Residential property, disclosures required on transfer, Ch. 709
Restrictive covenants:
Limitations, 893.33 (5)
Removal, 847.03
Riparian rights, conveyances restricted, 30.133
Sales agreement,
see Purchase agreement, under this subhead
Sheriff's deed:
Execution sale, when to issue, 815.55, 815.56
Mortgage foreclosure sale, 846.17
Partition, 842.20
Presumptive evidence of facts stated, 891.06
Title passed by, 840.16 (3)
Slander of title, 706.13
Criminal, 943.60
Agencies, to transportation department, 84.09 (6)
May accept or make, XI, 3a
Statute of frauds, 706.01, 706.02
Survey map, certified, use of description, 236.34
Tax stamps, as evidence, 891.08
Taxes, who to pay, grantor or grantee, 74.15
Tenancy in common, creation by conveyance, 700.18, 700.20
Timber sales, applicability of commercial code, 402.102, 402.304 (2)
Title defects, curative provisions, bar against claims, 706.09
Town, execution by clerk, 60.33 (5)
Transfer fee, 77.21 to 77.30
For detailed analysis,

Filing return, requirement for recording, 706.05 (12)
Register of deeds' duties, 59.43 (1) (c)
Transfers at death, applicability of general rules, 706.105
Transitional provisions, 706.14
Disclosure omitted, effect on title, 706.08 (3)
Trustee's powers presumed where not recorded, 706.08 (4)
Void unless in writing, 243.01
Villages, how executed, 61.50
, 706.10 (5), (6)
Decedents' contract to sell land, survival, 860.09
Decedents' estate, power of personal representative to give, 860.07
Wills, restrictions on conveyances, effect, 860.11
Abandonment, easements for public use, 32.16
Cities, acquisition, 62.22 (1m)
City streets and sewers, fee title may not be acquired, 32.62 (3)
Just compensation, 32.09 (6g), (6r)
Inclusion of easement in disposition, 703.32
Power of associations to grant, 703.15 (3)
Conservation easement:
DNR power to acquire, 23.09 (10)
Reservation of in historic property, 44.41 (3), 66.037 (3)
Uniform act, 700.40
Acquisition, 59.70 (2) (e), (L)
Expressway purposes, 59.84 (2) (d)
Enforcement, statute of limitations, 893.33 (6)
Health and family services department may grant, 46.06
Highways, abandoned, preservation of easements, reversion, 80.32
Interest in real property, definition as, 840.01
National parkway development, 84.105
Prescription, 893.28
Renewable energy resource easements:
Definition, requirements, 700.35
Solar access, obstruction, damages, 700.41, 844.22
Riparian rights, conveyances restricted, 30.133
Scenic easement,
see Conservation easement, under this subhead
Solar energy, municipality may require dedication for unobstructed flow, 236.13 (2)
State-owned lands:
State forest lands, easements over, 28.02 (5)
Utility service, grants for, 24.40
Stream bank protection program, easement for, 23.094
Time-share easement:
Definitions, 707.02
Campgrounds, exclusion from time share law, 707.30 (7)
Formal requirements, 707.21
Prescription, 893.28 (2)
Transmission lines, formal requirements, 182.017 (7)
Villages, acquisition, 61.34 (3m)
Wharves and piers, 30.131
Complaint, contents, 842.05
Costs and fees, 842.16
Default, proceedings, 842.07
Defendants, 842.04
Definitions, 842.01
see Fences