Delinquency victim and witness assistance surcharge required; suspension of operator's privilege or hunting and fishing license for nonpayment; disposition of inmate earnings in work programs [Sec. 646m-r, 1418, 2160m, p, 2163m, p, 3857, 3910bb, d, 5220-5222, 5263, 5265, 5346d, 9331 (1x), 9431 (1x)] -  Act 27
Private business employment of inmates and residents: number of projects reduced; public hearing required; provision re worker displacement and JCF approval; authority to suspend or expand manufacture of goods [Sec. 513e-r, 3909b, m, 3910ce, cf, 9111 (3g), (5c), 9411 (4g)] [513m, 3909b — partial veto; 3909m, 3910ce, cf, 9111 (3g), (5c) — vetoed]  -  Act 27
Secure inmate work program sunset [Sec. 3910g, 3913g, 9411 (1t)] [vetoed] -  AB-100
Adoption laws revised re birth parent expenses, advertising, informational resources on adoption instruction, school age parents programs, who may be adopted, time for filing petition for rehearing, placement with relative, application of interstate compact on the placement of children, time for hearing on TPR petition, permanency plan documentation, removal of child for adoptive placement, relative filing petition for adoption and children's code definition of relative  -  Act 104
Browsing in income or franchise tax or credit claim records prohibited; notification and private claim of action provisions -  Act 323
Cable television records released to DWD re child support enforcement -  Act 191
Cancer reporting requirements: confidentiality restrictions revised (remedial legislation) -  Act 114
Child support enforcement: DWD authority re subpoena of financial data, access to certain records and genetic testing -  Act 191
Child support enforcement: release of certain SPD records -  Act 191
CHIPS substitute care providers: disclosure of information re child's religious affiliation or involvement in gang or group promoting criminal activity, sexual abuse or harmful activities -  Act 272
Credit union laws revised re share deposits, hearings and appeals, bonding, confidentiality, destroying certain records and definition of qualified loan funds  -  Act 152
Crime victim rights revised; Crime victim rights board created -  Act 181
Dairy plant financial statements and hazardous waste facility records or information: access to confidential documents required re child and spousal support  -  Act 191
Dealers of controlled substances: occupational tax revised; confidentiality provisions expanded [Sec. 700r, 2979m-q, 9143 (2v), 9343 (1wo)] -  Act 27
Disclosure of certain records to DWD re support, paternity and medical liability support programs  -  Act 191
DORL confidential records of certain contributors and preneed trust fund: DWD access re child and spousal support, medical liability support and paternity -  Act 191
DOT records access by DWD re support, paternity and medical support program -  Act 191
DWD access to state agency records re applicants for public positions and UC claimants -  Act 191
Electronic transmission of prescription orders permitted [Sec. 4315m, 4316d-s, 4319m, r, 5348e-s]  -  Act 27
Farmer assistance and farm mediation and arbitration programs revised; dairy farmer exit and entry program created; admissibility of evidence provision -  Act 264
Fish and game approvals and admission to certain state lands: provisions revised; proposed legislation required re personally identifiable information [for section numbers and vetoes, see ``Natural resources, Department of — Administration"] -  Act 27
Genetic test information from health care providers: insurers prohibited from requesting -  Act 74
Health care information: revisions re collection, analysis and dissemination by DHFS and confidentiality; provisions created re storage and disposal of certain documents and disclosure to or by insurer; Board on health care membership expanded; Bureau of health care information created; reports required [partial veto] -  Act 231
Health care records of deceased person: coroner and medical examiner allowed access to; health care provider provision (remedial legislation) -  Act 114
Hiring reporting system and state directory of new hires: DWD duties set; provision re penalties and uses of information [Sec. 612m, 2631, 9426 (1h)] -  Act 27
HIV positive test result: physician may report to state epidemiologist names of persons significantly exposed  -  Act 54
Invasion of privacy re surveillance device used to observe nude person without consent: crime created  -  Act 271
Juvenile justice code revisions re adult court jurisdiction, restitution and forfeiture, sanctions and contempt of court, rules of evidence, disclosure of juvenile court records, violation of dispositional order, intake worker authority to take juvenile into custody, disclosure and exchange of certain information, teen court program, intensive supervision and short-term detention provisions and high school equivalency from detention facility or jail; LAB audit -  Act 205
Locker search without consent of pupil: school board authority created -  Act 329
Medical history and information: parent not granted legal custody required to provide; court duty specified  -  Act 191
Nonpayment of support: DPI release of confidential information to DWD -  Act 191
Personal identifying information and identification document misappropriation: prohibition created; civil action provision -  Act 101
Personally identifiable information in public records: current statutory law affirmed re notice to individual and action to restrain release of [Sec. 155g, j, 9356 (9f)] [vetoed]  -  AB-100
Pupil records transfer re adult correctional institution, mental health institute or state center [Sec. 268m, 361u]  -  Act 237
