Care, 302.41
Cost of care; collection, liability, 301.12
Circuit court jurisdiction, 302.02
Civil arrest, habeas corpus to test, 782.22
Civil rights, how restored, 304.078
Clean indoor air law, 101.123
Community service work:
Condition of probation, 973.09 (7m)
Sentence, 973.03 (3)
Controlled substances:
Challenge incarceration program for abusers, 302.045
Delivery to prisoners forbidden, 961.465
Cooperation between counties, 302.44
Correctional institution health care, 302.385
Correctional officers, training, 301.28
Correctional substance, delivery to forbidden, 961.465
Corrections compact, 302.25, 302.255, 302.26
County reforestation camps, 303.07
Dangerous drugs, giving forbidden, 302.375
Deceased prisoner, estate under $150, 302.14
Delivering articles to prisoner, 302.095
Interstate agreement, 976.05, 976.06
Intrastate, prompt disposition, 971.11
In jail, 302.31
Temporary in any facility, 302.19
Discharge, by habeas corpus, 782.20, 782.22
Diseased, removal, 252.06
Earnings, 302.12
Educational program, established by technical college system board, 38.04 (12)
Emergency removal, 302.35, 304.115
see Escape
Excessive probation, 973.09 (2m)
Expense, county jail maintenance, 302.33
Extended supervision, 302.113
Administrative and minimum supervision, fees for, 304.073
Bifurcated sentence component, 973.01
Community service as condition, 304.062
Loan fund for, 304.075
Notice to victims, 304.063
Out-of-state supervision, 304.13, 304.135
Period tolled by violation of terms, 304.072
Petition for release to from life sentence, 302.114
Reimbursement of state for supervision and services, 304.074
Revocation hearings, detention restrictions, 302.335
Extradition of prisoners as witnesses, 976.01
Fingerprinting and criminal identification, 165.84
Foreign criminals, governor may transfer to foreign countries under treaties, 302.185
Habeas corpus,
Huber facilities, 303.09
Standards for construction and repair, 46.17 (1)
Huber law, 303.065, 303.08
Humane treatment and punishment, 302.08
Inmate leaves authorized in certain cases, 303.068
Innocent persons, compensation, 775.05
see Jails
Jail assessment, 302.46
Juvenile, transfer to adult institutions, 302.18 (7)
Lease of correctional facilities authorized, 13.48 (27)
Life term:
Not entitled to mandatory release, 302.11 (1m)
Parole, 304.06 (1)
Release to extended supervision from life sentence:
Eligibility determination at sentencing, 973.014
Petition for, 302.114
Limitation of actions, time extended, 893.16 to 893.18
Litigation by prisoners:
Appeals, 809.103
Costs of actions, 814.25
Security for costs, 814.29
Discovery limits, 804.015
Injunctions in prison condition cases, 813.40
Judgments for prisoner, payment, 806.025
Limits on recovery, 895.76
Loans for expenses; collection, judgment, 301.328
Penalties for malicious, harassing suits and false testimony, 807.15
Pleadings, 801.02 (7)
Statute of limitations, action contesting governmental decisions, 893.735
Liquor, giving or use forbidden, 302.375
Medical care, 302.38, 302.386
Medium/maximum security prison, establishment, transfers, 301.16
Medium security prison:
Establishment, transfers, 301.16
Validation of acquisition of Milwaukee property, 992.10
Mentally ill prisoners: