289.63 (title) Groundwater, solid waste capacity and well compensation fees. (1) (title) IMPOSITION OF GROUNDWATER, SOLID WASTE CAPACITY AND WELL COMPENSATION FEES ON GENERATORS. Except as provided under sub. (6), a generator of solid or hazardous waste shall pay separate groundwater, solid waste capacity and well compensation fees for each ton or equivalent volume of solid or hazardous waste which is disposed of at a licensed solid or hazardous waste disposal facility. If a person arranges for collection or disposal services on behalf of one or more generators, that person shall pay the groundwater, solid waste capacity and well compensation fees to the licensed solid or hazardous waste disposal facility or to any intermediate hauler used to transfer wastes from collection points to a licensed facility. An intermediate hauler who receives groundwater, solid waste capacity and well compensation fees under this subsection shall pay the fees to the licensed solid or hazardous waste disposal facility. Tonnage or equivalent volume shall be calculated in the same manner as the calculation made for tonnage fees under s. 289.62 (1).

(2) COLLECTION. The owner or operator of a licensed solid or hazardous waste disposal facility shall collect the groundwater, solid waste capacity and well compensation fees from the generator, a person who arranges for disposal on behalf of one or more generators or an intermediate hauler and shall pay to the department the amount of the fees required to be collected according to the amount of solid or hazardous waste received and disposed of at the facility during the preceding reporting period.

SECTION 3638mg. 289.63 (3) (title) of the statutes is amended to read:


SECTION 3639. 289.63 (3) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:

289.63 (3) (b) The well compensation fee imposed under sub. (1) for solid waste or hazardous waste, excluding prospecting or mining waste, is one cent 4 cents per ton.

SECTION 3640gc. 289.63 (3) (c) and (d) of the statutes are repealed.

SECTION 3640ge. 289.63 (5), (6), (7), (8) and (9) (title) and (a) of the statutes are amended to read:

289.63 (5) IN ADDITION TO OTHER FEES. The groundwater, solid waste capacity and well compensation fees collected and paid under sub. (2) are in addition to the tonnage fee imposed under s. 289.62 (1), the environmental repair base fee imposed under s. 289.67 (3) and the environmental repair surcharge imposed under s. 289.67 (4).

(6) (title) EXEMPTION FROM GROUNDWATER, SOLID WASTE CAPACITY AND WELL COMPENSATION FEES; CERTAIN MATERIALS USED IN OPERATION OF THE FACILITY. Solid waste materials approved by the department for lining, daily cover or capping or for constructing berms, dikes or roads within a solid waste disposal facility are not subject to the groundwater, solid waste capacity and well compensation fees imposed under sub. (1), except that foundry sands or shredder fluff approved for use under s. 289.30 (5) or 289.31 (9) are subject to groundwater and well compensation fees.

(7) REPORTING PERIOD. The reporting period under this section is the same as the reporting period under s. 289.62 (1). The owner or operator of any licensed solid or hazardous waste disposal facility shall pay groundwater, solid waste capacity and well compensation fees required to be collected under sub. (2) at the same time as any tonnage fees under s. 289.62 (1) are paid.

(8) (title) USE OF GROUNDWATER, SOLID WASTE CAPACITY AND WELL COMPENSATION FEES. The groundwater fees collected under sub. (2) shall be credited to the environmental fund for groundwater environmental management. The well compensation and solid waste capacity fees collected under sub. (2) shall be credited to the environmental fund for environmental repair management.

(9) (title) FAILURE TO PAY GROUNDWATER, SOLID WASTE CAPACITY AND WELL COMPENSATION FEES. (a) If a person required under sub. (1) to pay groundwater, solid waste capacity and well compensation fees to a licensed solid or hazardous waste disposal facility fails to pay the fees, the owner or operator of the licensed solid or hazardous waste disposal facility shall submit to the department with the payment required under sub. (2) an affidavit stating facts sufficient to show the person's failure to comply with sub. (1).

SECTION 3640gg. 289.65 of the statutes is repealed.

SECTION 3640gk. 289.66 of the statutes is repealed.

SECTION 3640gm. 289.67 (1) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:

289.67 (1) (e) In addition to other fees. The environmental repair fee collected and paid under par. (b) is in addition to the base fee imposed under sub. (2), the surcharge imposed under sub. (3), the tonnage fee imposed under s. 289.62 (1) and the groundwater, solid waste capacity and well compensation fees imposed under s. 289.63.

SECTION 3641. 289.67 (1) (h) of the statutes is amended to read:

289.67 (1) (h) Use of environmental repair fee. The fees collected under par. (b) shall be credited to the environmental fund for environmental repair management.

SECTION 3642. 289.67 (2) (c) 5. of the statutes is created to read:

289.67 (2) (c) 5. Hazardous wastes that are collected by a county under a program for the collection and disposal of chemicals that are used for agricultural purposes, including pesticides, as defined in s. 94.67 (25).

SECTION 3643. 289.67 (2) (e) of the statutes is amended to read:

289.67 (2) (e) All moneys received under this subsection shall be credited to the environmental fund for environmental repair management.

SECTION 3644. 289.67 (3) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:

289.67 (3) (c) Use of environmental repair base fees. Environmental repair base fees shall be credited to the environmental fund for environmental repair management.

SECTION 3645. 289.67 (4) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:

289.67 (4) (c) Use of environmental repair surcharge. Environmental repair surcharges shall be credited to the environmental fund for environmental repair management.

SECTION 3649. 292.01 (18) of the statutes is amended to read:

292.01 (18) "Site or facility" means, except in ss. s. 292.35 and 292.61, an approved facility, an approved mining facility, a nonapproved facility or a waste site.

SECTION 3650. 292.11 (6) (c) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:

292.11 (6) (c) 1. Reimbursements to the department under sub. (7) (b) shall be credited to the environmental fund for environmental repair management.

SECTION 3651. 292.11 (7) (d) of the statutes is created to read:

292.11 (7) (d) 1. The department may negotiate and enter into an agreement containing a schedule for conducting nonemergency actions required under sub. (3) with a person who possesses or controls a hazardous substance that was discharged or who caused the discharge of a hazardous substance if the discharge does not endanger public health.

2. The department may charge fees, in accordance with rules that it promulgates, to offset the costs of negotiating and entering into an agreement under subd. 1.

SECTION 3652. 292.11 (7) (e) of the statutes is created to read:

292.11 (7) (e) If a person violates an order under par. (c) or an agreement under par. (d), the department may refer the matter to the department of justice for enforcement under s. 299.95.

SECTION 3654. 292.11 (9) (e) 1. of the statutes is repealed and recreated to read:

292.11 (9) (e) 1. "Local governmental unit" means a municipality, a redevelopment authority created under s. 66.431, a public body designated by a municipality under s. 66.435 (4) or a housing authority.

SECTION 3655. 292.11 (9) (e) 1m. (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:

292.11 (9) (e) 1m. (intro.) A municipality local governmental unit is exempt from subs. (3), (4) and (7) (b) and (c) with respect to property acquired by the municipality before, on or after May 13, 1994, in local government unit if any of the following ways applies:

SECTION 3655m. 292.11 (9) (e) 1m. a. of the statutes is amended to read:

292.11 (9) (e) 1m. a. Through The local governmental unit acquired the property through tax delinquency proceedings or as the result of an order by a bankruptcy court.

SECTION 3656. 292.11 (9) (e) 1m. b. of the statutes is amended to read:

292.11 (9) (e) 1m. b. From a municipality The local governmental unit acquired the property from a local governmental unit that acquired the property under a method described in subd. 1m. a.

SECTION 3656e. 292.11 (9) (e) 1m. c. and d. of the statutes are created to read:

292.11 (9) (e) 1m. c. The local governmental unit acquired the property through condemnation or other proceeding under ch. 32.

d. The local governmental unit acquired the property for the purpose of slum clearance or blight elimination.

SECTION 3657. 292.11 (9) (e) 1s. of the statutes is created to read:

292.11 (9) (e) 1s. An economic development corporation described in section 501 (c) of the Internal Revenue Code, as defined in s. 71.22 (4), that is exempt from federal taxation under section 501 (a) of the Internal Revenue Code, or an entity wholly owned and operated by such a corporation, is exempt from subs. (3), (4) and (7) (b) and (c) with respect to property acquired before, on or after the effective date of this subdivision .... [revisor inserts date], if the property is acquired to further the economic development purposes that qualify the corporation as exempt from federal taxation.

SECTION 3658. 292.11 (9) (e) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:

292.11 (9) (e) 2. Subdivision 1. does Subdivisions 1m. and 1s. do not apply to a discharge of a hazardous substance caused by any of the following:

a. An action taken by the municipality local governmental unit or corporation.

b. A failure of the municipality local governmental unit or corporation to take appropriate action to restrict access to the property in order to minimize costs or damages that may result from unauthorized persons entering the property.

c. A failure of the municipality local governmental unit or corporation to sample and analyze unidentified substances in containers stored aboveground on the property.

d. A failure of the municipality local governmental unit or corporation to remove and properly dispose of, or to place in a different container and properly store, any hazardous substance stored aboveground on the property in a container that is leaking or is likely to leak.

