Fishing, regulation, 30.126
Swimming, regulation, 30.13
Railroads, not to impair, 190.08
Carp control, 23.093
Coordination among agencies, 36.25 (8)
Riparian rights,
Riverbed activities, general permits, 30.207
Safety patrols, state aids, 30.79
St. Croix river,
Scenic urban waterways, designation, departmental powers and duties, 30.275
Seaplanes, regulations, landing strips, 30.78
Sewage treatment and effluent discharge,
Shore property, platting, 236.16 (3), (4)
Shore protection walls, financing, 30.34 (2)
Management ordinances, 92.17
Milwaukee lake shorelands, ch. 30 applicability, 30.05
Waste disposal sites and facilities, 289.35
Zoning, 59.692
County, 59.692
Floodplain, 87.30
Wetlands in shorelands, 61.351, 62.231
Determining footage, 30.105
Establishment, 30.11
Protection study, 30.2035
Skin diving, 30.70
Storm water discharge permits, 283.33
Fees, 283.33 (9)
Stream bank protection program, 23.094
Stream courses, changing, 30.195
Stream flow maintained, 31.34
Structures in navigable waters,
see Piers and wharves, under this head
Submerged cultural resources, preservation, 44.47 (5m)
Submerged lands held by state, right to lease, 24.39 (4), 30.11 (5)
Surplus water, diversion, 30.18
Treatment and effluent discharge vehicles, abandonment in waters, penalty, 287.81
United States:
Acquire sites to aid, 1.05
Erect structures to improve, 1.02
Urban river grants, 23.0915, 30.277
User fees, 30.93 (4), 30.94 (5)
Violations of regulations, generally:
Ch. 281 regulations, 281.98
Parties to, 30.292, 30.99
Penalties, 30.298
Waiver of state law, 30.06
Water power:
See also Dams

Bulk generating facilities near waterways, optional permit procedure, 30.025
Condemnation for dam, 196.91
Partition action, 842.06
Public lands, sale or reservation, 24.07
Water quality plan, state, 281.15 to 281.22
Water ski platforms and jumps, regulated, 30.135
Water skiing, regulated, 30.69
Watercraft and floats, removal, 30.16 (1)
Watershed projects, 281.67
Maintenance by towns, 81.05
Notice to lay, widen, extend or vacate, 840.11
Permit to enlarge, 30.19
Weeds, removal, 30.125
Mapping, 23.32
Quality determinations, fees, 281.22
Zoning of in shorelands, 61.351, 62.231
Wild rivers, designation, preservation, 30.26
Willow flow project, 23.196
Wisconsin Valley Improvement Company, purpose, authority, 182.70
Withdrawal regulations:
Investigations, 281.94
Mining, 293.65
Remedies, 281.95
Wolf river:
Fishing rafts, regulation, 30.126
Prohibition of development, 30.25
Riverbed activities, general permits, 30.207
see Shorelands, under this head


Cleaning, dyeing, repair, storage, sale for charges, 779.71
Exemption from taxation, 70.111 (1)
Flammable, regulation, 100.41