1997 - 1998 LEGISLATURE
March 23, 1998 - Offered by Representative Green.
AB671-ASA1,1,6 1An Act to amend 66.05 (8) (b) 1., 66.411, 102.23 (1) (c), 102.835 (14), 108.225 (14),
2125.12 (2) (d), 801.02 (1), 801.02 (2), 801.09 (2) (a), 801.09 (2) (b), 801.095 (1),
3801.095 (2), 801.095 (3), 801.095 (4), 801.15 (2) (a), 802.06 (1), 802.06 (6), 802.09
4(1), 893.02, 961.555 (2) (a) and 973.076 (2) (a) of the statutes; relating to:
5increasing the time to serve a summons and complaint and a responsive
The people of the state of Wisconsin, represented in senate and assembly, do
enact as follows:
AB671-ASA1, s. 1 7Section 1. 66.05 (8) (b) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:
AB671-ASA1,2,228 66.05 (8) (b) 1. If an owner fails to remedy or improve the defect in accordance
9with the written notice furnished by the building inspector or other designated
10officer under par. (am) within the 30-day period specified in the written notice, the
11building inspector or other designated officer shall apply to the circuit court of the
12county in which the building is located for an order determining that the building

1constitutes a public nuisance. As a part of the application for such order from the
2circuit court the building inspector or other designated officer shall file a verified
3petition which recites the giving of such written notice, the defect or defects in such
4building, the owner's failure to comply with the notice and such other pertinent facts
5as may be related thereto. A copy of the petition shall be served upon the owner of
6record or the owner's agent if an agent is in charge of the building and upon the holder
7of any encumbrance of record under sub. (1m) (a) and the owner shall have 20 45 days
8following service upon the owner in which to reply to such petition. Upon application
9by the building inspector or other designated officer the circuit court shall set
10promptly the petition for hearing. Testimony shall be taken by the circuit court with
11respect to the allegations of the petition and denials contained in the verified answer.
12If the circuit court after hearing the evidence with respect to the petition and the
13answer determines that the building constitutes a public nuisance, the court shall
14issue promptly an order directing the owner of the building to remedy the defect and
15to make such repairs and alterations as may be required. The court shall set a
16reasonable period of time in which the defect shall be remedied and the repairs or
17alterations completed. A copy of the order shall be served upon the owner as provided
18in sub. (1m) (a). The order of the circuit court shall state in the alternative that if
19the order of the court is not complied with within the time fixed by the court, the court
20will appoint a receiver or authorize the building inspector or other designated officer
21to proceed to raze and remove the building and restore the site to a dust-free and
22erosion-free condition under par. (bg).
AB671-ASA1, s. 2 23Section 2. 66.411 of the statutes is amended to read:
AB671-ASA1,3,24 2466.411 Urban redevelopment; enforcement of duties. Whenever a
25redevelopment corporation shall not have substantially complied with the

1development plan within the time limits for the completion of each stage thereof as
2therein stated, reasonable delays caused by unforeseen difficulties excepted, or shall
3do, permit to be done or fail or omit to do anything contrary to or required of it, as
4the case may be, by ss. 66.405 to 66.425, or shall be about so to do, permit to be done
5or fail or omit to have done, as the case may be, then any such fact may be certified
6by the planning commission to the city attorney of the city, who may thereupon
7commence a proceeding in the circuit court of the county in which the city is in whole
8or in part situated in the name of the city for the purpose of having such action,
9failure or omission, or threatened action, failure or omission, established by order of
10the court or stopped, prevented or otherwise rectified by mandamus, injunction or
11otherwise. Such proceeding shall be commenced by a petition to the circuit court
12alleging the violation complained of and praying for appropriate relief. It shall
13thereupon be the duty of the court to specify the time, not exceeding 20 45 days after
14service of a copy of the petition, within which the redevelopment corporation
15complained of must answer the petition. The court, shall, immediately after a
16default in answering or after answer, as the case may be, inquire into the facts and
17circumstances in such manner as the court shall direct without other or formal
18proceedings, and without respect to any technical requirements. Such other persons
19or corporations as it shall seem to the court necessary or proper to join as parties in
20order to make its order or judgment effective may be joined as parties. The final
21judgment or order in any such action or proceeding shall dismiss the action or
22proceeding or establish the failure complained of or direct that a mandamus order,
23or an injunction, or both, issue, or grant such other relief as the court may deem
AB671-ASA1, s. 3 25Section 3. 102.23 (1) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:
1102.23 (1) (c) The commission shall serve its answer within 20 45 days after
2the service of the complaint, and, within the like time, the adverse party may serve
3an answer to the complaint, which answer may, by way of counterclaim or cross
4complaint, ask for the review of the order or award referred to in the complaint, with
5the same effect as if the party had commenced a separate action for the review
AB671-ASA1, s. 4 7Section 4. 102.835 (14) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB671-ASA1,4,128 102.835 (14) Answer by 3rd party. Within 20 45 days after the service of the
9levy upon a 3rd party, the 3rd party shall file an answer with the department stating
10whether the 3rd party is in possession of or obligated with respect to property or
11rights to property of the uninsured employer, including a description of the property
12or the rights to property and the nature and dollar amount of any such obligation.
AB671-ASA1, s. 5 13Section 5. 108.225 (14) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB671-ASA1,4,1814 108.225 (14) Answer by 3rd party. Within 20 45 days after the service of the
15levy upon a 3rd party, the 3rd party shall file an answer with the department stating
16whether the 3rd party is in possession of or obligated with respect to property or
17rights to property of the debtor, including a description of the property or the rights
18to property and the nature and dollar amount of any such obligation.
AB671-ASA1, s. 6 19Section 6. 125.12 (2) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB671-ASA1,5,1120 125.12 (2) (d) Judicial review. The action of any municipal governing body in
21granting or failing to grant, suspending or revoking any license, or the failure of any
22municipal governing body to revoke or suspend any license for good cause, may be
23reviewed by the circuit court for the county in which the application for the license
24was issued, upon application by any applicant, licensee or resident of the
25municipality. The procedure on review shall be the same as in civil actions instituted

