Partner's agency after, 178.30
Right to account, 178.38
Right to wind up, 178.32
Settling accounts, 178.35
Wrongfully caused, 178.36
Duties of partners, rules, 178.15
Estoppel, partnership by, 178.13
Existence, rules to determine, 178.04
Expulsion of partner, 178.36
Fiduciary organizations, regulation of, 223.105
Fixed term, continuance after termination, 178.20
Fraudulent conveyances, insolvency, 242.02
Garnishee defendant, 812.05 (4)
Information, partners to give each other, 178.17
Interest of partner:
Assignment, 178.23
Dead or retired, ascertained, 178.37
Defined, 178.22
Foreclosure, sale, redemption, 178.24
Inventory by survivor, 858.11
Judgment against partner, collection, 178.24
Liability, of partners, 178.12, 178.14
Of partnership, 178.10, 178.11
Medical practices, billing permitted, 448.08 (4)
New partner admitted, 178.36
Notice to or knowledge of partner, 178.09
Parties to actions, 803.01 (2)
Presumptive evidence, from pleadings, 891.29
How assessed, 70.21
Of partnership, 178.05
Property rights of partner in, 178.21
Real estate licensee, 452.12 (2)
Realty, conveyance, 178.07
Redemption of partner's interest, 178.24
Rights of partners, 178.21
Rules, 178.15
Rules for determining existence, 178.04
Service of summons on, 801.11 (6)
Spouse surviving, right of election against marital property, 178.21 (3) (e)
Tenancies, manner of giving termination notice, 704.21 (3)
Torts of partners, liability, 178.10, 178.11
Trustees' powers, 701.19 (5)
Unclaimed property act, Ch. 177
Worker's compensation, employe election, 102.07 (15), 102.075
Worker's compensation insurance, 102.31 (1) (d)
Applicability of law to foreign and interstate commerce, 178.53
Correcting filed documents, 178.50
Effective date and time, 178.49
Forms, 178.47
Requirements, 178.46
Fees, 178.48
Filing duties of state, 178.51
Appeal from refusal to file, 178.52
Foreign partnerships, 178.45
Name, 178.42
Registered office and agent, 178.43
Registration, 178.40
Effect, 178.41
Service on partnership, 178.44
Partnerships 3. Limited Partnerships3. Limited Partnerships
, Ch. 179
Agent for service of process, maintain in state, 179.04
Assets, distribution on dissolution, 179.74
Assignment of partnership interest, 179.62
Power of estate of deceased or incompetent partner, 179.65
Right of assignee to become limited partner, 179.64
Rights of creditor, 179.63
Business transactions of partner with limited partnership, 179.07
Business which may be carried on, 179.06
Amendments, 179.12
Cancellation of, 179.13
Contents, filing, 179.11
Delivery to limited partners, 179.19
Execution, 179.14
Execution by court order, 179.15
Filing, charges, 179.16
Liability for false statement, 179.17
Name of drafter on document, 182.01 (3)
Notice conferred by filing, 179.18
Restated, original and amendments, 179.185
Community development finance company, 234.95
Construction and application of law, 179.10
Form, 179.41
Liability for, 179.42