119.78 (2) From the appropriation under s. 20.255 (2) (ec), the department state superintendent shall pay to the board the amount specified in the spending plan under s. 119.80 in each school year to fund the family resource center under sub. (1).

SECTION 2854u. 119.82 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:

119.82 (3) From the appropriation under s. 20.255 (2) (ec), the department state superintendent shall pay to the board the amount specified in the spending plan under s. 119.80 in each school year for the programs under sub. (1).

SECTION 2854w. 119.84 of the statutes is amended to read:

119.84 Professional development. Annually, the department state superintendent shall pay the amount appropriated in that fiscal year under s. 20.255 (2) (dc) to the board. The board shall use the funds for professional staff development activities. This subsection does not apply after June 30, 1996.

SECTION 2854y. 120.115 of the statutes is created to read:

120.115 Report on debt service. (1) Within 10 days after holding a referendum that would authorize the school district to incur debt or that would authorize the common council of a 1st class city to incur debt on behalf of the school district operating under ch. 119, the school board shall notify the department of the approval or rejection of the referendum.

(2) (a) Within 10 days after adopting or revising a schedule for the payment of debt service, the school board shall submit the schedule to the department.

(b) Within 10 days after adopting or revising a schedule for the payment of debt service on debt issued on behalf of the school district operating under ch. 119, the common council of a 1st class city shall submit the schedule to the department.

(3) Monthly, the department shall submit to the department of administration and the legislative fiscal bureau a report that aggregates all debt service payment schedules submitted under sub. (2).

SECTION 2855. 120.12 (14) of the statutes is amended to read:

120.12 (14) COURSE OF STUDY. Determine the school course of study, with the advice of the department state superintendent.

SECTION 2856. 120.12 (17) of the statutes is amended to read:

120.12 (17) UNIVERSITY OF WISCONSIN SYSTEM TUITION. Pay the tuition of any pupil enrolled in the school district and attending a center or institution within the university of Wisconsin system if the pupil is not participating in the program under s. 118.37 118.55, the course the pupil is attending at the university is not offered in the school district and the pupil will receive high school credit for the course.

SECTION 2857g. 120.13 (1) (c) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:

120.13 (1) (c) 3. Prior to expelling a pupil, the school board shall hold a hearing. Upon request of the pupil and, if the pupil is a minor, the pupil's parent or guardian, the hearing shall be closed. The pupil and, if the pupil is a minor, the pupil's parent or guardian may be represented at the hearing by counsel. The school board shall keep written minutes of the hearing. Upon the ordering by the school board of the expulsion of a pupil, the school district clerk shall mail a copy of the order to the pupil and, if the pupil is a minor, to the pupil's parent or guardian. The expelled pupil or, if the pupil is a minor, the pupil's parent or guardian may appeal the expulsion to the department state superintendent. If the school board's decision is appealed to the department state superintendent, within 60 days after the date on which the department state superintendent receives the appeal, the department state superintendent shall review the decision and shall, upon review, approve, reverse or modify the decision. The decision of the school board shall be enforced while the department state superintendent reviews the decision. An appeal from the decision of the department state superintendent may be taken within 30 days to the circuit court of the county in which the school is located.

SECTION 2857r. 120.13 (1) (e) 3. of the statutes is amended to read:

120.13 (1) (e) 3. Prior to expelling a pupil, the hearing officer or panel shall hold a hearing. Upon request of the pupil and, if the pupil is a minor, the pupil's parent or guardian, the hearing shall be closed. The pupil and, if the pupil is a minor, the pupil's parent or guardian, may be represented at the hearing by counsel. The hearing officer or panel shall keep a full record of the hearing. The hearing officer or panel shall inform each party of the right to a complete record of the proceeding. Upon request, the hearing officer or panel shall direct that a transcript of the record be prepared and that a copy of the transcript be given to the pupil and, if the pupil is a minor, the pupil's parent or guardian. Upon the ordering by the hearing officer or panel of the expulsion of a pupil, the school district shall mail a copy of the order to the school board, the pupil and, if the pupil is a minor, the pupil's parent or guardian. Within 30 days after the date on which the order is issued, the school board shall review the expulsion order and shall, upon review, approve, reverse or modify the order. The order of the hearing officer or panel shall be enforced while the school board reviews the order. The expelled pupil or, if the pupil is a minor, the pupil's parent or guardian may appeal the school board's decision to the department state superintendent. If the school board's decision is appealed to the department state superintendent, within 60 days after the date on which the department state superintendent receives the appeal, the department state superintendent shall review the decision and shall, upon review, approve, reverse or modify the decision. The decision of the school board shall be enforced while the department state superintendent reviews the decision. An appeal from the decision of the department state superintendent may be taken within 30 days to the circuit court of the county in which the school is located. This paragraph does not apply to a school district operating under ch. 119.