Records of motor vehicle operators, accidents and traffic citations: sunset re DOT sale to contractors repealed; report to JCF modified [Sec. 5504-5506, 9349 (9gz)] [5505 — partial veto; 5505g-5506 — vetoed] -  Act 27
Restraining order or injunction re child support program: privacy safeguards created [Sec. 1881]  -  Act 27
Sex offender registry: release of information by law enforcement agency revised; request procedure modified  -  Act 6
SSN use re student ID number prohibited -  Act 128
Tax amnesty program created; DOR authority to collect delinquent taxes expanded re DWD and county agency records; Corr.Dept may release information re sex offender registry [Sec. 50, 50t, 84, 194b, 195, 207, 299, 302-304, 306, 311, 333, 490, 504, 9142 (1), 9242 (1), 9342 (1)]  -  Act 237
W-2 agency access to vital records [Sec. 2230m, p] -  Act 27
W-2 participants involved in legal proceedings: release of address required [Sec. 196m] -  Act 237
Worker's compensation information disclosure within DWD re child and spousal support program -  Act 191
privatizationPrivatization, see Contracts
probate code and court procedureProbate code and court procedure, see also Estate of deceased person
Power of attorney provisions: statutory form recreated; review of performance of agent for financial affairs permitted  -  Act 233
Probate code revised and updated -  Act 188
Probate filing fee provisions revised; personal representative requirement modified re inventory -  Act 83
Child sex offenders and certain sexually violent persons: pharmocological treatment authorized, parole and probation conditions modified; report required -  Act 284
Corr.Dept appropriations re community corrections combined [Sec. 503, 504, 3817] -  Act 27
Corr.Dept revisions re stewards of institutions, disposal of abandoned prisoner property, health service standards and discharge from probation (remedial legislation)  -  Act 289
Probation and parole officers classified as protective occupation participants under WRS [Sec. 83x, xg, xm, 90bt, 9415 (1)] -  Act 237
Probation and parole supervision fees: annual notification of balance owed to Corr.Dept [Sec. 3799]  -  Act 27
Probation and parole supervision fees: claims against income tax refunds for fees owed [Sec. 2342] -  Act 27
Probation and parole supervision fees: collection and penalty for nonpayment [Sec. 513, 3939, 3948, 5453-5455]  -  Act 27
Probation and parole supervision fees re 1997 WisAct 27: court authority to revoke probation for failure to pay removed -  Act 41
Probation and parole supervision: waiver of fees pemitted; revision re administrative and minimum supervision by Corr.Dept [Sec. 512, 3821-3823, 3936-3938, 3940-3943]  -  Act 27
Transitional housing for persons on parole or probation: community notification requirement [Sec. 3824m]  -  Act 27
program revenue _pr_Program revenue (PR), see specific subject
program revenue_service _pr_s_ appropriationProgram revenue-service (PR-S) appropriation, see specific subject
Computer property tax treatment: DOR to study [Sec. 9143 (2e)] -  Act 27
Contaminated property: delinquent property taxes cancelled [Sec. 2373] -  Act 27
Contaminated property: TIF for environmental remediation [Sec. 2216, 2446, 2447, 2864] -  Act 27
Delinquent property taxes: costs deductible from sales price of property expanded -  Act 224
Demolition or abatement costs of property on tax roll [Sec. 2371m-t] -  Act 27
DNR owned land: payments in lieu of taxes [Sec. 2234b, c] -  Act 27
Lottery credit revisions [Sec. 717, 915, 2200m, 2449-2464, 9343 (6d)] -  Act 27
Property tax: presumption of taxability codified; application and claims for exemption specified [Sec. 278s, t, 311m, 9342 (5f)] -  Act 237
Property tax rolls: delivery deadlines revised -  Act 315
Public libraries: laws revised; report and plan provisions; DOA, DLCL and State superintendent duties specified  -  Act 150
School property tax credit changes: use of certain surpluses in the general fund; LFB, DOR and JCF duties [Sec. 285b, c, 9256 (2c)] [285c, 9256 (2c) — partial veto]  -  Act 237
State lottery, pari-mutuel on-track betting and bingo net proceeds distributed for property tax relief for primary residences or agricultural land; not subject to uniformity requirement of the Wisconsin constitution (section 1, article VIII): constitutional amendment (1st consideration) [AJR-80]  -  JR-19
Tax-deeded property revisions re foreclosure notice, notifying former owner of sale and recovery of costs  -  Act 72
TIF changes for certain cities [Sec. 278c-q] -  Act 237
TIF revisions re increment sharing for certain cities, project period increase and sunset for increment sharing; projects to include costs of certain municipal buildings destroyed by natural disaster [Sec. 2214b-u] -  Act 27
property tax _ assessmentProperty tax — Assessment, see also Income tax
Assessor's plat: dividing land by certified survey map or subdivision plat provided -  Act 99
Delinquent taxes: property tax assessor certification denial for; SSN provision [Sec. 308, 309, 310, 9342 (2)]  -  Act 237
Property assessment manual: distribution revised; CD-ROM format authorized [Sec. 2355m] [partial veto]  -  Act 27
Property tax assessment revisions re notice of changes, Board of review training and procedures, meetings and objector requirements [Sec. 279bs, c-n, 306m, 308m, 9342 (6n)]  -  Act 237
Sewerage projects: special assessments levy for systems on certain farmland and methods of financing projects  -  Act 213
Benevolent retirement home for the aged task force created; report and proposed legislation re property tax exemptions required [Sec. 9156 (2m)] -  Act 27