Marital property, 851.055
Payment contract, 127.01 (8)
Price contract, 127.01 (9)
Defibrillation, 146.50 (1) (dm)
Deficiency, 66.059 (1), 85.25 (2)
Defoliant, 94.67 (9)
Defraud, 551.02 (5)
Delegates, 181.0103 (6)
Delinquency proceeding, 645.03
Delinquent, 938.02 (3m)
Delinquent juvenile, 938.991 (3), 938.992 (3)
Date, 218.10 (1)
Period, 100.174 (1) (b)
Demand management, 85.24 (2) (a)
Demolition, 182.0175 (1)
Demonstration, 16.956 (1)
Demonstrator, 134.87 (1) (c), 218.015 (1)
Disease, 447.01 (2)
Hygiene, 447.01 (3)
Society, 447.15
Dentist, 49.43, 447.01 (7)
Dentistry, 447.01 (8)
Deoxyribonucleic acid profile, 972.11 (5)
Or contract provider, 49.493 (1) (a)
Property, 23.098 (1) (ag)
Mobile home, 66.058 (1)
Person, 49.01
Student, 609.655 (1) (a)
Deposit account, 186.01, 214.01 (1) (g), 409.105 (1)
Deposit insurance corporation, 214.01 (1) (h), 215.01 (6m)
Depositary bank, 404.105 (3)
Depositor, 127.01 (11), 710.05 (1)
Depository account, 815.18 (2)
Depository institution, 221.0901 (2) (i), 452.13 (1) (b)
Deputy, 101.01 (2m)
Deputy receiver, 601.59 (2) (e)
Deputy sheriff, 40.02 (48)
Derivative proceeding, 180.0740
Desiccant, 94.67 (10)
Family member, 100.51 (1), 218.01 (1) (df)
Local agency, 281.51 (1) (a)
Mooring area, 30.01
Person, 51.45 (2)
Service area, 85.21 (2)
State natural area, 23.27 (1)
Destroy, 66.96 (1)
Detained, 968.255 (1)
Determination date, 766.01
Determination of failure, 145.245 (1) (a)
Develop, 91.01 (4)
Developer, 66.55 (1) (b), 707.02
Development, 16.11 (2) (e), 16.956 (1)
Area, cost, plan, 66.405 (3)
Project, 560.80
Zone program, 560.70
Developmental disability, 49.45 (6c), 49.498, 51.01 (5), 51.62 (1) (am)
Developmentally disabled, 49.43 (3m), 938.02 (5)
Developmentally disabled person, 48.02 (5), 55.01 (2), 880.01
Devise, 851.065
Devisee, 705.21 (5)
Devoted primarily to agricultural use, 91.01 (5)
Diaper service, 77.51 (3m), 234.67 (1) (am)
Diesel fuel, 78.005 (5)
Dietetics, 448.70 (2)
Dietitian, 448.70 (3)
Digital signature, 16.855 (2)
Dispatch method, 146.70 (1) (e)
Labor, 16.752 (1)
Molding process, 134.34 (1)
Services, 46.57 (1), 46.90 (1)
Direction, 632.895 (8)
Direction of the state registrar, 69.01
Direction signal lamp, 340.01 (13)
Directly procured insurance, 600.03, 618.02 (1)