SECTION 2860c. 120.13 (2) (g) of the statutes, as affected by 1995 Wisconsin Act 289, is amended to read:

120.13 (2) (g) Every self-insured plan under par. (b) shall comply with ss. 49.493 (3) (d), 631.89, 631.90, 631.93 (2), 632.745 (2), (3) and (5) 632.746 (10) (a) 2. and (b) 2., 632.747 (3), 632.87 (4) and (5), 632.895 (9) and (10), 632.896, 767.25 (4m) (d) and 767.51 (3m) (d).

SECTION 2860f. 120.13 (2) (g) of the statutes, as affected by 1997 Wisconsin Act .... (this act), is amended to read:

120.13 (2) (g) Every self-insured plan under par. (b) shall comply with ss. 49.493 (3) (d), 631.89, 631.90, 631.93 (2), 632.746 (10) (a) 2. and (b) 2., 632.747 (3), 632.87 (4) and (5), 632.895 (9) and (10) to (13), 632.896, 767.25 (4m) (d) and 767.51 (3m) (d).

SECTION 2860g. 120.13 (14) of the statutes is amended to read:

120.13 (14) DAY CARE PROGRAMS. Establish and provide or contract for the provision of day care programs for children. The school board may receive federal or state funds for this purpose. The school board may charge a fee for all or part of the cost of the service for participation in a day care program established under this subsection. Costs associated with a day care program under this subsection may not be included in shared costs under s. 121.07 (6). Day care programs established under this subsection shall meet the standards for licensed day care centers established by the department of health and family services. If a school board proposes to contract for or renew a contract for the provision of a day care program under this subsection or if on July 1, 1996, a school board is a party to a contract for the provision of a day care program under this subsection, the school board shall refer the contractor or proposed contractor to the department of health and family services for the background investigations criminal history and child abuse record search required under s. 48.65 (1m) 48.685. Each school board shall provide the department of health and family services with information about each person who is denied a contract for a reason specified in s. 48.685 (2) (a) 1. to 5.

SECTION 2860m. 120.13 (26) of the statutes is amended to read:

120.13 (26) CONTRACTS WITH PRIVATE EDUCATION SERVICES. Upon the approval of the department state superintendent, contract with private education services for pupils who need concurrent education and treatment services, the educational portion of which is not available in the schools in which the pupils are enrolled. Private education services provided under this subsection may not include religious or sectarian teachings or instruction.

SECTION 2861. 120.13 (26r) of the statutes is created to read:

120.13 (26r) CONTRACTS FOR OUTPATIENT MENTAL HEALTH AND DEVELOPMENTAL DISABILITIES SERVICES. Contract with the department of health and family services for outpatient services under s. 51.07 (4).

SECTION 2862m. 120.14 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:

120.14 (1) At the close of each fiscal year, the school board of each school district shall employ a licensed accountant to audit the school district accounts and certify the audit. The audit shall include information concerning the school district's self-insurance plan under s. 120.13 (2) (b), as specified by the commissioner of insurance. If required by the department state superintendent under s. 115.28 (18), the audit shall include an audit of the number of pupils reported for membership purposes under s. 121.004 (5). The cost of the audit shall be paid from school district funds. Annually by September 15, the school district clerk shall file a financial audit statement with the department state superintendent.