SECTION 3659. 292.11 (9) (e) 3. of the statutes is created to read:

292.11 (9) (e) 3. Subdivisions 1m. and 1s. do not apply if the discharge is a discharge of a hazardous substance from an underground storage tank that is regulated under 42 USC 6991 to 6991i.

SECTION 3660. 292.11 (9) (e) 4. of the statutes is created to read:

292.11 (9) (e) 4. Subdivisions 1m. and 1s. do not apply if, after considering the intended development and use of the property, the department determines that action is necessary to reduce to acceptable levels any substantial threat to public health or safety when the property is developed or put to that intended use, the department directs the local governmental unit or corporation to take that necessary action and the local governmental unit or corporation does not take that action as directed.

SECTION 3660c. 292.11 (9) (e) 5. of the statutes is created to read:

292.11 (9) (e) 5. Subdivision 1s. does not apply if the corporation fails to do any of the following:

a. Respond to a discharge of a hazardous substance that poses an imminent threat to public health, safety or welfare or to the environment, on or off of the property.

b. Enter into an agreement with the department to conduct any necessary investigation and remediation activities at the property no later than 3 years after acquiring the property.

c. Allow the department, any authorized representatives of the department, any party that possessed or controlled the hazardous substance or caused the discharge of the hazardous substance and any consultant or contractor of such a party to enter the property to take necessary action to respond to the discharge.

SECTION 3660g. 292.11 (9) (g) of the statutes is created to read:

292.11 (9) (g) 1. In this paragraph, "petroleum contaminated soil" means soil that is contaminated with materials derived from petroleum, natural gas or asphalt, including gasoline, diesel and heating fuels, liquified petroleum gases, lubricants, waxes, greases and petrochemicals.

2. A person is exempted from sub. (7) (b) and from the penalty requirements of this section if all of the following apply:

a. The person's act or omission was taken while performing services under contract with the department of transportation.

b. The act or omission involving the petroleum contaminated soil was consistent with the contract described in subd. 2. a. or was directed by the department of transportation.

3. Subd. 2. does not apply to any person:

a. Who brought petroleum contaminated soil onto the property or caused the soil to become petroleum contaminated soil.

b. Who is under a previous contract with a state agency other than the department of transportation to remove a hazardous substance from the property, or to treat a hazardous substance on the property.

c. Whose act or omission constitutes gross negligence or involves reckless, wanton or intentional misconduct.

SECTION 3661. 292.13 of the statutes is created to read:

292.13 Property affected by off-site discharge. (1) EXEMPTION FROM LIABILITY FOR GROUNDWATER CONTAMINATION. A person, other than a state agency, is exempt from s. 292.11 (3), (4) and (7) (b) and (c) with respect to the existence of a hazardous substance in the groundwater on property possessed or controlled by the person if all of the following apply:

(a) The discharge of the hazardous substance originated from a source on property that is not possessed or controlled by the person.

(b) The person did not possess or control the hazardous substance on the property on which the discharge originated or cause the original discharge.

(c) The person conducts an investigation or submits other information, that the department determines is adequate, to substantiate that pars. (a) and (b) are satisfied.

(d) The person agrees to allow the department, any authorized representatives of the department, any party that possessed or controlled the hazardous substance or caused the discharge of the hazardous substance and any consultant or contractor of such a party to enter the property to take action to respond to the discharge.

(f) The person agrees to avoid any interference with action undertaken to respond to the discharge and to avoid actions that worsen the discharge.

(g) The person agrees to any other condition that the department determines is reasonable and necessary to ensure that the department or other person described in par. (d) can adequately respond to the discharge.

(1m) EXEMPTION FROM LIABILITY FOR SOIL CONTAMINATION. A person, other than a state agency, is exempt from s. 292.11 (3), (4) and (7) (b) and (c) with respect to the existence of a hazardous substance in the soil on property possessed or controlled by the person if all of the following apply:

(a) The discharge of the hazardous substance originated from a source on property that is not possessed or controlled by the person.

(b) The person did not possess or control the hazardous substance on the property on which the discharge originated or cause the original discharge.

(c) The person conducts an investigation or submits other information, that the department determines is adequate, to substantiate that pars. (a) and (b) are satisfied.

(d) The person agrees to allow the department, any authorized representatives of the department, any party that possessed or controlled the hazardous substance or caused the discharge of the hazardous substance and any consultant or contractor of such a party to enter the property to take action to respond to the discharge.

(e) The person agrees to take one or more of the following actions at the direction of the department if, after the department has made a reasonable attempt to notify the party who caused the discharge of the hazardous substance about the party's responsibilities under s. 292.11, the department determines that the action or actions are necessary to prevent an imminent threat to human health, safety or welfare or to the environment:

1. Limit public access to the property.

2. Identify, monitor and mitigate fire, explosion and vapor hazards on the property.
