Contents of license, 48.70
HFS authority, 46.16, 48.66
Information provided by HFS, 48.653
Injunction for licensing law violations, 48.77
Investigation of applicant:
Criminal and child abuse history record search, 48.685
Issuance of license, 48.68
Nonissuance, appeal procedure, 48.72
Provisional licenses, 48.69
Requirement, fees, 48.65
Sanctions and penalties, 48.715, 48.74, 48.76
Parental access, 48.655
Parental right to know, 48.656
Rates, 46.037
Records, confidential, 48.78
Rules, forms, records, 48.67
Public schools:
Elementary schools, 120.125
Milwaukee early childhood education, 119.72
School board may provide, 120.13 (13), (14)
State employes, 16.85 (1)
Subsidy, 49.155
University of Wis. centers, 36.25 (26)
CHILDREN 3. Children's Courts and Court Proceedings3. Children's Courts and Court Proceedings
Assessments of children:
Alcohol and drug abuse program, 48.547
Multidisciplinary screen, 48.548
Attorneys for county, 48.09
Criminal violations,
Commencement of actions:
Capias, authorization, 48.28
Intake inquiry, 48.24
Intake worker duties, notice of rights, 48.243
Notice of proceedings, 48.27
Service, 48.273
Amendment, 48.263
Authorization to file, 48.25
Form and content, 48.255
Summons, 48.27
Failure to obey, 48.28
Service, 48.273
Continuances, extensions, delays, 48.315
Costs of action:
Alcohol or drug abuse services, 48.361
Child's liability, 48.37
Parental liability, 48.275
Services after disposition, 48.36
Special treatment and care, 48.362
Counsel, right to, 48.23
Court, time and place of, 48.03 (1)
Court commissioners, 48.065
Custody, holding child or expectant mother in:
Counsel, right to, 48.23
Criteria, 48.205
For adult expectant mothers in custody, 48.213
For child and child expectant mothers in custody, 48.21
Involuntary removal from custody, 48.305
Mother-young child care program, exception for participants, 48.215
Nonsecure custody, places authorized, 48.207
Release required, exceptions:
Children, 48.20
Expectant mothers, 48.203
Runaway homes, 48.227
Secured detention:
County jail as place for holding child, 48.209
Criteria for holding child, 48.208
Taking; authorization, parental notification, 48.19
Definitions, 48.02
Agency report required, 48.33
CHIPS cases, 48.345
Guardianship of child with relative, 48.977
Consent decree, 48.32
Criminal proceedings, barred by disposition, 938.39
Facilities for children and adult expectant mothers under state care, 48.52
Hearings on dispositions, 48.335
Warnings to parents in certain CHIPS cases, 48.356
Informal disposition, 48.245
Judgment, 48.35
Adults, orders applicable to, 48.45
Contents and effect, 48.355
Extended jurisdiction, 48.366
Extension, 48.365
Revision, 48.363