SECTION 2863. 120.17 (8) (bm) of the statutes is amended to read:

120.17 (8) (bm) If the equalized valuation of that part of a municipality lying within a school district is reduced due to the removal of property from the tax roll because the imposition of the property tax on that property is found unconstitutional, the school district clerk shall notify the supervisor of equalization. The supervisor of equalization shall reduce the equalized valuation by the full value of the property so removed and certify the resulting equalized valuation to the department state superintendent and the school district clerk for use in computing the tax levy certifications under this subsection. Corrections may be made under this paragraph only for the valuations used by the department for the last 2 school years.

SECTION 2863b. 120.18 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:

120.18 (1) (a) Except in a union high school district, the The school census, showing the numbers and ages of children between the ages of 4 and 20 residing in the school district who are at least 4 years old but not yet 14 years old and who reside in a school district operating only elementary grades, showing the number and ages of children between the ages of 14 and 20 residing in a union high school district and showing the number and ages of children between the ages of 4 and 20 residing in any other school district. The census may be estimated by using statistically significant sampling techniques that have been approved by the department state superintendent. Children cared for at a charitable or penal institution of this state may not be included in the report. The school district clerk may employ a competent person to take the school census.

SECTION 2863g. 120.18 (1) (h) of the statutes is renumbered 120.18 (1) (s).

SECTION 2863r. 120.18 (1) (i) of the statutes is created to read:

120.18 (1) (i) A description of the educational technology used by the school district, including the uses made of the technology, the cost of the technology and the number of persons using or served by the technology. In this paragraph, "educational technology" has the meaning given in s. 44.70 (3).

SECTION 2863rm. 120.18 (3) of the statutes is amended to read:

120.18 (3) The department state superintendent may promulgate rules to implement and administer this section.

SECTION 2863s. 120.21 (1) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:

120.21 (1) (b) With flight operator schools, approved by the U.S. civil aeronautics administration, for courses in flight instruction approved by the department state superintendent.

SECTION 2864. 121.004 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:

121.004 (2) EQUALIZED VALUATION. The "equalized valuation" of a school district is the full value of the taxable property of the territory in the school district as certified for the prior year under s. 121.06 (2), excluding value adjustments made under s. 70.57 (1) resulting from appeals made under s. 70.995. The "equalized valuation" of any taxable property in a tax incremental district shall not exceed its equalized value determined for the purpose of obtaining the tax incremental base of that district under s. 66.46. The "equalized valuation" of a school district shall be reduced by the amount of an environmental remediation value increment on a parcel of property that is certified under s. 66.462 during the period of certification.

SECTION 2865m. 121.004 (7) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:

121.004 (7) (a) "Pupils enrolled" is the total number of pupils, as expressed by official enrollments, in all schools of the school district, except as provided in pars. (b) to (d) (e). If such total contains a fraction, it shall be expressed as the nearest whole number. The same method shall be used in computing the number of pupils enrolled for resident pupils, nonresident pupils or both.

SECTION 2865r. 121.004 (7) (e) of the statutes is created to read:

121.004 (7) (e) A pupil attending public school under s. 118.145 (4) shall be counted as the result obtained by dividing the number of hours of direct pupil instruction scheduled for the pupil at the public school during the school year by the number of hours of direct pupil instruction that the school district scheduled for a pupil in the same grade during the school year.

SECTION 2867. 121.006 (1) (a) of the statutes is amended to read:

121.006 (1) (a) The department state superintendent may withhold state aid from any school district in which the scope and character of the work are not maintained in such manner as to meet the department's state superintendent's approval.

SECTION 2867m. 121.006 (2) (intro.) and (a) of the statutes are amended to read:

121.006 (2) (intro.) Unless the department state superintendent is satisfied that the failure to meet the requirements of pars. (a) and (b) was occasioned by some extraordinary cause not arising from intention or neglect on the part of the responsible officers, every school district shall:

(a) Hold school for at least 180 days each year, less any days during which the department state superintendent determines that school is not held or educational standards are not maintained as the result of a strike by school district employes, the days to be computed in accordance with s. 115.01 (10).

