Gifted and talented pupils, programs for, 118.35
Gifts and grants:
Accept, use, 118.27
Technology donations to educational institutions, liability exemption, 895.515
Holiday celebrations, 66.04 (3)
Human growth and development instruction, 118.019
Insurance, local government property fund, Ch. 605
Legal services, 120.13 (9m)
Library books, loan to another district, 43.72
Lunch period for teachers, duty-free, 118.235
Meetings, open to public, 19.81 to 19.98
Merged attendance area programs, state aid, 121.86
Orientation, 120.13 (32)
Paging and 2-way communication devices, prohibited, 118.258
Parents, school age, education program, 115.91 to 115.93
Performance report by education department, distribution to parents, 115.38 (2)
Placement examinations, advanced; when board to pay for, 120.12 (22)
Powers, 120.13
Construction of statutes regarding, 118.001
Preschool to grade 5 program grants, application, compliance, 115.45
Principals, term of contract, duties, 118.24
Public deposits, duty to designate depository, 34.05 (1)
Pupil discrimination, develop policies and procedures, 118.13
Pupil identification numbers, assignment, 118.169
Pupil records, maintenance, 118.125
Reading program, 118.015 (4)
Recall of board member, 9.10
Religious instruction, permit released time for, 118.155
Removal of members, 17.13
Procedure, 17.16
Report by education department on school performance, distribution to parents, 115.38 (2)
Report school enrollment, 115.30 (2)
Reports, records, neglect, forfeiture, 118.123
Resignation of members, 17.01
Safety patrols, 118.10
Sale of goods and services at schools, 118.12
School premises, regulation of person on, 120.13 (35)
Spending authority, 120.13 (33)
Suicide, intervention, civil liability exemption, 118.295
Summer classes, operation, 118.04
Teachers' contracts, 118.21
Renewal, 118.22
Testing of pupils, 118.30
Textbooks, duties, 118.03
Traffic control on school premises, request, 118.105
Of pupils and teachers, 121.54
Of pupils in hazardous areas, duties, 121.54 (9) (am)
Responsibilities, 121.56
Treasurer, disbursement of funds, 66.042
Truancy committee and plan, 118.162
Unified school district,
Union high,
U. S. flag, cause display, 118.06 (1)
Filling, 17.26
How caused, 17.03
Notice, 17.17
Vocational and technical college advance standing, program for, 118.34
Waiver of state laws, requests for, 118.38
Schools 5. Bonds5. Bonds
For general provisions,
Execution and sale, 67.08
Fiscal agent for school district, 67.10 (2)
Procedure for issuance, 67.05
Schools 6. Children With Disabilities6. Children With Disabilities
Blind children, compulsory education, 115.54
Child caring institutions; programs for, referrals to, 115.81
Construction of law, 115.758
County children with disabilities education board:
Contracts, 120.13 (26m)
Establishment, organization, duties, 115.817
Membership report, 121.05 (1)
State aid, 121.135, 121.14
Uniform financial accounting, 115.28 (13)
Deaf children, compulsory education, 115.54
Definitions, 115.76
District and other responsible agency duties, generally, 115.77
Division for learning support, equity and advocacy, 15.373 (1), 115.762
Due process hearings, 115.80
Educational placements, 115.79
Disputes, 115.812 (1)
Reimbursement for private school placement, 115.791
Report on qualifying pupils not attending in district, 115.812 (2)
Evaluations, 115.782
Health treatment services to private school pupils, 118.255
Individualized education program, 115.787
Individualized education program team: timeline, 115.78
Interagency cooperation, 115.812 (3)