118.30 (1m) (d) If the school board operates high school grades, beginning in the 2000-01 school year administer the high school graduation examination adopted by the school board under sub. (1g) (b). The school board shall administer the examination at least twice each school year. The school board shall determine the high school grades in which the examination will be administered each school year.

SECTION 2809e. 118.30 (2) (b) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:

118.30 (2) (b) 2. According to criteria established by the department state superintendent by rule, the school board may determine not to administer an examination under this section to a limited-English speaking pupil, as defined under s. 115.955 (7), may permit the pupil to be examined in his or her native language or may modify the format and administration of an examination for such pupils.

SECTION 2809m. 118.30 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:

118.30 (3) The department state superintendent shall make available upon request, within 90 days after the date of administration, any examination required to be administered under this section. This subsection does not apply while the examination is being developed or validated.

SECTION 2809s. 118.33 (1) (am) of the statutes is amended to read:

118.33 (1) (am) The department state superintendent shall encourage school boards to require an additional 8.5 credits selected from any combination of vocational education, foreign languages, fine arts and other courses.

SECTION 2810. 118.33 (1) (cm) of the statutes is created to read:

118.33 (1) (cm) Except as provided in par. (e), beginning on September 1, 2002, a school board may not grant a high school diploma to any pupil unless the pupil has passed the high school graduation examination administered under s. 118.30 (1m) (d). A school board shall provide a pupil with at least 4 opportunities to take the examination in the high school grades.

SECTION 2810m. 118.33 (1) (e) of the statutes is created to read:

118.33 (1) (e) Each school board shall develop alternative criteria for evaluating a pupil who has been excused from the high school graduation examination under s. 118.30 (2) (b) 3. A school board may grant a high school diploma to a pupil who has been excused from the high school graduation examination under s. 118.30 (2) (b) 3. if the pupil satisfies all of the other requirements under this subsection and satisfies the other criteria.

SECTION 2810r. 118.33 (2) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:

118.33 (2) (intro.) The department state superintendent shall:

SECTION 2811. 118.33 (2) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:

118.33 (2) (c) Establish course requirements under sub. (1) (a) and approve any school board's high school graduation standards policy that is equivalent to the requirements under sub. (1).

SECTION 2811m. 118.33 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:

118.33 (3) By September 1, 1986, each school board operating high school grades shall submit to the department state superintendent a report describing the school board's policies and guidelines on high school graduation standards, including a list of courses required under sub. (1) (a) and the number of hours in each school term required to earn one credit under sub. (1) (a), and thereafter shall notify the department state superintendent whenever changes are made in such policies or guidelines. The department shall make reasonable efforts to combine the reports required under this subsection with other required school board reports.

SECTION 2812. 118.33 (3m) of the statutes is amended to read:

118.33 (3m) A course taken at a technical college by a child attending the school part-time or in lieu of high school under s. 118.15 (1) (b), or attending the school under s. 118.15 (1) (cm), does not fulfill any of the high school graduation requirements under sub. (1) (a) unless the department state superintendent has approved the course for that purpose. If a pupil satisfies all of the high school graduation requirements under sub. (1), the school board shall grant a high school diploma to the pupil regardless of whether the pupil satisfied all or a portion of the requirements while attending an institution of higher education under s. 118.55 or a technical college.

SECTION 2812m. 118.33 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:

118.33 (4) (a) The department state superintendent shall establish procedures for school boards to certify to the department state superintendent whether they are in compliance with the requirements under sub. (1) and the rules promulgated under sub. (2).

(b) The department state superintendent may periodically review school district high school graduation standards and shall notify any school board not in compliance with the requirements under sub. (1) or the rules promulgated under sub. (2), identifying the changes necessary.

SECTION 2815d. 118.34 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:

118.34 (3) The department and the technical college system board shall provide technical assistance to school boards to develop technical preparation programs in each high school. Annually, the school board shall evaluate its program and report the results to the department state superintendent and the technical college system board.

SECTION 2815g. 118.35 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:

118.35 (2) The department state superintendent shall by rule establish guidelines for the identification of gifted and talented pupils.

