Capital improvement authorizations, 20.866 (2)
Program balances, revenues, 20.9045
Authority and duties of dept., 23.09, 23.11
Board, direction and supervision of department by, 15.34
Boundary area commission, advisory committee representation, 14.82 (1)
See also Bridges

Construction and maintenance, permit, 30.123
Fees for permits and approvals, 31.39
Hydraulic engineer, employment of, 31.29
Local projects, notice to department, 84.11 (3)
Private, across navigable waters, permit, supervision, 31.23 (3)
Standards, 84.01 (23)
Commercial fishing board, 15.345 (2), (3)
Conservation congress, 15.348
Construction and service contracts, 23.41
Creation of department, 15.34
see Dams
Deer farms,
Direction and supervision of department by board, 15.34
Electric utilities proposals to construct bulk generating facilities:
Permits, optional procedure, near waterways, 30.025
Permits needed, dept. to provide listing, 196.491 (3) (a)
Emergencies, disasters, department duties, 23.09 (4)
Employes, injury on duty, 230.36
Hunter safety program, certificate of accomplishment, 29.591, 29.593
Seized, 968.20 (3)
Fish and game,
Fox River management commission:
Creation, 15.345 (5)
Powers and duties, 30.93
Geographic powers and duties, 23.25
Acceptance, 23.09 (2) (o), 299.21
Contributions for environmental remediation, 292.51
Facilities on state-owned lands, 23.09 (2) (n)
Land, 23.09 (2p)
Grants and assistance:
Air pollution:
Federal aid; application approval, 285.71
Small business, stationary source compliance assistance, 285.79
Black point estate grant, 23.0962
Dump closure, 289.83
Environmental damage compensation, 66.365
Forest croplands, 23.09 (18)
Municipalities, aid in lieu of tax on certain state lands, 70.113, 70.114
Sewerage systems, 281.56
Urban green space, 23.09 (19)
Water pollution prevention, 281.55
Water quality, generally, 281.51 to 281.69
Harbor improvements:
See also Harbors

Department approval, 30.31 (2)
Highway changes, notice, 80.05, 80.39 (2), 84.01 (17), 84.02 (3)
Hotline for law violations, 23.38
Hunter education and bow hunter safety program, 29.591, 29.593
Ice age trail:
Land dedication, 23.293
Powers and duties, 23.17
Interstate comity, enforcement, 29.043
Laboratory certification program, 299.11
Land acquisition:
Approval required, 23.14
Bong air base, authority to acquire, 23.09 (13)
Priorities, 23.09 (2dm)
Purposes, 23.09 (2)
Lands, sale of, 23.15
Law violation hotline, 23.38
Legal services, justice department to furnish, 165.25 (4), 281.97
Metallic mining council:
Creation, membership, 15.347 (12)
Duties, 289.08
see Mining
Monona terrace project, 23.195
Natural areas preservation council:
Creation, membership, 15.347 (4)
Duties, 23.26, 23.28
General provisions, 15.09
Oil and gas exploration and drilling, powers and duties, 295.35

Olympic ice rink, corporations operating, financial information, 42.115
Permits and licenses:
Denial or suspension:
Delinquent support obligors, 29.024 (2g), 49.857, 299.08
Delinquent tax obligors, 73.0301, 299.07
Fee refund program, 299.05
Fire setting, 26.12 (5)
Fishing and hunting,
Metropolitan sewerage district commission, 66.894 (4)