Corporation, 66.405 (3)
Plan, 66.43 (3)
Project, 66.43 (3)
Reference, 895.487 (1) (c)
Refiner, 100.30 (2) (cm)
Refinery and smelter residue, 107.30
Refining, 107.30
Reflector, 340.01 (49)
Reformulated gasoline, 285.37 (1)
Refrigeration equipment, 101.177 (1) (c)
Refund, 71.93
Refund anticipation loan, 421.301 (37m)
Refund anticipation loan fees, 421.301 (37r)
Refund schedule, 647.01
Credit union, 186.41 (1)
Holding company, 214.15 (4)
Institution, 214.15 (3)
Office, 45.353 (1)
Savings and loan, 215.36 (1)
Savings and loan holding company, 215.36 (1)
Registered, 292.11 (9) (d) 1.
Boat, 29.001 (66)
Laboratory, 299.11 (1) (g)
Learner, 145.01
Limited liability partnership, 178.01 (2) (g)
Professional nurse, 49.498
Registering entity, 705.21 (10)
Registering tribunal, 769.101 (15)
Certificate, 100.03 (1) (x)
District, 69.01
List, 5.02 (17)
Records, 51.30 (1) (a)
Bingo card, 563.03 (13)
Bingo game, 563.03 (14)
Price, 100.18 (2)
Reserve, 186.01 (5)
Activity, 281.77 (1) (b)
Entity, 220.04 (9)
Pollutant, 285.01 (36)
Prepaid maintenance agreement, 779.85 (7)
Release, 146.60 (1) (e)
Regulation revenues, 79.03 (3) (b)
Regulatory agency, 160.01
Regulatory markers, 30.74 (2)
Rehabilitated, 85.085 (1b)
Rehabilitating, 84.17 (1)
Reinsurance broker, 628.02 (4m)
Reinsurance manager, 628.04 (5)
Reinvestment neighborhood area, 66.465 (1)
Corporation, 108.02 (21s)
Exposition facility, 125.51 (5)
Material, 100.41 (1)
Program, 51.42 (3) (d) 1.
Services, 115.76 (14)
Of the former spouse, 854.15 (1) (d)
Relay method, 146.70 (1) (h)
Release into the environment, 146.60 (1) (f)
Relevant evidence, 904.01
Relevant market area, 218.01 (1) (r)
Reliability council, 196.377 (2) (a) 4.
Relief, 49.01 (3)
Agency, 49.01 (3m)
Block grant, 49.001 (5p)
Religious association, 111.32 (12m), 157.061
Religious director, 187.40 (2)
Religious sect, 102.01 (2) (eg)