Milwaukee teachers, employer contribution, 119.18 (12)
Payments, 40.06
Defaults on payment, 40.06 (2)
Overpayments and underpayments, 40.08 (7)
Retention of, 40.08 (4)
To minors or incompetents, 40.08 (9)
Premiums, 40.05
Deductions for, 40.08 (2)
Health insurance, 40.05 (4)
Income continuation insurance, 40.05 (5)
Life insurance, 40.05 (6)
Long-term care insurance, 40.05 (4m)
Payments, 40.06
Protective occupation participants:
Disability benefits, 40.63 (4)
Duty disability and death benefits, 40.65
Public employe trust fund:
Administration, 40.01 (2)
Benefit limitations, 40.31
Contribution limitations, 40.32
Creation, 40.01 (1)
Death benefits, evidence required, 40.71
Disability annuities, duties, 40.63
Federal tax law compliance, 40.015
Liability of department, none for legal payments, 40.08 (11)
Payments, 40.06
Records of participants, not furnish lists, 40.08 (3)
Refunds of money paid in error, 40.08 (6)
Report, 40.06
Rights preserved in funds, responsibility of department, 40.19
State-federal agreement for social security, 40.40
Records, not public records, exceptions, 40.07
Refunds, 40.08 (6)
Reports, 40.06
Reserves, 40.04
Rights preserved in funds, 40.19
Separate retirement systems, including funds, 40.03 (1) (n), (2) (q)
Service credits, contributions, premiums and benefits, limitation on corrections, 40.08 (10)
Sick leave:
Accumulated, payment and conversion, 40.05 (4)
Conversion account (accumulated), 40.04 (10)
Social security account, 40.04 (8)
Social security contributions, 40.05 (3)
Social security for public employes:
Coverage, 40.41
State-federal agreement, 40.40
State employes:
Health insurance coverage, 40.51 (6)
Health insurance premiums, 40.05 (4) (a) 2.
State treasurer, treasurer of fund, 40.03 (4)
Survivor benefits:
Beneficiaries, 40.74
Death benefits:
Amount, 40.73
Eligibility, 40.71
Life insurance benefits, 40.72
Life insurance coverage, 40.70
Teachers retirement board:
Members, 15.165 (3)
Per diem, 15.07 (5) (f)
Powers and duties, 40.03 (7)
Trustees, 40.01 (2)
Compatibility of responsibilities, 40.01 (3)
Administrative decisions not reviewable, 227.52
Appropriation, 20.515
Benefits, lump sum rollover to other plan, 40.08 (14)
Creation, 15.16
Employe trust funds board:
Determination reviewable by certiorari, 40.08 (12)
Liability, 40.08 (11)
Membership, 15.16 (1)
Appointment, 15.07 (1) (a)
Per diem, 15.07 (5) (f)
Powers and duties, 40.03 (1)
Public employe disability annuitant, require examination, 40.63 (9)
Secretary, 40.03 (2)
Health care plans, cost-effective provision, facilitating, 628.36 (4)
Justice department, duty, 40.03 (3)
Legal services, justice department to furnish, 165.25 (4)
Long-term care insurance, advice, 146.91
Milwaukee office, maintain, 15.16 (2)
Powers and duties, 40.03 (2)
Salary, 20.923 (4)
State-federal agreement for social security for public employes, execute, 40.40
Teachers retirement board:
Membership, 15.165 (3)
Powers and duties, 40.03 (7)