SECTION 2815r. 118.35 (3) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:

118.35 (3) (b) Annually by August 15, report to the department state superintendent the number of gifted and talented pupils who participated in a program under par. (a) in the previous school year and such other information as the department state superintendent requests.

SECTION 2816. 118.37 (title) of the statutes is renumbered 118.55 (title) and amended to read:

118.55 (title) Postsecondary enrollment Youth options program.

SECTION 2818. 118.37 (1) of the statutes is renumbered 118.55 (1) and amended to read:

118.55 (1) In this section, "institution of higher education" means a center or institution within the university of Wisconsin system, a technical college tribally controlled college or a private, nonprofit institution of higher education located in this state.

SECTION 2819. 118.37 (2) and (3) of the statutes are renumbered 118.55 (2) and (3), and 118.55 (2) and (3) (b), as renumbered, are amended to read:

118.55 (2) (a) Beginning in the 1992-93 school year, any public school pupil enrolled in the 11th or 12th grade who is not attending a technical college under sub. (7r) or s. 118.15 (1) (b) may enroll in an institution of higher education for the purpose of taking one or more nonsectarian courses at the institution of higher education, subject to par. (b). The pupil shall submit an application to the institution of higher education in the previous school semester. The pupil shall indicate on the application whether he or she will be taking the course or courses for high school credit or postsecondary credit. The pupil shall also specify on the application that if he or she is admitted the institution of higher education may disclose the pupil's grades, the courses that he or she is taking and his or her attendance record to the public school in which the pupil is enrolled.

(b) Paragraph (a) applies to a private institution of higher education and to a tribally controlled college only if the private institution of higher education or tribally controlled college has notified the department state superintendent of its intent to participate in the program under this section by September 1 of the previous school year.

(3) (b) If the pupil specifies in the notice under par. (a) that he or she intends to take a course at an institution of higher education for high school credit, the school board shall determine whether the course is comparable to a course offered in the school district, and whether the course satisfies any of the high school graduation requirements under s. 118.33 and the number of high school credits to award the pupil for the course, if any. The department In cooperation with institutions of higher education, the state superintendent shall develop guidelines to assist school districts in making the determinations. The school board shall notify the pupil of its determinations, in writing, before the end beginning of the semester in which it received the notice under par. (a) the pupil will be enrolled. If the pupil disagrees with the school board's decision regarding comparability of courses, satisfaction of high school graduation requirements or the number of high school credits to be awarded, the pupil may appeal the school board's decision to the department state superintendent within 30 days after the decision. The department's state superintendent's decision shall be final and is not subject to review under subch. III of ch. 227.

SECTION 2820. 118.37 (3m) of the statutes is repealed.

SECTION 2821. 118.37 (4) of the statutes is renumbered 118.55 (4), and 118.55 (4) (a), as renumbered, is amended to read:

118.55 (4) (a) An institution of higher education may admit a pupil under this section only if it has space available. A pupil may attend a technical college under this section only if he or she is a resident of this state.

SECTION 2822c. 118.37 (5) (intro.) and (a) of the statutes are renumbered 118.55 (5) (intro.) and (a).

SECTION 2823. 118.37 (5) (b) of the statutes is repealed.

SECTION 2823m. 118.37 (5) (c) of the statutes is renumbered 118.55 (5) (c), and 118.55 (5) (c) 2., as renumbered, is amended to read:

118.55 (5) (c) 2. An amount determined by dividing the state total net cost of the general fund in the previous school year by the state total membership in the previous school year, dividing that quotient by the statewide average number of high school credits taken by full-time pupils in the previous school year, as determined by the department state superintendent, and multiplying that quotient by the number of high school credits taken by the pupil at the private institution of higher education, as determined under sub. (3) (b). In this subdivision, "net cost" has the meaning given in s. 121.004 (6), and "membership" has the meaning given in s. 121.004 (5).

