Operating privilege revocation bills, 13.0965
Vehicle weight limit exceptions bills, 13.096
Ride-sharing assistance program, 85.24
Rules, adoption and violations generally, 85.16
Rural public transportation assistance program, 85.23
Salary, 20.923 (4)
Supervision of department, 15.46
Snowmobiles, trail signs and standards, 350.13
Telecommunication terminal for law enforcement, 59.54 (9)
Town road bridge standards, rules for, 86.265
Traffic officers:
Employment, duties, powers, 110.07
Inspection of vehicle equipment, 110.075
Special events, services fees, 85.51
Training academy, operation, 110.065
Traffic violation and registration program:
Cost to municipalities, 85.13
Procedure for nonmoving violations, 345.28
Transportation assistance:
Elderly and handicapped, 85.21
Private nonprofit corporations of elderly and handicapped, 85.22
Ride-sharing, 85.24
Rural public transportation program, 85.23
Surface transportation discretionary grants program, 85.243
Urban mass transit, contracts, exemption from certain statutes, 85.015
Transportation corridor studies, 85.022
Transportation enhancement activities program, 85.026
Transportation facilities:
Economic assistance and development, 84.185, 85.085
Funding, 84.59
Transportation fund, 25.40
Infrastructure loan fund, 25.405
Transportation projects commission:
, 13.489
Highway projects, review, 84.013 (6)
Urban mass transit, assistance contracts, exemption from certain statutes, 85.015
Note: For the treatment of the reimbursement of expenses of specific persons or officers, refer to the subject heading for that subject, e.g., State-17. Officers and Employes

Defined, conviction, I, 10
Penalty, proof, 946.01
Suspension of sentence and report to legislature, V, 6
Voting disqualification, 6.03 (1)
Documents of title, application, 407.103
Foreign criminal, governor may transfer to foreign countries, 302.185
Foreign juvenile delinquent, governor may transfer to foreign countries under treaty, 938.34 (11)
State conservation areas, land acquired by United States, 1.056
Airport approaches, encroachments, 114.135, 114.136
Christmas trees:
Tax exemption, 70.111 (4)
Unlawful cutting, 26.03
City, planting and care, 27.09
County park commission to care for, 27.05 (5)
Cutting by electric companies, 86.16 (3), 182.017 (5)
Dutch elm disease studies, 36.25 (4)
Evergreen, regulations, 134.60
Growing for sale, tax exemption, 70.111 (4)
Highways, ownership, removal, care, 86.03
Injury to, villages, 86.03 (5)
Insect pests and diseases, control, 26.30
Memorial, cutting forbidden, 45.066
Protection of, near highways, 80.01 (3), 84.07 (1), 86.03
Theft, 26.05
Unlawful cutting, 26.03
Civil liability, 26.09
Village tax levy for ornamental planting, 61.47
Citation procedure, violation of land trespass laws, 778.26
Drainage district, right to enter, 88.13
Dwellings, 943.14
Evergreen trees, cutting, 134.60
Fence omitted, damage denied, 90.03, 90.04
Fish hatchery, state, 29.713
Flood control improvements, 87.17
Hunting or fishing on another's land, 943.13
Involuntary, tender of damages, 895.14 (4)
Land, 943.13
Land conveyed by void tax deed, 75.29
Medical facilities, 943.145
Pheasant preserve, civil liability, 29.865 (7)
Quail preserve, civil liability, 29.865 (7)
Railroad track, notices, 192.32
Riparian lands, damages, 29.717