-not-resuscitate bracelet provisions created; guardian or health care agent authority to revoke order [Sec. 3087m-t] -
Act 27
Health care information: revisions re collection, analysis and dissemination by DHFS and confidentiality; provisions created re storage and disposal of certain documents and disclosure to or by insurer; Board on health care membership expanded; Bureau of health care information created; reports required [partial veto] -
Act 231
Health care plan: coverage of treatment for emergency medical condition required; prior authorization provision prohibited -
Act 155
Health care provider assessments and physician encounter data [Sec. 42d, e, 393sb-sk, 450r, 533r, 9422 (6k)] [393se, 9422 (6k) — partial veto; 393sh, sk — vetoed]
Act 237
Health care records of deceased person: coroner and medical examiner allowed access to; health care provider provision (remedial legislation) -
Act 114
Massage therapy and bodywork regulations created; provisions re patient records and liability -
Act 156
Medical history and information: parent not granted legal custody required to provide; court duty specified
Act 191
Patient health care records release to health care provider: provision created -
Act 157
Physician and health care provider loan assistance programs: appropriation created re collection of penalties [Sec. 26, 557-566, 9210 (3f)] -
Act 237
Physician and health care provider loan assistance programs: appropriations consolidated [Sec. 189-192, 4414, 4420, 4421, 4424, 4432, 4438, 4439, 4441] -
Act 27
Physician and health care provider loan assistance programs: definition and practice requirements modified [Sec. 1942, 4405-4413, 4415-4419, 4421b-4423, 4425-4431, 4433- 4437, 4439b-4440, 4441n, 4442, 9310 (1)]
Act 27
Primary health care grant program [Sec. 554b, 594m, 3010m, p, 3011m] [vetoed] -
Rural medical centers: DHFS assistance re federal legislation to permit state demonstration project [Sec. 9123 (10t)]
Act 27
Trauma care: DHFS to assist in developing and implementing statewide system; Trauma advisory council created; report and JCF review required -
Act 154
Volunteer health care provider program revisions [Sec. 3009m-qs] -
Act 27
Workshop or seminar by DHFS: fees authorized [Sec. 558, 2062, 2072, 2079, 2101] -
Act 27
Life and service to legislature commemorated; accomplishments as Assembly chief clerk recognized [AJR-68]
- JR-12
Thomas T. Melvin youth tobacco prevention and education program created [Sec. 592fm, 3484m] -
Act 27
Menominee county management review task force created; report to include proposed legislation [Sec. 9156 (1c)]
Act 237
HIV infection and certain other diseases: laws revised re testing of certain defendants found not guilty by reason of mental disease or not competent to proceed -
Act 182
Homelessness transition services re CMI: match limitation eliminated; appropriation change [Sec. 600, 1534]
Act 27
In-home and community mental health and AODA services; reimbursement for community-based psychological services [Sec. 1946m, 1948m, 1967m, 1968m] -
Act 27
Mental health block grants: DHFS distribution of funds [Sec. 1501, 1507-1509, 2157] -
Act 27
Mental health crisis intervention services under MA: city, village and town authority eliminated (remedial legislation) -
Act 114
Physician and health care provider loan assistance programs: definition and practice requirements modified [Sec. 1942, 4405-4413, 4415-4419, 4421b-4423, 4425-4431, 4433- 4437, 4439b-4440, 4441n, 4442, 9310 (1)]
Act 27
Abuse or neglect of vulnerable adults resulting in death or great bodily harm: penalties revised -
Act 180
Adult agencies and facilities: non-expiring licenses permitted [Sec. 2007-2046, 2050, 2051, 2054, 2055, 2061, 2064-2070, 2073-2075, 2076-2078, 2080-2100, 9323 (2)]
Act 27
Centers for the developmentally disabled: DHFS to study future of [Sec. 9132 (1xyg)] -
Act 27
Centers for the developmentally disabled: relocation services for employes [Sec. 9222 (7x)] -
Act 237
Centers for the developmentally disabled: submission date of study extended [Sec. 723] -
Act 237