SECTION 2824m. 118.37 (6) of the statutes is renumbered 118.55 (6), and 118.55 (6) (title), (a) and (b), as renumbered, are amended to read:

118.55 (6) (title) RESPONSIBILITY OF PUPIL FOR TUITION AND FEES; INSTITUTION OF HIGHER EDUCATION. (a) A pupil taking a course at an institution of higher education for high school credit under this section is not responsible for any portion of the tuition and fees for the course if the school board, or the department state superintendent on appeal under sub. (3) (b), has determined that the course is not comparable to a course offered in the school district.

(b) A pupil taking a course at an institution of higher education for high school credit under this section is responsible for the tuition and fees for the course if the school board has determined that the course is comparable to a course offered in the school district, unless the department state superintendent reverses the school board's decision on appeal under sub. (3) (b).

SECTION 2825. 118.37 (7g) of the statutes is renumbered 118.55 (7g) and amended to read:

118.55 (7g) TRANSPORTATION. The parent or guardian of a pupil who is attending an institution of higher education or technical college under this section and is taking a course for high school credit that is not comparable to a course offered in the school district may apply to the department state superintendent for reimbursement of the cost of transporting the pupil between the high school in which the pupil is enrolled and the institution of higher education or technical college that the pupil is attending if the pupil and the pupil's parent or guardian are unable to pay the cost of such transportation. The department state superintendent shall determine the reimbursement amount and shall pay the amount from the appropriation under s. 20.255 (2) (cw). The department state superintendent shall give preference under this subsection to those pupils who are eligible for a free or reduced-price lunch under 42 USC 1758 (b).

SECTION 2826. 118.37 (8) of the statutes is renumbered 118.55 (8).

SECTION 2827m. 118.37 (9) of the statutes is renumbered 118.55 (9) and amended to read:

118.55 (9) RULES. The department state superintendent shall promulgate rules to implement and administer this section, including rules establishing criteria for determining reimbursement amounts under sub. (7g).

SECTION 2828. 118.38 (2m) of the statutes is repealed.

SECTION 2829. 118.38 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:

118.38 (3) A waiver is effective for 4 years. The secretary department shall renew the waiver for additional 4-year periods if the school board has evaluated the educational and financial effects of the waiver over the previous 4-year period, except that the secretary department is not required to renew a waiver if the secretary department determines that the school district is not making adequate progress toward improving pupil academic performance.

SECTION 2830. 118.40 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:

118.40 (1) NOTICE TO DEPARTMENT. Whenever a school board intends to establish a charter school, it shall notify the department state superintendent of its intention. The Whenever one of the entities under sub. (2r) (b) intends to establish a charter school, it shall notify the state superintendent of its intention by February 1 of the previous school year. A notice under this subsection shall include a description of the proposed school.

SECTION 2832. 118.40 (1m) (b) 7. of the statutes is amended to read:

118.40 (1m) (b) 7. Subject to sub. (7) (a) and (am) and ss. 118.19 (1) and 121.02 (1) (a) 2., the qualifications that must be met by the individuals to be employed in the school.

SECTION 2835. 118.40 (2r) of the statutes is created to read:

118.40 (2r) OTHER INITIATIVES. (a) In this subsection:

1. "Membership" has the meaning given in s. 121.004 (5).

2. "Shared cost per member" means the shared cost under s. 121.07 (6) (a) divided by the school district's membership.

(b) The common council of the city of Milwaukee, the chancellor of the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and the Milwaukee area technical college district board may establish by charter and operate a charter school or, on behalf of their respective entities, may initiate a contract with an individual or group to operate a school as a charter school. A charter shall include all of the provisions specified under sub. (1m) (b) 3. to 14. A contract shall include all of the provisions specified under sub. (1m) (b) 1. to 14. and shall specify the effect of the establishment of the charter school on the liability of the contracting entity under this paragraph. The contract may include other provisions agreed to by the parties. The chancellor of the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee may not establish or enter into a contract for the establishment of a charter school under this paragraph without the approval of the board of regents of the University of Wisconsin System.

