Gifts to, 251.14
Membership, 251.03
Orders and regulations, publication and effective date, 251.135
Powers and duties, 251.04
Definitions, 251.01
Health departments:
City-county, 251.13
Withdrawal from, 251.15
Establishment, 251.02
Evidence, findings of dept. as, 251.16
City, 251.12
City-county and multiple county, 251.11
County, 251.10
Town, 251.127
Village, 251.125
Joint services, 251.09
Jurisdiction, 251.08
Levels of service, 251.05
Multiple county, 251.13
Withdrawal from, 251.15
State rules, 251.20
Health officers:
Abatement of health hazards, 254.59
Communicable diseases, duties, 252.03, 252.06
Qualifications, duties, 251.06
Legislative findings, 251.001
Warrants, special inspection, 66.122
PUBLIC HEALTH 4. Maternal and Child Health4. Maternal and Child Health
Birth and developmental outcome monitoring program, 253.12
Congenital disorders, tests for, 253.13
Family planning services, 253.07
Fetal monitor tracings, preservation of, 146.817
Food program for women, infants and children, 253.06
Health and family services department:
Federal funds, 253.05
Powers and duties, generally, 253.01, 253.02
State plan, 253.03
Immunization program, 252.04
Infant blindness, 253.11
Pregnancy counseling services, 253.08
Pregnant women, outreach to lower income, 253.085
Rights of individuals, 253.04
Sudden infant death syndrome, 253.14
Autopsy of, 979.03
PUBLIC HEALTH 5. State Health System, Generally5. State Health System, Generally
Dental services grant, 250.10
Drugs, authority over, 250.045
Health and family services department duties, 250.03, 250.04
Licenses and permits:
Denial or suspension of delinquent support obligors, 250.041
Denial or suspension of delinquent tax obligors, 252.241, 254.115
Immunization program, 252.04
Long-term care insurance, 146.91
Officials, 250.02
Planning, 250.07
Primary care program:
Hospital assessments for, 146.99
Indigent, 146.93
Public health nurses, 250.06
Rulemaking, local health departments regulated, 251.20
Sanitarian regulation, employment by state, 250.05
Trauma care system, 146.56
Wounds and burns, reporting requirements, 146.995

, Ch. 229

Administrative leadership academy, establish, 115.39
Adoption instruction, assistance to schools, 115.355
Alcohol and drug abuse programs:
Assistance to schools, 115.36, 115.362
Prevention plan, 115.361
Report on effectiveness, 115.28 (39)
Alternative education experience for troubled youth, 118.42
Establish rules, 115.28 (17)
American Indian language and culture board, creation, membership, duties, 15.375
American Indian language and culture education program, 115.71 to 115.75
Appropriation, 20.255, 20.866 (2) (zh)
Assessment of pupils, 118.30
Attachment upon failure to operate school, notification, 117.30
Audits of school district accounts, rules and standards, 120.14 (4)
Bilingual-bicultural education, 115.95 to 115.996
Establish rules, 115.28 (15)
Report to legislature, 115.996
State aids, 115.995
Blind, council on education of: