AB688-ASA1,21,8 8814.25 Costs in actions by prisoners. (1) In this section:
AB688-ASA1,21,99 (a) "Prisoner" has the meaning given in s. 801.02 (7) (a) 2.
AB688-ASA1,21,1010 (b) "Prison or jail conditions" has the meaning given in s. 801.02 (7) (a) 3.
AB688-ASA1,21,13 11(2) If a prisoner brings an action or special proceeding related to prison or jail
12conditions, no costs may be allowed against the state, a state agency or a county, city,
13village or town, or against any individual defendant when sued in an official capacity.
AB688-ASA1,21,19 14(3) If the prevailing party is the state, a state agency or a county, city, village
15or town or an individual in any action or special proceeding commenced by a prisoner
16related to prison or jail conditions, the prisoner shall pay the full costs allowed under
17this chapter. The prisoner shall be required to pay the costs out of any trust fund
18accounts that he or she holds in the same manner as payment is required for court
19fees under s. 814.29 (1m) (e).
AB688-ASA1, s. 34 20Section 34. 814.29 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB688-ASA1,22,221 814.29 (1) (a) Any Except as provided in sub. (1m), any person may commence,
22prosecute or defend any action or special proceeding in any court, or any writ of error
23or appeal therein, without being required to give security for costs or to pay any
24service or fee, upon order of the court based on a finding that because of poverty the

1person is unable to pay the costs of the action or special proceeding, or any writ of
2error or appeal therein, or to give security for those costs.
AB688-ASA1, s. 35 3Section 35. 814.29 (1m) of the statutes is created to read:
AB688-ASA1,22,54 814.29 (1m) (a) In this subsection, "prisoner" has the meaning given in s.
5801.02 (7) (a) 2.
AB688-ASA1,22,96 (b) If a prisoner makes a request for leave to commence or defend an action,
7special proceeding, writ of error or appeal without being required to prepay the fees
8or costs or without being required to give security for costs, the prisoner shall submit
9all of the following:
AB688-ASA1,22,1010 1. The affidavit required under sub. (1) (b).
AB688-ASA1,22,1811 2. A certified copy of the trust fund account statement for the prisoner for the
126-month period immediately preceding the filing of the request for leave to
13commence or defend an action, special proceeding, writ of error or appeal, or for the
14period that the prisoner was incarcerated, imprisoned or detained, if that period is
15less than 6 months. The trust fund account statement must be obtained from the
16appropriate official at each facility in which the prisoner is or was incarcerated,
17imprisoned, confined or detained. "Trust fund account statement" includes accounts
18accessible to the prisoner before or upon release.
AB688-ASA1,22,2219 (c) Except when dismissal is required under s. 801.02 (7) (d), the court shall
20issue an order permitting the prisoner to commence or defend an action, special
21proceeding, writ of error or appeal without the prepayment of fees or costs or without
22being required to give security for costs if all of the following conditions are met:
AB688-ASA1,22,2523 1. The court determines that the prisoner does not have assets or other means
24by which to pay the fees or costs or to give security for the costs after reviewing the
25information provided under par. (b).
12. The prisoner authorizes in writing the agency having custody of the
2prisoner's prison trust fund account to forward payments from the prisoner's account
3to the clerk of court each time the amount in the account exceeds $10 until the fees
4or costs are paid in full.
AB688-ASA1,23,105 (d) If the court determines that the prisoner who made the affidavit does have
6assets in an account, whether accessible to the prisoner only upon release or before
7release, to pay part of the filing fees or costs, the court shall order the prisoner to pay
8an initial partial filing fee before being allowed to commence or defend an action,
9special proceeding, writ of error or appeal. The initial partial filing fee shall equal
1020% of the greater of the following:
AB688-ASA1,23,1111 1. The average monthly deposits to the prisoner's trust fund account.
AB688-ASA1,23,1612 2. The average monthly balance in the prisoner's trust fund account for the
136-month period immediately preceding the filing of the request for leave to
14commence or defend an action, special proceeding, writ of error or appeal, or for the
15period that the prisoner was incarcerated, imprisoned or detained, if that period is
16less than 6 months.
AB688-ASA1,23,2217 (e) After payment of the initial partial filing fee, the prisoner shall be required
18to make monthly payments of 20% of the preceding month's income that is credited
19to the prisoner's prison trust fund account. The agency having custody of the
20prisoner shall forward payments from the prisoner's account to the clerk of court
21each time the amount in the account exceeds $10 until the filing fees and costs are
22paid in full.
AB688-ASA1,24,223 (f) If the court believes that a prisoner is in imminent danger of serious physical
24harm, the court shall issue an order permitting the prisoner to commence or defend

1an action, special proceeding, writ of error or appeal without being required to submit
2the statement under par. (b) or prepaying the initial partial filing fee under par. (d).
AB688-ASA1,24,63 (g) Except as provided under par. (f), if a prisoner files an action, special
4proceeding, writ of error or appeal under this subsection without complying with the
5requirements under pars. (b) and (d), the court shall dismiss the action, special
6proceeding, writ of error or appeal without prejudice.
AB688-ASA1,24,107 (h) The custodian of the trust fund account of a prisoner shall provide the
8prisoner with the certified copy of the trust fund account statement required under
9par. (b) if the custodian determines that the prisoner requires that copy for submittal
10to a court under this subsection.
AB688-ASA1, s. 36 11Section 36. 814.29 (3) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB688-ASA1,24,2112 814.29 (3) (b) If the affiant is a prisoner, as defined in s. 46.011 (2) 801.02 (7)
13(a) 2.
, or a person confined in a federal correctional institution located in this state,
14a request for leave to commence or defend an action, special proceeding, writ of error
15or appeal without being required to pay fees or costs or to give security for costs
16constitutes consent as provided in par. (a), and, if the judgment is in favor of the
17opposing party, constitutes consent for the court to order the institution to deduct the
18unpaid fees and costs, including attorney fees listed in par. (a), from the amount in
19the inmate's account at the any time the judgment was rendered account has
20sufficient money to pay the unpaid fees and costs. This paragraph does not prevent
21the collection of the unpaid fees and costs by any other method
AB688-ASA1, s. 37 22Section 37. 893.16 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB688-ASA1,25,323 893.16 (1) If a person entitled to bring an action is, at the time the cause of
24action accrues, either under the age of 18 years, except for actions against health care
25providers; or insane, or imprisoned on a criminal charge mentally ill, the action may

1be commenced within 2 years after the disability ceases, except that where the
2disability is due to insanity or imprisonment mental illness, the period of limitation
3prescribed in this chapter may not be extended for more than 5 years.
AB688-ASA1, s. 38 4Section 38. 893.735 of the statutes is created to read:
AB688-ASA1,25,6 5893.735 Action by prisoner contesting a governmental decision. (1) In
6this section, "prisoner" has the meaning given in s. 801.02 (7) (a) 2.
AB688-ASA1,25,17 7(2) An action seeking a remedy available by certiorari made on behalf of a
8prisoner is barred unless commenced within 45 days after the cause of action accrues.
9The 45-day period shall begin on the date of the decision or disposition, except that
10the court may extend the period by as many days as the prisoner proves have elapsed
11between the decision or disposition and the prisoner's actual notice of the decision
12or disposition. Subject to no contact requirements of a court or the department of
13corrections, a prisoner in administrative confinement, program segregation or
14adjustment segregation may communicate by 1st class mail, in accordance with
15department of corrections' rules or with written policies of the custodian of the
16prisoner, with a 3rd party outside the institution regarding the action or special
AB688-ASA1,25,20 18(3) In this section, an action seeking a remedy available by certiorari is
19commenced at the time that the prisoner files a petition seeking a writ of certiorari
20with a court.
AB688-ASA1, s. 39 21Section 39. 893.82 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:
AB688-ASA1,26,922 893.82 (3) Except as provided in sub. (5m), no civil action or civil proceeding
23may be brought against any state officer, employe or agent for or on account of any
24act growing out of or committed in the course of the discharge of the officer's,
25employe's or agent's duties, and no civil action or civil proceeding may be brought

1against any nonprofit corporation operating a museum under a lease agreement with
2the state historical society, unless within 120 days of the event causing the injury,
3damage or death giving rise to the civil action or civil proceeding, the claimant in the
4action or proceeding serves upon the attorney general written notice of a claim
5stating the time, date, location and the circumstances of the event giving rise to the
6claim for the injury, damage or death and the names of persons involved, including
7the name of the state officer, employe or agent involved. A Except as provided under
8sub. (3m), a
specific denial by the attorney general is not a condition precedent to
9bringing the civil action or civil proceeding.
AB688-ASA1, s. 40 10Section 40. 893.82 (3m) of the statutes is created to read:
AB688-ASA1,26,1411 893.82 (3m) If the claimant is a prisoner, as defined in s. 801.02 (7) (a) 2., the
12prisoner may not commence the civil action or proceeding until the attorney general
13denies the claim or until 120 days after the written notice under sub. (3) is served
14upon the attorney general, whichever is earlier.
AB688-ASA1, s. 41 15Section 41. 895.45 of the statutes is created to read:
AB688-ASA1,26,20 16895.45 Exemption from civil liability; attorney general opinion. Any
17legal entity included within the provisions of s. 893.80 and any officer, employe or
18agent included within the provisions of s. 893.80, 893.82 or 895.46 is immune from
19civil liability for damages for his or her acts or omissions committed in reasonable
20reliance upon a written opinion of the attorney general.
AB688-ASA1, s. 42 21Section 42. 895.76 of the statutes is created to read:
AB688-ASA1,26,25 22895.76 Limits on recovery by prisoners. A prisoner, as defined in s. 801.02
23(7) (a) 2., may not recover damages for mental or emotional injury unless the prisoner
24shows that he or she has suffered a physical injury as a result of the same incident
25that caused the mental or emotional injury.
AB688-ASA1, s. 43
1Section 43. Initial applicability.
AB688-ASA1,27,42 (1) This act first applies to civil actions, special proceedings, injunctions and
3petitions for a common law writ of certiorari pending on the effective date of this
AB688-ASA1, s. 44 5Section 44. Effective date.
AB688-ASA1,27,76 (1) This act takes effect on the first day of the 4th month beginning after