COMMERCE DEPARTMENT 2. Economic and Community Development and Business Assistance2. Economic and Community Development and Business Assistance
Agriculture, promotion of, 93.07 (3)
Aid programs:
Publish and distribute list, 560.03 (16)
Urban assistance organizations, 560.06
American Indian:
Community assistance, 560.03 (22)
Economic liaison program, 560.87
Technical assistance, 560.875
Building contractors:
Financial responsibility certification, 101.654
Rulemaking authority, 101.63 (2m)
Financial responsibility council, 15.157 (4), 101.625
Business development, duties of department, 560.03
Business development assistance center:
Brownfield redevelopment responsibilities, 560.44
Definitions, 560.41
Permit responsibilities, 560.42
Responsibilities of regulatory agencies, 560.43
Business incubators, 560.737
Business problems in state, identify for governor, 560.03 (2)
Certified capital companies,
Chamber of commerce, assist, 560.03 (1)
Community-based economic development programs, 560.14
Community development:
Duties, 560.04
Planning and research, 560.08
Community development and local government clearinghouse, establish, 560.04 (2) (g)
Development finance board, 560.60 to 560.685
Development zone program:
Application by local governing bodies, 560.72
Boundaries and size of development zones, 560.735
Certification for tax benefits, 560.765
Certification prohibited in certain cases, 560.78
Change in boundary and size of developmental zones, 560.74
Definitions, 560.70
Designation of developmental zone, 560.71
Development opportunity, zones designated, 560.795
Duration, renewal and expiration, 560.745
Duties of dept., 560.75
Duties of local governing bodies; advisory boards, 560.763
Eligibility for tax benefits, 560.785
Enterprise development zones, 560.797
Evaluation by dept., 560.725
Invitation to nominate area, 560.715
Limits on tax benefit to certified person, 560.768
Revocation of certification, 560.77
Dwelling code council, 15.157 (3), 101.62, 101.72
Multifamily, 15.157 (12), 101.971
Economic adjustment program, duties, 560.15
Economic development:
Area plans for state, prepare, 560.03 (11)
Loans, employment impact estimates, 234.65
Planning and research, 560.08
Plans, coordinate with local and regional agencies, 560.08 (2) (e)
Promotion of new enterprises, 560.07
Rapid response fund loans, 560.147
Revolving loan fund capitalization grants, 560.145
Employe-owned businesses program, 36.25 (24), 560.07 (2m)
Employe ownership assistance grants, 560.16
Employment impact estimates, 66.521, 234.65 (2), 560.03 (15), 560.034
Entrepreneurial assistance programs:
Evaluation and report, 560.55
Inventory of existing, 560.52
State agency coordination, 560.54
Environmental and regulatory services division, administrator, 15.153 (3)
Ethics code:
Exceptions for department, 19.56 (3) (f)
Report of items of value received, required, 19.57
Exports, plan to promote and increase, 560.03 (18)
Federal grants, administer, 560.04 (2) (j)
Foreign investment, plan development, 560.03 (18)
Foreign office agreements, enter into, 560.01 (3)
Foreign trade, shows and events promoting, reimbursement of businesses, 560.167
Forward Wisconsin, Inc.:
Aid to, 20.143 (1)
Contract with, 560.07 (3)
Funds, expenditure, 16.501
Funds for net jobs gain, report, 560.07 (9)
Brownfields grant program, 560.13
Community development block grant program, 560.045
Forestry education grant program, 560.18
Handicapped persons, business development, 560.20
Manufacturing assistance grants, 560.615
Mining economic development grants, 560.135
Minority business development finance and education and training grants, 560.837
Minority business incubator grants, 560.033, 560.039
Minority nonprofit corporation grants, 560.033, 560.038