Cessation of business, 78.13, 78.50
Reports to department, 78.12
Theft of tax moneys, 78.15, 78.51
Vehicles of, separate fuel tanks, 78.215, 78.52
Alternate fuels dealer, 78.47
Procedural requirements, 78.48
Supplier and exporter licenses, 78.09
Procedure, 78.10
Municipalities not to levy tax, 78.82
Notice of hearing, suspension of license, 78.65
Personal liability for, 78.70 (6)
To public depository or revenue department, 78.12 (4)
Penalties, 78.68
Criminal, 78.73
Cumulative, 78.74
Misuse of dyed diesel fuel, 78.155
Preferred claim, 78.71
Purchaser to pay tax, 78.01
see Tax rate, under this subhead
Receipt of fuel, 78.07
Reciprocal agreements by department, 341.45
Records, all licensees, 78.66
Fuel destroyed, 78.19
Fuel not used on highway, 78.75
To retailers, 78.20
Registration of transporters, 78.77
Remedies cumulative, 78.74
Reports, 78.12
Confidential, 78.80 (3)
Revenue department, enforcement, rules, 78.79
Revocation of license, 78.65
Rules, department to make, 78.79
Seizure and sale, 78.21
Statute of limitations, 78.70 (7)
Suspension of license, 78.65
Tax imposed, 78.01
Alternate fuel tax, 78.40
Floor tax, 78.22
Tax rate:
Alternate fuel tax, 78.40, 78.405, 78.407
Annual adjustment, 78.015
1997 adjustment, 78.017
Transporters, registration, records, reports, 78.77, 78.78
Visitorial powers of department, 78.80
Application for license, 78.10
Bond, 78.11
Taxation 12. Occupational Taxes12. Occupational Taxes
Authorized, VIII, 1
Bingo, gross receipts tax, 563.80
Coal docks, 70.42
Drug dealers, 139.88
Grain storage facilities, 70.41
Intoxicating liquor, 139.03
Iron ore concentrate dock, 70.40
Malt beverages, 139.02
Mink farms, owners, 70.425
Petroleum, assessment and collections, 70.421
Tobacco products, 139.76
Taxation 13. Property Tax, Assessment of Property13. Property Tax, Assessment of Property
Appeal of assessment:
Board of review, 70.47
See also Board of review, under this subhead

Equalized value, appeal by county or municipality, 70.64
Reassessment petition,
see Reassessments, under this subhead
Revenue department, 70.85
Assessment change, notice required, 70.365
Affidavit on assessment roll, 70.49
Assistants, 70.05
Board of review, attendance required, 70.48
Certification, 73.09
Cities, 62.09 (1)
Second class cities, board of assessors, 70.075
Cities of first class:
Assessment officers, 70.06
Board of assessors, 70.07
Compensation, 60.32
Attending board of review, 70.48
Correction of tax roll, 70.43
On order of board of review, 70.48
County, 70.99
Appointment, 59.48, 70.99 (1)
Discontinue, 70.99 (14)
Review of assessments, 70.47 (3) (a)
Definition, 70.49 (4)