Claim, 645.03
Provider plan, 150.84 (5), 609.01 (4)
Pregnancy program, project or service, 20.9275 (1) (e)
Preinoculated seed, 94.38
Prelease agreement, 218.01 (1) (qm)
Premier resort area, 66.307 (1) (c)
Preliminary plat, 236.02
Premises of employer, 102.03 (1) (c)
Premium, 149.10 (8p), 600.03
Premium finance agreement, 138.12 (1)
Premiums, 646.51
Sales contract, 157.061
Seller, 440.90 (8)
Trust fund, 157.061
Finance charge, 421.301 (36)
Maintenance agreement, 779.85 (5)
Prepayment, 136.01 (7), 779.85 (6)
Prescribed drug or device, 450.01 (18)
Prescription, 450.01 (19), 453.02 (6m)
Drug, 450.01 (20)
Order, 450.01 (21)
Present sale, 402.106
Present value, 411.103 (1) (u)
Presenter, 405.112 (4)
Presenting bank, 404.105 (6)
Presently exercisable general power of appointment, 861.018 (6)
Presentment, 403.501 (1)
President, 36.05 (10)
Presumed, 421.301 (37)
Presumption, 401.201, 421.301 (37)
Prevailing hours of labor, 103.50
Prevailing wage rate, 66.293 (1) (g), 103.49, 103.50
Action limit, 160.01
Health services for children, 253.02 (1) (b)
Measures, 292.01 (15)
Price amendment, 551.25 (3) (b)
Primarily, 961.571 (2)
Primary, 5.02 (16)
Care physician, 609.01 (4m)
Care shortage area, 560.183 (1) (cm)
Ceiling cost per member, 121.07 (6) (b)
Compensation and death benefit, 102.01
Employment, 234.94 (5)
Guaranteed valuation per member, 121.07 (7) (a)
Health services, 46.972
Highway, 84.30 (2), 84.31 (2)
Housing unit, 218.10 (8)
Prevention, 51.45 (5)
Producer, 94.681 (1) (e)
Provider, 609.01 (5)
Required levy rate, 121.07 (10) (c)
Shared costs, 121.07 (6) (c)
Source of supply, 125.02 (15)
Voltage extension, 196.495 (1) (a)
Prime contractor, 779.01 (2)
Amount, 234.60 (3) (c)
Business, 125.02 (15m)
Dwelling, 71.07 (9)
Officers, 600.03
Place of business, 214.01 (1) (s), 221.0901 (2) (n)
Place of practice, 655.001 (11)
Shareholder, 293.01 (17)
Stockholder, 50.05 (1)
Printing, 77.51
Printing services, 11.50 (1)
Prior expressway project expenditures, 59.84
Prior offender, 973.0135 (1) (a)
Lake area, 281.65 (2) (bs)
Watershed, 281.65 (2) (c)
Prison industries, 303.015 (3)
Prison or jail conditions, 801.02 (7) (a) 3.
Agency, 166.20 (1)
Alcohol fuel production system, 289.44 (1) (c)
Applicator, 94.67
College, 196.218 (4r) (b)
Corporation, 182.50 (1), 706.03 (1) (a)
Drive, 30.40 (10m)