Public office, 19.42 (13)
Public official, 19.42 (14)
Register of historical places, 101.121 (2) (d)
Registrar, 69.01
Review board, 44.31
Site, 44.47 (1)
Superintendent, 5.02 (24), 43.01, 115.001 (15)
Treatment facility, 51.01 (15)
Trunk highway, 340.01 (60)
Trust fund loan, 24.60 (4)
Veterans organization, 45.353 (1)
State-operated long-term care facility, 46.27 (1)
Statement, 908.01 (1)
Statement of cash flows, 100.03 (1), 127.01 (26)
Bed limit, 150.01 (19)
County average cost-sharing percentage, 86.30 (1) (e)
Municipal average cost-sharing percentage, 86.30 (1) (f)
Station wagon, 340.01 (61)
Stationary source, 285.01 (18)
Statute chapter, section, subdivision, paragraph, 35.18 (3)
Stepchild, 854.06 (1) (c)
Steward, 562.01 (14)
Stewardship, 23.27 (1), 23.293 (1)
Stock, 180.1140
Association, 215.01 (26)
Corporation, 181.0103 (24), 600.03
Savings and loan holding company, 215.01 (27m)
Stockholder, 215.01 (27)
Stop lamp, 340.01 (63)
Stop sale, 94.38
And use, 77.51
Tank, 101.142 (1)
Storm or combination door, 101.125 (1)
Stove, 50.01 (1d)
Street modified vehicle, 341.268 (1) (f)
Street trade, 103.21
Strikebreaker, 103.545 (1)
Strip search, 948.50 (2), 968.255 (1)
Strong sensitizer, 100.37 (1) (j)
Structural urban best management practices, 281.65 (2) (d)
Structure, 30.40
Learner, 104.01
Parent, 49.136 (1) (n)
Sturgeon Bay, 29.001 (81)
Subcontractor, 66.29 (1) (d), 779.14 (1)
Subdivision, 236.02
Statute, 35.18 (3)
Subfranchisor, 553.03
Subjobber, 139.75 (11)
Sublease, 411.103 (1) (w)
Submerged cultural resource, 44.47 (1) (i)
Subpoena or warrant, 49.857 (1) (f)
Subscribe, 71.22 (9m)
Subscriber, 180.0103, 221.0102 (7)
Subsequent purchaser, 408.102 (1)
Subsequent violation, 103.97 (1) (b)
Subsidence, 107.30
Subsidiary or parent corporation, 292.15 (1) (e), 292.31 (8) (a) 3., 292.65 (1) (m)
Subsidy, 281.59 (1) (d)
Substance, 160.01, 985.01
Substandard width lane, 346.80 (1)
And continuing progress, 150.01 (20)
Bodily harm, 939.22 (38)
Gainful activity, 40.63 (11)
Parental relationship, 48.415 (6) (b)
Waste of public funds, 230.80
Substantially, 66.521 (13) (a)
Justified, 227.485 (2), 814.245 (2)
Similar, 77.51 (14g)
Substantive written objection, 30.01
Substate plan, 106.15 (1) (c)
Successors in interest, 700.01
Sulfide ore body, 293.50 (1) (b)
Sum of local purpose revenues, 79.03 (3) (b)
Sum sufficient appropriations, 20.001 (3) (d)
Average daily membership equivalent, 121.004 (8)
Enrollment, 121.90 (3)
Summons, 23.51 (7), 976.02
Sums on deposit, 705.01 (11)