CIP use of model service contract to receive COP funds required (remedial legislation) -
Act 114
MA annual review for certain residents of nursing homes and mental disease institutions: requirement eliminated [Sec. 1916] -
Act 27
Nursing home as institution for mental disease: DHFS determination requirements revised (remedial legislation)
Act 114
Prader-Willi syndrome specified as a developmental disability -
Act 47
Mass transit operating assistance [Sec. 469g-m, 470p-s, 2481pb-pw, 9349 (4mg), 9449 (4mg)]
Act 27
Mass transit services provided to U.W. system: financial audit by LAB [Sec. 9132 (3x)] -
Act 27
Transportation infrastructure loan and assistance program created; JCF duties [Sec. 485-490, 836, 852, 855, 2485]
Act 27
Transportation to W-2 jobs in outlying areas [Sec. 2684m, n] -
Act 27
Child care certification and eligibility [Sec. 1409, 1653-1655, 1765-1776, 1778-1788, 1838-1845, 1853-1857, 9426 (5)]
Act 27
Efficiency measures requirement for certain executive branch agencies [Sec. 9156 (6ng)] -
Act 27
Level A emergency response teams: DEM to report to DMA -
Act 41
National guard youth (Badger challenge and Youth challenge) programs: DMA funding and authority re services to enhance life skills, employment potential and ability to obtain GED [Sec. 47, 58, 58g, 9135 (1d)-(3c), 9235 (1)]
Act 237
SERB abolished; DEM duties set [Sec. 45t, 47g, 66g, 651d-m, 652am, ap, bh, y, 2169m, 3116p, r, tc-ts, 3117bg-cw, g-ks, mc, qh, qm, w, 5225m, 9136 (1m), 9436 (1m)]
Act 27
Armory sale moneys: use of remainder of proceeds changed from national guard tuition grant program to payment of certain municipal assessments re military property [Sec. 648-651, 652, 761, 3117] -
Act 27
Alternative TVRP pilot program in Milwaukee [Sec. 512f, 527em, ep] -
Act 237
City parking lot: 1st class city may operate -
Act 56
Contaminated property: delinquent property taxes cancelled [Sec. 2373] -
Act 27
Family practice residency program expanded re medically underserved areas in central Milwaukee [Sec. 9153 (2zgg)] [vetoed] -
Fond du Lac avenue project in Milwaukee: funding for preliminary engineering and construction [Sec. 9149 (1gss)]
Act 27
Lead screening and outreach project in 1st class cities [Sec. 3455m] -
Act 27
Marquette interchange design [Sec. 9149 (1gs)] [partial veto] -
Act 27
Marquette university School of dentistry: provision of dental services expanded to the Southside Guadalupe dental clinic [Sec. 9122 (5t)] -
Act 237
Milwaukee healthy women and infants program [Sec. 551b, 3449s] -
Act 27
Milwaukee public library contracts: funding for certain services [Sec. 9140 (7gf)] -
Act 27
Milwaukee public museum grant re African American history; matching funds required [Sec. 265r, 2709r]
Act 27
Milwaukee public museum grant re permanent interactive exhibit on biological diversity [Sec. 33m]
Act 237
Milwaukee symphony: allocation for state sponsorship of and advertising during media broadcasts of [Sec. 457]
Act 27
Minority nonprofit organization grant re business incubator created; fees for certain Comm.Dept services permitted [Sec. 194, 195, 4339, 4339c, 4341c-4343m, 4459, 4474, 4483, 4494, 4497] -
Act 27
National governors association conference: funding for 1998 meeting in Milwaukee [Sec. 696, 697, 9421 (1)]
Act 27
National governors association conference: funding increased [Sec. 9220 (1z)] -
Act 237
New hope project in Milwaukee: funding and sunset provided [Sec. 625m, 1904k-m] -
Act 27
Nonpayment of support: retirement payment withholding authorized; statement of statewide concern cited
Act 191
Private forest land: management plans and grants for landowners; urban forestry grant for city of Milwaukee [Sec. 377, 918, 9137 (10n)] -
Act 27
Rail passenger service assistance and promotion program revisions; Amtrak extension and commuter rail bonding [Sec. 472m, 476, 477, 732m, 2477-2481h, 9149 (4g)] [9149 (4g) — vetoed] -
Act 27
State superintendent to study school capacity and physical condition, report required; Comm.Dept low-interest loan for certain adult day care services facility construction [partial veto] -
Act 310
Tax-deeded property revisions re foreclosure notice, notifying former owner of sale and recovery of costs
Act 72
Disciplinary procedures [Sec. 276g-k, 9356 (4r)] -
Act 237
Charter schools in MPS district: city of Milwaukee, U.W. Milwaukee and Milwaukee area technical college may establish and operate [Sec. 258, 2695, 2808, 2830-2842b, 2868, 2869, 2900, 2901, 9340 (2), 9440 (2)] -
