Municipality, 560.17
Planning, 27.019
Utilities service, 196.485 (1) (f)
Rustproofing, 100.205 (1)
Ruthenium, 134.33 (1)
Sadomasochistic abuse, 450.155 (1), 948.01
Safe drinking water loan program, 281.59 (1) (cm)
Safe or safety, 101.01 (13)
Device, 895.495 (1) (b)
Glass, 347.43 (3)
Glazing material, 101.125 (1)
Zone, 340.01 (55)
Sailboard, 30.50 (11)
Salary, 11.01 (19)
Salary index, 40.02 (52)
At retail, 77.51
Of services, 421.301 (39)
On approval, 402.326 (1)
Or return, 402.326 (1)
Sale, lease or rental, 77.51
At retail, 100.201 (1), 100.30 (2)
At wholesale, 100.201 (1), 100.30 (2)
Establishment, retail, 287.15 (1) (i)
Finance company, 218.01 (1) (v)
Price, 77.51
Sales and use tax under ch. 77 paid by the person, 71.07 (3s) (a) 1.
Salesperson, 452.01 (7)
Salvage vehicle, 340.01 (55g)
Salvage vehicle purchaser, 340.01 (55r)
Salvageable by-products, 107.30
Salvaging distressed food, 97.01
Same interest or interests, 108.16 (8) (e) 1.
Sanctioned race or derby, 350.01 (11m)
Sanitarian, 250.05 (1) (b)
Sanitary permit, 145.135 (1)
Satellite cable programming, 943.47
Saver, 215.01 (23)
Account, 215.01 (24)
Bank holding company, 214.01 (1) (tm)
Savings and loan holding company, 215.01 (24m)
Scale map, 66.021 (1) (e)
Scattered-site public housing project, 961.01 (20i)
Scene of an emergency, 448.01 (9s)
Schedule, 84.03 (2) (a) 2.
Schedule I controlled substance, 139.87 (5)
Schedule II controlled substance, 139.87 (6)
Schedule of compliance, 283.01 (15)
Schedules, 195.08 (12)
Administrator, 125.09 (2)
Age parent, 115.91
Employe, 118.25 (1)
Lands, 24.01
Medical services, 49.45 (39) (a) 2.
Nurse, 115.001 (11)
Premises, 125.09 (2), 948.61
Tax levies, 79.10 (1)
Tax rate, 79.10 (1) (g)
Term, 115.001 (12)
Year employe, 108.02 (22m)
Zone, 948.605 (1)
Administrator, 115.001 (8)
Professional employe, 111.70 (1) (ne)
Scientific institutions, 44.47 (1)
Scrap metal processor, 84.31 (2), 218.20
Screened, 84.31 (2)
Seafood, 29.503 (1) (d)
Sealer, 98.01
Seasonably, 401.204
Seasonal employer, 108.02 (23)
Boycott, 111.02
Ceiling cost per member, 121.07 (6) (d)