State collection actions,
see State collection program, under this subhead
Trial procedure, 767.12
Aid to families with dependent children, generally, 49.19
For detailed analysis,

Arrest to enforce duty, in determination actions, 818.02 (6)
Custody transfer under children's or juvenile justice code, support duty continues, 48.36, 938.36
Divorce actions,
Failure to support, criminal, 948.22
Family support, 767.261
Grandparent liability, 49.90
Institutionalized children:
Child support standards, application, 46.247
Support of, 46.10, 49.90
Judgments and orders, 767.25, 767.51 (3)
AFDC recipients, orders affecting parents, 767.078
Annual payment adjustments, 767.33
Arrearages, affidavit of, 767.293
Deposit accounts to insure payment, 767.267
Enforcement, 767.30
See also Actions for, under this subhead

Contempt orders, 767.305, 767.40
Driving privilege suspension, 767.303
Foreign judgments, full faith and credit, comity, 767.21
Notice and service requirements, 767.027
Income withholding, 767.265
Job training participation, requiring, 49.36 (6), 767.295
Notice of change of employer, address, ability to pay, 767.263
Revision, 767.32
Procedure, 767.025
Seek work orders, 767.253
Temporary orders, 767.23
Unemployed teenage parents, orders affecting, 767.254
Marriage, actions for dissolution,
Medical assistance applicants, establishing paternity and assigning support rights, 49.45 (19)
Arrearages, affidavit of, 767.293
Clerk of court to receive, 767.29
Trustee for, 767.31
State support collection program:
, 49.22
AFDC recipients:
Assignment of collection rights to state, 49.19 (4) (h)
Support, actions for, 767.077, 767.078
County administration, 59.53 (5)
Attorneys to enforce obligations, 59.53 (6)
Child support incentive payments, 49.24
Designated collection agency, fees, 814.612
Delinquent payment collections:
Administrative agency enforcement; denial and suspension of credentials and licenses, 49.857, 49.858
Financial institutions; matching records of obligors, 49.853, 224.40
Judgments in favor of obligor, lien against, notice, 49.856
Lien and levy against obligor's property, 49.854
Publicizing delinquent parents, 49.227
Setoff against state payments:
Pensions, 49.852
Tax refunds 49.855
Genetic tests for paternity, requiring, 49.225
Grants to counties:
Child support revision programs, 49.23 (1)
Collection incentive programs, 49.23 (2)
Job training program for noncustodial parents, 49.36 (6), 767.295
Support collections trust fund, 25.17 (1) (tm), 25.68
Unemployment insurance, deductions from, 108.13 (4)
Supplemental security income recipient's children, support, 49.775
CHILDREN 8. Support, Uniform Interstate Family Support Act8. Support, Uniform Interstate Family Support Act
Applicability of act, 769.301
Applicability of Wisconsin law, 769.303
Attorney general duties, 769.308
Attorneys, private counsel, 769.309
Construction of chapter 769, 769.901, 769.903
Costs and fees, 769.313
Court powers and duties,
see Tribunals, under this subhead
Definitions, 769.101
Tribunal of this state, defined, 769.102
Evidence and procedure, special rules, 769.316
Extradition of obligors, 769.801, 769.802
Immunity, limited for petitioner, 769.314
Exclusive jurisdiction, continuing, 769.205
Nonresidents, jurisdiction over, 769.201
Minor parents, action by, 769.302
Jurisdiction over, 769.201
Procedure when jurisdiction over, 769.202
Paternity proceedings, 769.701
Pleadings, 769.311
Nondisclosure of identifying information, 769.312
Nonparentage as defense, 769.315
Procedure and evidence, special rules, 769.316
Remedies are cumulative, 769.103
Simultaneous proceedings in other state, 769.204