Act 27
Charter schools: laws revised re contract to establish outside school district; conversion of private school; WRS provision -
Act 238
Debt service reports by school districts [Sec. 2854y, 9140 (7s)] -
Act 27
Institute for excellence in urban education established at U.W. Milwaukee; council created [Sec. 94mm, 1168e] [94mm — vetoed] -
Act 27
Mathematics program evaluation: grant to U.W. Milwaukee [Sec. 1162r] -
Act 27
Milwaukee school board investment of certain pension funds [Sec. 2198v, w] [vetoed] -
Milwaukee school board investment of certain pension funds; credit assistance to W-2 participants, report required
Act 318
MPS revenue limits and parental choice pupils [Sec. 2897, 2898, 2899] -
Act 27
School choice for MPS: interdistrict school choice and enrollment options programs created [Sec. 18g, 253r, 255m, 256m, 2745p, pm, 2758d-k, 2760b-z, 2762g, r, 2765m, 2766am, 2767kg, kr, 2843g, r, 2872gd, 2883m, 2885g, r, 2888p, s, 2891m, 9440 (7x)] [2843g, r — partial veto]
Act 27
School-to-work revisions; career counseling center grant changes; youth apprentice provisions [Sec. 265n, 282m, 612, 613, 617, 1184, 1191m, 2668m-2675, 2678, 2679, 2688, 2689, 2708m, 2788c, 2815d, 2870d, 9140 (3), 9347 (1), 9426 (12)] [282m — vetoed] -
Act 27
State trust fund loans to MPS [Sec. 2851m] -
Act 27
Milwaukee Brewers stadium project, East-West freeway: reserve account for resurfacing revision [Sec. 2475g, m] -
Act 27
Transportation aids to professional baseball park district; sunset provided [Sec. 470, 470m, 2486, 2486ag, 9449 (5n)]
Act 27
Circuit court branches: number increased -
Act 203
D.N.A. surcharge re burglary conviction eliminated; crime laboratories and drug law enforcement assessment created; provision re Milwaukee county DA repealed [Sec. 644, 645, 791-806, 2201-2208, 2620-2629, 3100, 4138-4152, 5137- 5162, 5166-5174, 5185, 5192, 5445-5448, 5451]
Act 27
Drug crime prosecutions in Milwaukee and Dane counties: DOA funding to OJA for DA positions [Sec. 9101 (3), (4)] -
Act 27
Helicopter support services for Milwaukee county [Sec. 46r, 393sm, t] -
Act 237
Kinship care eligibility revisions [Sec. 1622d, 1623d, 1624d, 1626g, 1628g, 9423 (10f)] -
Act 27
Kinship care eligibility rules; child care assistance for relatives and foster parents [Sec. 152m, 193e-g, 9122 (4d)] [152m — partial veto] -
Act 237
Kinship care: long-term program created -
Act 105
Milwaukee Brewers stadium project, East-West freeway: reserve account for resurfacing revision [Sec. 2475g, m] -
Act 27
Milwaukee child welfare services: duty and authority transferred to DHFS; children's services network provision [for section numbers and vetoes, see entry under ``Health and family services, Department of — Children and family"]
Act 27
Milwaukee child welfare services re 1997 WisAct 27: county contribution modified; funding revision [Sec. 151m, p, 9222 (3f), 9422 (4f)] [9222 (3f) — vetoed]
Act 237
Milwaukee child welfare services re 1997 WisAct 27: county contribution modified [vetoed] -
Milwaukee county assistant DAs: creditable service under WRS [Sec. 652z, 1315b, c, 1317m, 2693mm, 5485c-w, 9316 (2q)] [vetoed] -
Milwaukee county DA office re felony drug and violence cases: funding for clerk positions [Sec. 5486, 5487]
Act 27
Milwaukee county: title to certain submerged lands confirmed and use for recreational and marina purposes authorized; may exercise powers and perform duties but not create board of harbor commissioners -
Act 70
Noise barriers along existing highways and for lake arterial project in Milwaukee county: funding provided [Sec. 9149 (3f), (6f)] -
Act 27
Nonpayment of support: retirement payment withholding authorized; statement of statewide concern cited
Act 191
Nursing facilities in certain high-cost labor region: MA direct care payments [Sec. 9123 (15s)] [vetoed]
Public assistance and local assistance funding [Sec. 628b, c, 1857p-r] [1857p — partial veto]
Act 27
Sexually violent person commitment cases: assistant DAs provided for certain counties; records and report of time spent on cases required; additional prosecutors provided [Sec. 5491b, 9101 (6), (7), 9131 (1m)] -
Act 27
Substance abuse prevention and treatment: Milwaukee county funding [Sec. 45, 100, 9222 (3)] -
Act 237
Traffic control signals in city of Greenfield [Sec. 9148 (2x)]
Act 237