Court report by agency, 48.425
Custody on termination, 48.427 (3)
Dispositions, 48.427
Standard and factors, 48.426
Foster care on termination, 48.428
Guardianship on termination, 48.427 (3), 48.43 (1)
Fact-finding hearing, 48.31, 48.424
On petition, 48.422
Involuntary, grounds for, 48.415
Judgments, 48.43
Jurisdiction, 48.14
Medical record of child:
Agency to prepare, 48.425
Maintaining, access, 48.432
Paternity, rights of person claiming, 48.423
Petition, 48.42 (1)
Mandatory filing by county, 48.417
Procedure, 48.42
Relief from judgment, rehearing, 48.46
Sustaining care of child, 48.428
Voluntary consent, 48.41
CHILDREN 10. Uniform Transfers to Minors Act10. Uniform Transfers to Minors Act
Applicability of act, 880.71
Construction of act, 880.72
Accounting, 880.70
Care of property, 880.665
Expenses of, 880.68
Nomination, 880.62
Powers, 880.67
Receipt of property, 880.645
Removal, resignation, 880.695
Single custodian required, 880.655
Use of property, 880.675
Definitions, 880.61
Effect on existing custodianship, 880.715
Liability of 3rd persons, 880.69
Scope and jurisdiction, 880.615
Termination of custodianship, 880.705
Third party liability exemption, 880.685
Fiduciaries, by, 880.635
Gift, by, 880.625
How made, 880.65
Obligors, by, 880.64
Validity and effect, 880.66
Will or trust, by, 880.63
CHILDREN 11. Welfare Agencies, Foster and Group Homes11. Welfare Agencies, Foster and Group Homes
Abused or neglected children and unborn children, investigation of reports, 48.981
Child welfare agencies:
Complaints against, 48.745
Definitions, 48.599
Inspection and investigation by HFS, 48.73, 48.74
License requirement:
Agency defined, 48.60
Fee, 48.615
Licensing procedure,
see Licensing procedure, under this subhead
Powers and duties, 48.61
Tax exemption, 70.11 (19)
Children in need of protection and services; placement, 48.345, 938.345
Community living arrangement, deed covenants and zoning, 46.03 (22)
County social services departments:
Child welfare agency defined, 48.60
Children's homes, Milwaukee county, 48.58
Powers and duties, 48.57
Services to children, requirement to provide, 48.56, 48.561
Court reports about children, agency and homes access to information, 48.371, 938.371
Courts, providing services to, 48.06 to 48.08, 938.06 to 938.08
Federal funds, expenditure of, 48.985
Foster and group homes:
Abuse of residents, criminal, 940.295
Civil liability immunity, 895.485
Foster care aid, 46.261
Foster home:
County and child welfare agency licensing of, 48.75
Defined, 48.02 (6)
Education for operators, 48.675
Foster parent identity, confidentiality, 48.33 (5)
License requirement, state, 48.62
Treatment foster home, defined, 48.02 (17q)
Group home:
Building codes, zoning and covenants, applicability, 46.03 (22)
Complaints against, 48.745
County authority to maintain, 59.53 (9)
Defined, 48.02 (7)
Licensing requirement, 48.625
HFS may maintain, 48.52