Moving violation, 343.01
Muffler, 347.39 (3)
Multidisciplinary evaluation, 51.44 (1) (c)
Multifamily dwelling, 101.971 (2)
Multijurisdictional, 565.01 (4f)
Multilocation developer, 707.43 (1)
Multiple beam headlamp, 340.01 (36)
Multiple pools, 562.01 (8)
Multiple-trade public works project, 103.49 (1) (bm)
Multipurpose senior center, 155.01
Multiunit public housing project, 961.01 (14m)
Municipal, 346.50 (4)
Authority, 68.05
Electric company, 66.073 (3)
Employe, 111.70 (1), (8)
Employer, 111.70 (1)
Fire fighter, 891.45
Obligation, 67.01
Power district, 198.22 (2)
School district, 117.132
Services, 70.119 (3)
Treasurer, 59.001 (3m)
Utility facilities, 84.295 (4m) (e)
Municipalities, 66.94 (1)
Municipally, 346.50 (4)
Museum, 171.30 (3)
Museum aircraft, 114.002 (16)
Musical work, 100.206 (1) (c)
Mutual, 600.03
Association, 215.01 (18), 215.512
Benefit society, 614.01 (1)
Holding company, 644.02 (1) (k)
Savings and loan holding company, 215.01 (18m)
Named survivor, 40.02 (41r)
Narcotic drug, 961.01 (15)
Board, 186.01 (3m)
Contingency plan, 895.55 (1) (d)
Guard, 21.01 (2)
Office, 5.02 (12)
Parkway law, 84.105
Political party committee, 11.06 (3w)
Register of historic places in Wisconsin, 44.31, 101.121 (2) (b)
Service program, 16.22 (1) (c)
Native, 28.04 (1) (d)
Native language, 115.76 (11)
Area, 23.27 (1)
Resources assessment, 23.51 (4)
Resources restitution payment, 23.51 (5)
Values, 23.27 (1)
Navigable waters, 30.01, 31.01, 281.31 (2) (d)
Navigable waterway, 30.01
Need-based public assistance, 812.30 (9)
Needy person, 49.138 (1d) (b)
Negligent abuse, 940.295 (1) (km)
Negotiable instrument, 403.104 (1)
Negotiate, 452.01 (5m)
Negotiation, 403.201 (1)
Neighborhood unit, 66.405 (3)
Nematode, 94.67 (22)
Contribution, 705.01 (5)
Cost, 121.004 (6)
Cost of the debt service fund, 121.07 (6) (a)
Estate, 851.17
Income or loss, 71.34
Production of electricity, 76.28 (1) (em)
Profit, 214.01 (1) (r)
Property tax, 49.45 (6m)
Salvage value, 95.001 (1) (am)
School cost, 121.85 (1)
Tax liability, 71.07 (5m) (a) 4.
Network, 43.01, 560.51
Plan, 632.745 (19)
Neutralizing index, 94.66 (6) (b)
Building, 301.235 (1)
Business premium rate, 635.02 (5)
Dwelling, 234.59 (1) (i)
Highways and other improvements, 84.40 (1)
Or low-hour employe, 109.07 (1)