Boilers and mechanical devices, 101.17
Commerce dept. authority, 101.02 (15)
Inspection fees and records, 101.19
Construction, approval and inspection, 101.12
Disabled persons, accommodations, 101.13
Electrical regulation and inspection, 101.80 to 101.88
Energy conservation code, 101.027
Erosion control, construction sites, 101.1205
Heated sidewalks prohibited, 101.124
Safety glazing of glass in hazardous locations, 101.125
Ventilation requirements, 101.025
Wage rate:
Municipal, 66.293
State, 103.49
Variances from standards, 101.055 (4)
Public nuisances, 66.05, 823.21
Safe place statute, 101.02 (15), 101.11
Safety glazing of glass in hazardous locations, 101.125
Sewage, connections, compelled, 281.45
Smoke detectors, requirement, 101.145, 101.615, 101.645, 101.745, 101.925
Smoking regulated, 101.123
Solar access, obstruction, damages, 700.41, 844.22
Urinals, flushing devices for, rules, 101.07
Contractors, regulation and registration, 101.178
Manufactured building code, 101.73
One- and 2-family dwelling code, 101.63
Public buildings or places of employment, 101.025
Water connection compelled, 281.45
Buildings 2. Building Codes2. Building Codes
County building and sanitary codes, 59.70 (1)
Dwelling code council, 15.157 (3), 101.62, 101.72
Multifamily, 15.157 (12), 101.972
Manufactured buildings:
Alterations, departmental approval required, 101.75 (3)
Commerce departmental powers and duties, 101.73, 101.74
Definitions, 101.71
Inspection and approval, 101.75
Municipal authority, 62.17, 66.302, 101.76
Exceptions, 101.761
Penalties for violation, 101.77
Purpose, 101.70
Smoke detectors, 101.745
Multifamily dwelling code:
Commerce department:
Duties, 101.973
Powers, 101.974
Compliance, 101.977
Definitions, 101.971
Disabled persons, requirements, 101.132
Fire chief and inspector powers and duties, 101.976
Municipal authority, 62.17, 66.303, 101.975
Penalties, 101.978
Municipal, enforcement, 62.17
One- and 2-family dwelling code:
Application, 101.615
Commerce department powers and duties, 101.63, 101.64
Compliance, 101.66
Construction site erosion control, 101.653
Contractor financial responsibility requirement, 101.654
Definitions, 101.61
Inspections, 101.66
Municipal authority and duties, 62.17, 66.301, 101.65
Exceptions, 101.651
Penalties for violation, 101.66
Purpose, 101.60
Smoke detectors, 101.645
Rental unit energy efficiency, 101.122
, Ch. 406
For detailed analysis,

Buoys and BeaconsBUOYS AND BEACONS
Uniform navigation aids, 30.74 (2)
Limited municipal jurisdiction for administration and enforcement, 30.745
U.S. may obtain sites, 1.05
Note: For burden of proof in specific actions, refer to the subject head and entries relating to that action.

Children's code proceedings, 48.243 (1) (h)
Children's delinquent acts, 48.243 (1) (h)
Civil actions, jury instructions regarding, 805.13 (4)
Criminal, 939.70
Controlled substances act, 961.555 (3), 961.56
Forfeiture of property derived from crime and certain vehicles, 973.076 (3), 973.077
Jury instructions regarding, 972.10 (5)
Guardianship, incompetence, 880.33 (4)
Juvenile justice code proceedings, 938.243 (1) (h)
Mentally ill person, involuntary commitment proceedings, 51.20 (13) (e)
Natural resources forfeiture actions, 23.76
Traffic regulation violations, 345.45
Burglarious tools, possession, 943.12