Applicant, 29.164 (1) (d)
Domestic corporation, 180.1130 (10m)
Fur dealer, class A, 29.501 (1) (f)
Fur dealer, class B, 29.501 (1) (g)
Of this state, 170.12 (1) (c), 230.03 (12)
Senior citizen, 29.001 (72)
Student, 39.30 (1) (e), 39.32
Residential, 32.22 (1), 70.32 (2) (c)
Appraiser, 458.01 (13)
Building, 101.145 (1)
Care apartment complex, 50.01 (1d)
Facility, 46.28 (1)
Property, 12.04 (1), 895.52 (1)
Provider, 46.036 (5m)
Real estate, 458.01 (14)
Use, 77.54 (30)
Utility consumer, 196.373 (1), 199.03 (14)
Water supply, 281.75 (1) (g)
Residual value, 429.104 (24)
Resolution or ordinance, 66.06 (1)
Resource conservation and recovery act, 289.01 (30), 291.01 (17)
Respiratory care, 448.015 (2)
Respiratory care practitioner, 448.015 (3)
Respite care, 50.01, 50.90 (3g)
Responding state, 769.101 (16)
Responding tribunal, 769.101 (17)
Responsibility, 403.405 (1) (c)
Agency, 109.10 (1)
Bidder, 60.47 (1)
Local educational agency, 115.81 (1) (b)
Restricted network provision, 635.02 (6m)
Restricted plumber licensee, 145.01
Restricted-use pesticide, 94.67 (31)
Restriction on an occupational license, 343.44 (1)
Resurfacing, 84.013 (1)
Customer, 100.205 (1)
Dealer, 78.005 (13m)
Establishment, 101.123 (1) (g)
Food establishment, 97.30 (1)
Instalment contract, 218.01 (1) (t)
Outlet, 139.75 (7)
Sales, 100.201 (1)
Sales establishment, 287.15 (1) (i)
Seller, 218.01 (1) (u)
Station, 285.31 (1) (b)
Engaged in business in this state, 77.51
Retaliatory action, 230.80
Retention schedule, 16.61 (2)
Retired employe, 40.02 (49)
Annuity, 40.02 (50)
System, 40.02 (51)
Return, 71.29 (1) (a)
Reuse, 100.33
Agreement, 66.521 (2)
Bonds, 66.521 (2)
For sanitation services to private parties, 79.03 (3) (b)
Obligation, 18.52 (5)
Passenger trip, 85.20 (1)
Revenue-producing enterprise, 18.52 (6)
Reviewed financial statement, 100.03 (1) (ym), 127.01 (25m)
Reviewing department, 146.60 (1) (g)
Revisor, 35.001, 227.01
Revitalization, 560.081 (1)
Revocable, 854.15 (1) (e)
Revocable provision, 854.06 (1) (b)
Revoked financial transaction card, 943.41 (1) (h)
Rhodium, 134.33 (1)
Ride sharing, 85.24 (2)
Rifle, 941.28