SECTION 2867q. 121.007 of the statutes is amended to read:

121.007 Use of state aid; exemption from execution. All moneys paid to a school district under s. 20.255 (2) (ac), (bc), (bm), (cg) and, (cr) and (q) shall be used by the school district solely for the purposes for which paid. Such moneys are exempt from execution, attachment, garnishment or other process in favor of creditors, except as to claims for salaries or wages of teachers and other school employes and as to claims for school materials, supplies, fuel and current repairs.

SECTION 2868. 121.02 (1) (intro.) of the statutes is amended to read:

121.02 (1) (intro.) Each Except as provided in s. 118.40 (2r) (d), each school board shall:

SECTION 2869. 121.02 (1) (a) 2. of the statutes is amended to read:

121.02 (1) (a) 2. Ensure that all instructional staff of charter schools located in the school district hold a license or permit to teach issued by the department. The department state superintendent shall promulgate rules defining "instructional staff" for purposes of this subdivision and s. 118.40 (2r) (d) 1.

SECTION 2869m. 121.02 (1) (f) 1. of the statutes is amended to read:

121.02 (1) (f) 1. Schedule at least 180 school days annually, less any days during which the department state superintendent determines that school is not held or educational standards are not maintained as the result of a strike by school district employes.

SECTION 2870d. 121.02 (1) (m) of the statutes is amended to read:

121.02 (1) (m) Provide access to an education for employment program approved by the department state superintendent. Beginning in the 1997-98 school year, the program shall incorporate applied curricula; guidance and counseling services under par. (e); technical preparation under s. 118.34; college preparation; youth apprenticeship under s. 106.13 or other job training and work experience; and instruction in skills relating to employment. The department state superintendent shall assist school boards in complying with this paragraph.

SECTION 2871. 121.02 (1) (s) of the statutes is amended to read:

121.02 (1) (s) Beginning in the 1993-94 school year, administer the examinations required by the department under s. 118.30 (1m) (am) and (b), and; beginning in the 1996-97 school year, administer the examination required by the department under s. 118.30 (1m) (a); and beginning in the 1999-2000 school year, administer the high school graduation examination required under s. 118.30 (1m) (d).

SECTION 2871m. 121.02 (3) to (5) of the statutes are amended to read:

121.02 (3) Prior to any finding that a school district is not in compliance with the standards under sub. (1), the department state superintendent shall, upon request of the school board or upon receipt of a petition signed by the maximum number of electors allowed for nomination papers of school district officers under s. 8.10 (3) (i), (km) or (ks), conduct a public hearing in the school district. If the department state superintendent, after the hearing, finds that the district is not in compliance with the standards, the department state superintendent may develop with the school board a plan which describes methods of achieving compliance. The plan shall specify the time within which compliance shall be achieved. The department state superintendent shall withhold up to 25% of state aid from any school district that fails to achieve compliance within the specified period.

(4) Any school district which is completely surrounded by water may meet the requirements of this section by being in substantial compliance with the standards in sub. (1). Annually by August 15, the school district shall submit to the department state superintendent for approval a report describing the methods by which the school district intends to substantially comply with the standards. The department state superintendent shall allow any such school district maximum flexibility in the school district's substantial compliance plans.

(5) The department state superintendent shall promulgate rules to implement and administer this section, including rules defining "regular instruction" for the purpose of sub. (1) (L) 1. and 2.

SECTION 2872. 121.05 (1) (a) 5. of the statutes is amended to read:

121.05 (1) (a) 5. Pupils attending a technical college under s. 118.15 (1) (b) and pupils attending an institution of higher education or a technical college under s. 118.37 118.55.

SECTION 2872gd. 121.05 (1) (a) 11. of the statutes is created to read:

121.05 (1) (a) 11. Pupils residing in the school district but attending a public school in another school district under s. 118.51.

SECTION 2872gm. 121.05 (1) (a) 12. of the statutes is created to read:

121.05 (1) (a) 12. Pupils attending public school under s. 118.145 (4).

SECTION 2872m. 121.05 (3) and (4) of the statutes are amended to read:

121.05 (3) If a school district is unable to hold school on either of the 2 dates specified in sub. (1) (a), the department state superintendent shall designate alternative membership counting dates.

