Assessment, 74.01
Assessment revenues, 79.03 (3) (b)
Bingo card, 563.03 (15)
Bingo game, 563.03 (16)
Charge, 74.01
Developer right, 707.31
Education, 115.76 (15)
Election, 5.02 (19)
Endorsement, 403.205 (1)
Interest vehicle, 341.266 (1) (c)
Nuclear material, 254.31 (11)
Packaging, 100.43 (1)
Primary, 5.02 (20)
Privilege, 11.40 (1)
Property, 76.02 (8)
Purpose district, 5.02, 79.095 (1) (bm)
Referendum, 5.02
Tax, 74.01
Town meeting, 60.001
Treatment or care, 48.02 (17m), 938.02 (17)
Zoning permission, 59.69 (15) (g), 60.63 (8)
Special-use fertilizer, 94.64 (1)
Disease relief services, 230.35 (3) (e) 1.
Transportation service, 85.21 (2)
Specialty school, 440.60
Specific information sign, 86.195 (1)
Specified services, 121.76
Spectator, 895.481 (1) (g)
Spectator sports, 23.305 (1)
Speech-language pathology, 459.20
Spendthrift, 880.01
Sponsoring municipality, 66.75 (1) (dm), 229.41 (11)
Sport shooting range, 66.092 (1) (c), 895.527
Sports facility, 167.32 (1)
Spot rate, 806.30 (10)
Spotlamp, 340.01 (59)
Spousal support, 948.22 (1)
Spousal-support order, 769.101 (18)
Spring election, 5.02 (21)
Spring primary, 5.02 (22)
Stairway, 30.40
Stamp, 139.30
Stand, 340.01 (59m)
Standard 90.1-1989, 101.027 (1) (b)
Plan, 609.01 (7)
Rate, 108.02 (24)
Specifications, 16.72
Time, 66.032 (1)
Standardized valuation, 79.03 (3)
Standing, 340.01 (59m)
Agencies, 35.035 (4), 35.78 (5)
Airway, 114.002 (19)
Annuitant, 40.02 (54m)
Archaeological site, 44.47 (1)
Authority, 19.62 (8)
Building, 44.51 (2)
Chartered association, 215.01 (25)
Contingency plan, 895.55 (1) (i)
Correctional institution, 301.01 (4)
Document, 35.81 (3)
Document depository library, 35.81 (4)
Employe, 40.02 (54t)
Epidemiologist, 103.15 (1), 252.01 (6)
Facilities, 16.847 (1) (b), 70.119 (3)
Facility, 51.40 (1)
Forest lands, 28.02
Forests, 28.03
Health officer, 250.01 (9)
Health planning and development agency, 46.011 (4), 231.01 (10)
Institution, 101.123 (1) (i)
Lottery, 565.01 (6m)
Natural area, 23.27 (1)
Of principal use, 30.50 (13)
Office, 5.02 (23)
Officer, employe or agent, 893.82 (2)
Or local child support enforcement agency, 108.13 (4)
Patrol officer, 252.01 (7)
Program, 281.57 (3) (c)
Public body, 66.395 (3), 66.40 (3)