Community care of certain developmentally disabled persons: reimbursement by county for care costs [Sec. 1914m, 1915m, 2134-2137] [2136 — partial veto]
Act 27
Licensed bed count report to DHFS: references to 1992 requirements eliminated (remedial legislation)
Act 114
MA annual review for certain residents of nursing homes and mental disease institutions: requirement eliminated [Sec. 1916] -
Act 27
Mendota juvenile treatment center funding [Sec. 515, 1417, 3790, 3797, 3798, 3835-3837] -
Act 27
Mental health institutes' funding: deficit reduction process; report to JCF [Sec. 2106b, 2107] -
Act 27
Mental health-related service: county community programs board or director and private or public organization or affiliation may establish entity to provide
Act 268
Mental health revision re admission of and outpatient treatment of minors [Sec. 2112p, vm] -
Act 27
Nursing home as institution for mental disease: DHFS determination requirements revised (remedial legislation)
Act 114
Protective placements re 1995 WisAct 92: applicability of limits on county liability [Sec. 5503m] -
Act 27
Public records access restricted for persons committed to inpatient treatment facilities -
Act 94
Pupil records transfer re adult correctional institution, mental health institute or state center [Sec. 268m, 361u]
Act 237
Sexually violent persons: institutional care provisions; placement of person released to community supervision [Sec. 568m, 5491c-x] [5491d, y — vetoed]
Act 27
Stalking and violation of certain restraining orders and injunctions: vehicle and property forfeiture provisions; DA exempt from certain court fees -
Act 285
Visitation at inpatient health care or treatment facilities: regulations created -
Act 153
Winnebago mental health institute: DHFS contracts with school districts for outpatient services to pupils [Sec. 569mm, 570mm, 2111, 2112, 2861] -
Act 27
Wisconsin resource center positions and funding [Sec. 9123 (14j)] -
Act 27
CIP use of model service contract to receive COP funds required (remedial legislation) -
Act 114
MA annual review for certain residents of nursing homes and mental disease institutions: requirement eliminated [Sec. 1916] -
Act 27
Nursing home as institution for mental disease: DHFS determination requirements revised (remedial legislation)
Act 114
Prader-Willi syndrome specified as a developmental disability -
Act 47
Mass transit operating assistance [Sec. 469g-m, 470p-s, 2481pb-pw, 9349 (4mg), 9449 (4mg)]
Act 27
Mass transit services provided to U.W. system: financial audit by LAB [Sec. 9132 (3x)] -
Act 27
Transportation infrastructure loan and assistance program created; JCF duties [Sec. 485-490, 836, 852, 855, 2485]
Act 27
Transportation to W-2 jobs in outlying areas [Sec. 2684m, n] -
Act 27
Child care certification and eligibility [Sec. 1409, 1653-1655, 1765-1776, 1778-1788, 1838-1845, 1853-1857, 9426 (5)]
Act 27
Efficiency measures requirement for certain executive branch agencies [Sec. 9156 (6ng)] -
Act 27
Level A emergency response teams: DEM to report to DMA -
Act 41
National guard youth (Badger challenge and Youth challenge) programs: DMA funding and authority re services to enhance life skills, employment potential and ability to obtain GED [Sec. 47, 58, 58g, 9135 (1d)-(3c), 9235 (1)]
Act 237
SERB abolished; DEM duties set [Sec. 45t, 47g, 66g, 651d-m, 652am, ap, bh, y, 2169m, 3116p, r, tc-ts, 3117bg-cw, g-ks, mc, qh, qm, w, 5225m, 9136 (1m), 9436 (1m)]
Act 27
Armory sale moneys: use of remainder of proceeds changed from national guard tuition grant program to payment of certain municipal assessments re military property [Sec. 648-651, 652, 761, 3117] -
Act 27
Alternative TVRP pilot program in Milwaukee [Sec. 512f, 527em, ep] -
Act 237
City parking lot: 1st class city may operate -
Act 56
Contaminated property: delinquent property taxes cancelled [Sec. 2373] -
Act 27
Family practice residency program expanded re medically underserved areas in central Milwaukee [Sec. 9153 (2zgg)] [vetoed] -
Fond du Lac avenue project in Milwaukee: funding for preliminary engineering and construction [Sec. 9149 (1gss)]
Act 27
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