1in the circuit court. The person desiring review shall file pleadings, which shall be
2served on the municipal governing body in the manner provided in ch. 801 for service
3in civil actions and a copy of the pleadings shall be served on the applicant or licensee.
4The municipal governing body, applicant or licensee shall have 20 45 days to file an
5answer to the complaint. Following filing of the answer, the matter shall be deemed
6at issue and hearing may be had within 5 days, upon due notice served upon the
7opposing party. The hearing shall be before the court without a jury. Subpoenas for
8witnesses may be issued and their attendance compelled. The decision of the court
9shall be filed within 10 days after the hearing and a copy of the decision shall be
10transmitted to each of the parties. The decision shall be binding unless it is appealed
11to the court of appeals.
AB671-ASA1, s. 7 12Section 7. 801.02 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB671-ASA1,5,1713 801.02 (1) A civil action in which a personal judgment is sought is commenced
14as to any defendant when a summons and a complaint naming the person as
15defendant are filed with the court, provided service of an authenticated copy of the
16summons and of the complaint is made upon the defendant under this chapter within
1760 90 days after filing.
AB671-ASA1, s. 8 18Section 8. 801.02 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB671-ASA1,5,2319 801.02 (2) A civil action in which only an in rem or quasi in rem judgment is
20sought is commenced as to any defendant when a summons and a complaint are filed
21with the court, provided service of an authenticated copy of the summons and of
22either the complaint or a notice of object of action under s. 801.12 is made upon the
23defendant under this chapter within 60 90 days after filing.
AB671-ASA1, s. 9 24Section 9. 801.09 (2) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
1801.09 (2) (a) Within 20 days, or within 45 days if the defendant is the state
2or an officer, agent, employe or agency of the state in an action or special proceeding
3brought within the purview of s. 893.82 or 895.46
, exclusive of the day of service, after
4the summons has been served personally upon the defendant or served by
5substitution personally upon another authorized to accept service of the summons
6for the defendant; or
AB671-ASA1, s. 10 7Section 10. 801.09 (2) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB671-ASA1,6,118 801.09 (2) (b) Within 40 45 days after a date stated in the summons, exclusive
9of such date, if no such personal or substituted personal service has been made, and
10service is made by publication. The date so stated in the summons shall be the date
11of the first required publication.
AB671-ASA1, s. 11 12Section 11. 801.095 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB671-ASA1,6,1313 801.095 (1) Personal service; complaint attached.
AB671-ASA1,6,1717 Address
AB671-ASA1,6,1818 City, State Zip Code File No. ....
AB671-ASA1,6,1919 , Plaintiff
AB671-ASA1,6,20 20vs. S U M M O N S
AB671-ASA1,6,2222 Address .... (Case Classification Type): .... (Code No.)
AB671-ASA1,6,2323 City, State Zip Code
AB671-ASA1,6,2424 , Defendant
1THE STATE OF WISCONSIN, To each person named above as a Defendant:
AB671-ASA1,7,42 You are hereby notified that the Plaintiff named above has filed a lawsuit or
3other legal action against you. The complaint, which is attached, states the nature
4and basis of the legal action.
AB671-ASA1,7,105 Within (20) (45) 45 days of receiving this summons, you must respond with a
6written answer, as that term is used in chapter 802 of the Wisconsin Statutes, to the
7complaint. The court may reject or disregard an answer that does not follow the
8requirements of the statutes. The answer must be sent or delivered to the court,
9whose address is ...., and to ...., Plaintiff's attorney, whose address is ..... You may
10have an attorney help or represent you.
AB671-ASA1,7,1611 If you do not provide a proper answer within (20) (45) 45 days, the court may
12grant judgment against you for the award of money or other legal action requested
13in the complaint, and you may lose your right to object to anything that is or may be
14incorrect in the complaint. A judgment may be enforced as provided by law. A
15judgment awarding money may become a lien against any real estate you own now
16or in the future, and may also be enforced by garnishment or seizure of property.
AB671-ASA1,7,1717 Dated: ...., 19..
AB671-ASA1,7,18 18Signed: .... ....
AB671-ASA1,7,1919 A. B., Plaintiff
AB671-ASA1,7,2121 E. F., Plaintiff's Attorney
AB671-ASA1,7,2222 State Bar No.: ....
AB671-ASA1,7,2323 Address: ....
AB671-ASA1,7,2424 City, State Zip Code: ....
AB671-ASA1,7,2525 Phone No.: ....
AB671-ASA1, s. 12
1Section 12. 801.095 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB671-ASA1,8,22 801.095 (2) Personal service; no complaint attached.
AB671-ASA1,8,66 Address
AB671-ASA1,8,77 City, State Zip Code File No. ....