Federal aids, accept, 115.28 (9)
Federal appropriations adjustments, 115.295
Food service,
see Nutrition programs, under this subhead
Forms, prepare for school officers, 115.30 (1)
Gifted and talented pupils, programs for, 118.35
Goals, report on, 115.28 (36)
Consolidation planning grants, 115.28 (33)
Milwaukee public museum, African American history exhibits, 115.28 (40)
Milwaukee public schools grant programs, council for, 115.28 (20)
National teacher certification, 115.42
Peer review and mentoring program, 115.405
Preschool to grade 5 program grants, duties, 115.45
Priority in awarding, 115.28 (24)
Health problems education program, establishment, 115.35
Health professional training for underserved areas, promotion, 115.28 (37)
High schools:
Graduation equivalency, declare, 115.29 (4)
Graduation standards, duties, 118.33
Janesville city park, permit use of grounds of state school for visually handicapped, 115.58
Libraries, duties, 43.03
Library and network development council:
Creation, membership, terms, 15.377 (6)
Duties, 43.07
Library development, exchange of documents, 35.86
Library services division:
Creation, 15.373 (2)
Distribution of reference and loan collection materials, 43.27
Duties, 43.05
Librarians' certificates, issuance, 43.09 (1)
Municipal libraries, issue opinion regarding establishment, 43.52 (1)
Reports by library boards, 43.58 (6)
Review to establish public library system, 43.13
Standards for public library systems, establish, 43.09 (2)
State aid to public library systems, certify amount, 43.24 (3)
Licensing and certification:
Delinquent support obligors, restriction or suspension, 115.315
Revocation, 115.31
Teachers and library personnel, 115.28 (7)
Low income students, achievement guarantee program, state aid, 118.43
Lunch program, 115.34
Milwaukee school board report, to receive copy, 119.44
Milwaukee special schools, approve instruction and transportation, 119.28 (5)
Minority group pupil census, establish procedures, 115.28 (14)
Minority group pupil scholarships, 115.43
Nutrition programs:
Breakfast program, 115.341
Certifying students eligibility, 115.347
Lunch program, 115.34
Morning milk program, 115.343
Nutritional improvement for elderly, 115.345
Powers, 15.04
Preschool to grade 5 program grants, duties, 115.45
Private schools, determination, 118.165, 118.167
Professional standards council for teachers:
Creation, membership, 15.377 (8)
Duties, 115.42
Protective behaviors programs, development, 115.368
Pupil discrimination, policies, complaints, determination, appeals, 118.13
Pupil membership audits, 115.28 (18)
Religious beliefs, accommodation, 115.28 (31)
Annual school district report, 120.18, 121.05
By officers and boards, 115.30 (1)
Report on debt service required, 120.115
To governor and legislature, 115.30 (4)
Respite and recreation center, distribution of funds, 115.28 (41)
School age parents program, 115.91 to 115.93
School buildings, inspection, order to repair, 115.33
School district boundary appeal board:

Creation, 15.375 (2)
Jurisdiction, procedure, 117.05
School districts:
Report to dept. regarding aid, 121.87
Valuation, certification by revenue department, 121.06
School nurses, certification, 115.28 (7m)
School performance report, 115.38
Sectarian instruction excluded, 115.28 (2)
Special education council, creation, membership, 15.377 (4)
State aid:
Adjustment, redetermination of assessment, 121.09
Low income students, achievement guarantee program, 118.43
Provide estimate to districts, 121.15 (4)
Withholding, 121.006
Suicide prevention program, assistance to schools, 115.365
Tax bills, provide information for, 115.28 (22)
Crimes against children, court to report to superintendent, 973.135
Discrimination, hold hearings, 118.20