University of Wis. services contracts, 66.30 (2m)
Water pollution, prevention, financial assistance from state, 281.55
SCHOOLS 11. District Reorganization11. District Reorganization
Appeal panels, appointment, 117.05 (1)
Appeal to court, 117.14
Applicability of law, 117.01
Boards in new districts, 117.22
Boundary appeal board,
Change of district type, 117.27
Consolidation, 117.08
Planning grants, 115.28 (33)
Special adjustment aids, 121.105 (3)
Union high and elementary districts, 117.09
Creation of new district, 117.105
Criteria for, 117.15
Detachment and attachment:
Large territory, 117.11
Small territory initiated by owner, 117.12
Small territory initiated by school boards, 117.13
Upon failure to operate school, 117.30
Dissolution, 117.10
General provisions, 117.05
High school pupils, stay at original school, 121.78 (2)
Order, 117.17
Referendum procedures, 117.20
Suspended school, attachment to another district, 117.30
Territory annexed to certain municipalities, 117.132
Transfer of assets, liabilities and employes, 117.25
Apportionment of income, X, 5
Income, control, distribution, 43.70
Library books to be purchased with funds, 43.70 (3)
Sources, income, distribution, 24.76 to 24.78
Created, interest, X, 2
Escheats paid to, 852.01 (3)
Forfeitures, proceeds of property derived from crime, to be deposited, 973.075
How constituted, 24.76
Investment, land commissioners, X, 7, 8
Receipts from U. S. land sale, 14.13
Special laws forbidden, IV, 31
Unclaimed property:
Deposit of funds, 177.23 (1)
Proceeds, 20.909
Admission, 118.145
Alternative education program, 115.28 (7) (e), 118.33 (1)
Disbursement of funds, 66.042
Enrollment options, postsecondary, 118.55
Graduation equivalency, 115.29 (4)
Graduation standards, 118.33
Reorganization of district, tuition, 121.78 (2)
Technical education, preparation and advance standing program, 118.34
Voter registration, 6.28 (2)
SCHOOLS 14. Operations14. Operations
Administrative personnel, discrimination in employment, 118.20
Admission, high school, 118.145
Alcohol beverages, possession on school grounds prohibited, 125.09 (2)
Assistant administrator, term of contract, duties, 118.24
Business manager, term of contract, duties, 118.24
Communicable diseases, duty to report, 252.21
Community action agencies, appropriation to assist, 118.28
Compulsory school attendance, 118.15
Conservation camps, 118.05
Corporal punishment, 118.31
Curriculum, educational goals and expectations, 118.01
Discrimination prohibited, 118.13
District administrator, term of contract, duties, 118.24
Administration to pupils, 118.29
Asthmatics, possession and use of inhalers, 118.291
Emergency care, administration to pupils, 118.29
Fences around grounds, 118.11
Fire drills, requirement, report, 118.07 (2)
First aid kit required, 118.07 (1)
Flag of U. S., to be displayed, 118.06 (1)
Foreign language, instruction, 118.017
Gifts and grants, 118.27
Technology donations to educational institutions, liability exemption, 895.515
Health treatment services to private school pupils, 118.255
Human growth and development instruction, 118.019
Liability for referral of pupils to police, 118.257
Pledge of allegiance, 118.06 (2)
Physical examinations, employes and pupils, 118.25
Principals, term of contract, duties, 118.24
Private schools, criteria and determination, 118.165, 118.167
Privileged communications, exceptions, students using alcohol or drugs, 118.126