(c) An entity under par. (b) may not establish or enter into a contract for the establishment of a charter school located outside of the school district operating under ch. 119. A pupil residing within the school district operating under ch. 119 may attend a charter school established under this subsection only if one of the following applies:

1. In the previous school year, the pupil was enrolled in the school district operating under ch. 119.

2. In the previous school year, the pupil was attending a private school under s. 119.23.

3. In the previous school year, the pupil was enrolled in grades kindergarten to 3 in a private school located in the city of Milwaukee other than under s. 119.23.

4. In the previous school year, the pupil was not enrolled in school.

5. In the previous school year, the pupil was enrolled in a charter school under this subsection.

(d) The chartering or contracting entity under par. (b) shall do all of the following:

1. Ensure that all instructional staff of charter schools under this subsection hold a license or permit to teach issued by the department.

2. Administer the examinations under ss. 118.30 (1m) and 121.02 (1) (r) to pupils enrolled in charter schools under this subsection.

(e) From the appropriation under s. 20.255 (2) (fm), the department shall pay to the operator of the charter school an amount equal to the shared cost per member in the previous school year of the school district operating under ch. 119 multiplied by the number of pupils attending the charter school. The department shall pay 25% of the total amount in September, 25% in December, 25% in February and 25% in June. The department shall send the check to the operator of the charter school.

(f) The department shall annually reduce the aid paid under s. 121.08 to the board of a school district operating under ch. 119 by an amount equal to the shared cost per member in the previous school year of the school district operating under ch. 119 multiplied by the number of pupils attending charter schools under this subsection.

(g) The department shall ensure that aid paid to other school districts under s. 121.08 is neither reduced nor increased as a result of the payments under par. (e) or the reduction in aid to the board under par. (f) and that the amount of the aid reduction under par. (f) lapses to the general fund.

SECTION 2836. 118.40 (3) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:

118.40 (3) (a) If the school board grants the petition under sub. (2) (a), the school board shall contract with the person named in the petition under sub. (1m) (b) 1. to operate the school as a charter school under this section. The contract shall include all of the provisions specified in the petition and may include other provisions agreed to by the parties.

SECTION 2837. 118.40 (3) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:

118.40 (3) (b) A contract under par. (a) or under sub. subs. (2m) or (2r) may be for any term not exceeding 5 school years and may be renewed for one or more terms not exceeding 5 school years. The contract shall specify the amount to be paid by the school board to the charter school during each school year of the contract.

SECTION 2839. 118.40 (3) (d) of the statutes is amended to read:

118.40 (3) (d) A school board or an entity under s. 118.40 (2r) (b) shall give preference in awarding contracts for the operation of charter schools to those charter schools that serve children at risk, as defined in s. 118.153 (1) (a).

SECTION 2840. 118.40 (5) (intro.) and (a) of the statutes are amended to read:

118.40 (5) CHARTER REVOCATION. (intro.) A charter may be revoked by the school board or the entity under sub. (2r) (b) that contracted with the charter school if the school board or, if applicable, the entity under sub. (2r) (b) finds that any of the following occurred:

(a) The charter school violated its contract with the school board or the entity under sub. (2r) (b).

SECTION 2841. 118.40 (7) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:

118.40 (7) (a) A Except as provided in par. (am), a charter school is an instrumentality of the school district in which it is located and the school board of that school district shall employ all personnel for the charter school. This paragraph does not apply to charter schools located in the school district operating under ch. 119.

SECTION 2842. 118.40 (7) (am) of the statutes is created to read:

118.40 (7) (am) 1. Except as provided in subds. 2. and 3., if a charter school is established under sub. (2m) and located in the school district operating under ch. 119, the school board of that school district shall determine whether or not the charter school is an instrumentality of the school district. If the school board determines that a charter school is an instrumentality of the school district, the school board shall employ all personnel for the charter school. If the school board determines that a charter school is not an instrumentality of the school district, the school board may not employ any personnel for the charter school.

2. A charter school established under sub. (2r) or a private school located in the school district operating under ch. 119 that is converted to a charter school is not an instrumentality of the school district operating under ch. 119 and the school board of that school district may not employ any personnel for the charter school.
