Revocation, 551.28
Statement, 551.27
Fee, 551.52 (1)
Register, 551.64 (2)
Suspension, 551.28
Unlawful representations, 551.55
Representations, unlawful, 551.55
Rules, 551.63
Sales, fraudulent practices, 551.41
Savings institution, licensing, 551.31 (5)
Scope of chapter, 551.66
Self-incrimination, immunity, 551.56 (3)
Seller's remedies, 551.59 (2)
Service of process, 551.65
Statute of limitations:
Civil liabilities, 551.59 (5)
Criminal liability, 551.58
Statutory policy, 551.67
Stop order proceedings, 551.28
Subpoenas, 551.56
Title of act, 551.01
Trust company:
Licensing, 551.31 (5)
Registration in name of nominee, 223.05 (2)
Securities 5. Securities of Public Service Corporations5. Securities of Public Service Corporations
, Ch. 184
Account for new issue and proceeds, 200.07
Application for authority to issue, 200.05
Capital impaired, impounding order, 200.11
Certificate of authority, 200.06
Consideration for issue, requirements, 200.04
Costs and fees, 200.10
Definitions, 200.01
Hearing to determine right to issue, 200.05
Impounding securities, 200.06
Investigations by commission, costs and fees, 200.10 (3)
Certificate of authority, 200.03
Regulations, hearing, 200.05
Judicial review, 200.08
Judicial sale, reorganization, 200.12
Mortgage or deed of trust given in borrowing money, 182.025
Penalties for violations, 200.09
Power of alienation, state control, 200.02
Stock, regulation, 200.13
Telecommunications utilities, 200.15
Validating securities issued without certificate of authority, 200.14
, 946.03

Agricultural, defined, 94.38
Analyses, 94.45
Certification, 94.40
Exemptions, 94.42
Germination standards, 93.07 (8), 94.45
Label locations, 94.385
Labeler license, fee, 94.43
Labeling requirements, 94.39
Misbranding, 94.41
Noxious, restrictions on sale, 94.38 to 94.46
Poison added, labeling, 94.39
Prohibited practices, 94.41
Records and samples to be kept by labelers, 94.44
Department of agriculture, trade and consumer protection, 94.45
Penalties, 94.46
Samples, analysis, 94.45
Stop-sale, 94.46
Testing laboratory, 94.45
Vegetable, 94.38 to 94.46
Weed seeds, defined, 94.38
Defense to criminal liability, 939.48
Accused need not testify against self, I, 8
Actions for public moneys, immunity, 885.24
Agriculture, trade and consumer protection department, witness before, 93.17
Anti-trust witnesses, 133.15
Beverage tax violations, 139.20
Bribery of agent or employe, 885.15
Cigarette tax witnesses, 139.39 (5)
Compelled, immunity, 972.08
Corporations, actions by state, 885.25
Creditors' actions, discovery proceedings, 128.16
Employment relations law proceedings, 111.07
Immunity, use standard, 972.085
Inquest witnesses, immunity, 979.07
Insurance, persons before commissioner, 601.62 (5)
John Doe proceedings witnesses, immunity, 968.26
Legislative witnesses, immunity, 13.35