(4) Beginning in the 1994-95 school year, the school board of a school district in which a foster or group home that is not exempt under s. 70.11 is located may submit a report to the department state superintendent. If the school board submits a report, it shall submit it by June 30. The report shall indicate, on a full-time equivalent basis, the number of pupils residing in such foster or group homes who were provided educational services by the school district during the current school year but were not included in the September or January membership count under sub. (1) (a). The department state superintendent shall adjust the school district's membership based on the report. The department state superintendent shall make proportional adjustments to the memberships of the school districts in which the pupil was previously enrolled during that school year. The department state superintendent shall obtain from such school districts the information necessary to make such adjustments. The department state superintendent shall promulgate rules to implement and administer this subsection.

SECTION 2873. 121.06 (1) of the statutes is amended to read:

121.06 (1) Annually on or before October 1, the full value of the taxable property in each part of each city, village and town in each school district shall be determined by the department of revenue according to its best judgment from all sources of information available to it and shall be certified by the department of revenue to the department state superintendent.

SECTION 2873d. 121.06 (2) of the statutes is amended to read:

121.06 (2) The department state superintendent shall certify to each school district clerk the appropriate full values certified to the department state superintendent under sub. (1).

SECTION 2873h. 121.07 (1) (c) of the statutes is amended to read:

121.07 (1) (c) If an order of school district reorganization under ch. 117 is not effective due to litigation until after the 3rd Friday in September but takes effect before April 1 of the current school year, state aid for any affected school district for the first year of operation shall be computed after the order takes effect using calculations by the department state superintendent of the number of pupils enrolled and teacher-pupil ratio for the territory in the affected school district, which shall be made as if the school district had been in existence on the 3rd Friday in September.

SECTION 2873m. 121.07 (7) (b) of the statutes is amended to read:

121.07 (7) (b) The "secondary guaranteed valuation per member" is an amount, rounded to the next lower dollar, that, after subtraction of payments under ss. 121.09, 121.10, 121.105, 121.85 (6) (b) 2. and 3. and (c) and 121.86, fully distributes an amount equal to the amount remaining in the appropriation under s. 20.255 (2) (ac) plus $75,000,000 in the 1997-98 school year and $100,000,000 in the 1998-99 school year for payments under ss. 121.08 and 121.85 (6) (a) and (g).

SECTION 2873p. 121.09 of the statutes is amended to read:

121.09 State aid adjustment; redetermination of assessment. (1) If, on or after July 1, 1980, the tax appeals commission or a court makes a final redetermination on the assessment of property subject to taxation under s. 70.995 that is lower than the previous assessment, or if, on or after January 1, 1982, the state board of assessors makes a final redetermination on the assessment of property subject to taxation under s. 70.995 that is lower than the previous assessment, the school board of the school district in which the property is located may, within 4 years after the date of the determination, decision or judgment, file the determination of the state board of assessors, the decision of the tax appeals commission or the judgment of the court with the department state superintendent, requesting an adjustment in state aid to the school district. If the department state superintendent determines that the determination, decision or judgment is final and that it has been filed within the 4-year period, the state shall pay to the school district in the subsequent fiscal year, from the appropriation appropriations under s. 20.255 (2) (ac) and (q), an amount equal to the difference between the state aid computed under s. 121.08 for the school year commencing after the year subject to the valuation recertification, using the school district's equalized valuation as originally certified, and the state aid computed under s. 121.08 for that school year using the school district's equalized valuation as recertified under s. 70.57 (2).

(2) If, on or after May 3, 1984, the state board of assessors, the tax appeals commission or a court makes a final redetermination on the assessment of property subject to taxation under s. 70.995 that is higher than the previous assessment, the department state superintendent shall notify the school district in which the property is located of the recertification by the department of revenue under s. 70.57 (2). The department state superintendent shall, in the subsequent fiscal year, withhold from the school district's state aid entitlement under s. 121.08 an amount equal to the difference between the state aid computed under s. 121.08 for the school year commencing after the year subject to the valuation recertification, using the school district's equalized valuation as originally certified, and the state aid computed under s. 121.08 for that school year, using the school district's equalized valuation as recertified under s. 70.57 (2).

SECTION 2873t. 121.10 (4) of the statutes is amended to read:
