36.25(13g)(b)2. 2. Providing an environment suitable for instructing medical and other health professions students, physicians, nurses and members of other health-related disciplines.
36.25(13g)(b)3. 3. Sponsoring and supporting research in the delivery of health care to further the welfare of the patients treated and applying the advances in health knowledge to alleviate human suffering, promote health and prevent disease.
36.25(13g)(b)4. 4. Assisting health programs and personnel throughout the state and region in the delivery of health care.
36.25(13g)(c)1.1. The board may negotiate and enter into a contractual services agreement with the University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics Board for the provision of services by employes of the University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics Board. Any agreement under this subdivision shall include a provision that requires the board to make adequate payments to the University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics Board for any services provided under the agreement in advance of their need by the University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics Board to pay its employes for such services.
36.25(13g)(c)2. 2. The board may not contract for those services that are provided to the board by the University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics Board by state employes in the collective bargaining units specified in s. 111.825 (1m) with any person other than the University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics Board.
36.25(13g)(d) (d) This subsection applies only in the event that the on-campus facilities, as defined in s. 233.01 (7), leased to the University of Wisconsin Hospitals and Clinics Authority under s. 36.11 (28), and any improvements, modifications or other facilities specified in s. 233.04 (7) (c), are transferred to the board under s. 233.04 (3b) (b), (7g) (b) or (7p) (b).
36.25(13m) (13m)Medical student transfer program. The board shall establish a program in the center for health sciences of the University of Wisconsin-Madison involving the transfer of residents of this state from foreign medical schools after their 2nd year of study or involving a 5th year of clerkship following their completion of 4 years of study at a foreign school.
36.25(14) (14)Graduate student financial aid. The board shall establish a grant program for minority and disadvantaged graduate students enrolled in the system. The grants shall be awarded from the appropriation under s. 20.285 (4) (b). The board shall give preference in awarding grants under this subsection to residents of this state. The board may not make a grant under this subsection to a person if it receives a certification under s. 49.855 (7) that the person is delinquent in child support or maintenance payments or owes past support, medical expenses or birth expenses.
36.25(14m) (14m)Minority and disadvantaged programs.
36.25(14m)(a)(a) The board shall allocate funds under s. 20.285 (4) (a) to fund programs for recruiting minority and disadvantaged students and to fund programs for minority and disadvantaged students enrolled in the system. The funding under s. 20.285 (4) (a) for these programs is in addition to any other funding provided by law.
36.25(14m)(b) (b) By April 15, 1992, and annually thereafter, the board shall adopt a precollege, recruitment and retention plan for minority and disadvantaged students enrolled in the system. The plan shall include allocations from the appropriation under s. 20.285 (4) (a).
36.25(14m)(c) (c) By April 15, 1992, and annually thereafter by April 15, the board shall submit a report to the governor and to the chief clerk of each house of the legislature for distribution to the appropriate standing committees under s. 13.172 (3). The report shall include all of the following:
36.25(14m)(c)1. 1. The plan adopted under par. (b).
36.25(14m)(c)2. 2. All financial aid distributed to students, categorized by ethnic group, class level and dependency status. The report shall include information on financial need, percentage of need satisfied by loan, percentage of need satisfied by grant and the percentage remaining unsatisfied.
36.25(15) (15)Military instruction. The board may provide courses in military science and tactics.
36.25(18) (18)School of veterinary medicine. The board shall establish and maintain a school of veterinary medicine at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Existing facilities shall be used to the maximum possible extent for auxiliary instructional and research support of the veterinary program.
36.25(19) (19)Model school special education program.
36.25(19)(a)(a) The board may establish at the University of Wisconsin-Madison a model school for children with disabilities, as defined in s. 115.76 (5). The school shall utilize practical demonstration techniques to train teachers and other support personnel under s. 115.28 (7) (c).
36.25(19)(b) (b) The board may enter into an agreement with the school board of any school district to provide special education and related services through the model school to children with disabilities. The board may charge tuition for children served in the model school. Tuition charges made under such agreements shall be based on the net cost of providing the special education and other related services.
36.25(20) (20)Pharmacy internship program. The board shall determine the administrative placement within the system of the pharmacy internship program. The pharmacy internship program shall be supervised by the pharmacy internship board. The pharmacy internship board shall appoint an unclassified director of pharmacy internship who shall administer the pharmacy internship program. The pharmacy internship board shall determine the amount of the fee to be charged to interns under the program. The pharmacy internship board may promulgate rules, and, notwithstanding s. 227.01 (13) (f), rules promulgated and determinations made relating to the pharmacy internship program shall be subject to ch. 227.
36.25(21) (21)School of law; part-time enrollment and night courses. The board shall direct the school of law to:
36.25(21)(a) (a) Allow resident students who are admitted to law school to enroll in part-time programs;
36.25(21)(b) (b) Allow resident students who are admitted to law school 6 years after first enrolling to complete requirements for a degree; and
36.25(21)(c) (c) Offer to resident students who are admitted to law school a range of courses in the evening, including required courses necessary to be admitted to the state bar under SCR 40.03.
36.25(21m) (21m)Great Lakes Indian law program. The board shall establish a Great Lakes Indian law program at the University of Wisconsin-Madison law school.
36.25(22) (22)School of allied health professions. The board may establish a school of allied health professions at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee.
36.25(23) (23)Robert M. La Follette institute of public affairs. There is established a Robert M. La Follette institute of public affairs at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. The institute shall engage in research, public service and educational activities to advance the knowledge of public affairs and the application of that knowledge to the needs of this state.
36.25(23m) (23m)Wilder Crane professorship of government. The board shall establish the Wilder Crane professorship of government at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee department of political science.
36.25(24) (24)Employe-owned businesses program. Through the University of Wisconsin small business development center, in cooperation with the department of commerce under s. 560.07 (2m), the technical college system board and the University of Wisconsin-extension, the board shall create, as needed, educational programs to provide training in the management of employe-owned businesses and shall provide technical assistance to employe-owned businesses in matters affecting their management and business operations, including assistance with governmental relations and assistance in obtaining management, technical and financial assistance.
36.25(25) (25)Industrial and economic development research program.
36.25(25)(a)(a) The board shall award industrial and economic grants to fund industrial and economic development research projects and outreach activities.
36.25(25)(b) (b) In awarding grants under par. (a) the board shall:
36.25(25)(b)1. 1. Receive project proposals from system researchers.
36.25(25)(b)2. 2. Provide for a review process for project proposals by appropriate professionally qualified reviewers.
36.25(25)(b)3. 3. Specify the duration of the project to be funded by the grant.
36.25(25)(c) (c) Biennially by November 15, the board shall submit a report to the joint committee on finance specifying the projects funded under this subsection in the previous fiscal biennium, the duration of the funded projects and the relationship of the funded projects to this state's economy.
36.25(26) (26)Day care centers. A college campus may establish a day care center and may use funds received from the appropriation under s. 20.285 (1) (a) to operate it.
36.25(27) (27)Integrated agriculture program. The board shall establish an integrated agriculture program.
36.25(28) (28)Schools of business. The board shall use the funds in the appropriations under s. 20.285 (1) (em) and (Ls) to support improvements in master's level business programs. The board may spend funds in those appropriations only if it receives matching funds for the same purpose from private contributions.
36.25(29) (29)Environmental education. The board shall seek the advice of the environmental education board on the development of environmental education programs.
36.25(29m) (29m)Center for environmental education. There is established in the college of natural resources at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point a center for environmental education to assist in the development, dissemination, implementation and evaluation of environmental education programs for elementary and secondary school teachers and pupils. The center shall do all of the following:
36.25(29m)(a) (a) Assist the environmental education board in addressing statewide teacher training needs in environmental education and in administering grants under s. 36.54 (2).
36.25(29m)(b) (b) Assist the department of public instruction to periodically assess and report to the environmental education board on the environmental literacy of this state's teachers and students.
36.25(29m)(c) (c) Develop, offer and evaluate environmental education courses for teachers.
36.25(29m)(d) (d) Select and train natural resource and environmental education specialists with teaching experience to assist in providing environmental education courses and programs to teachers in this state.
36.25(29m)(e) (e) Assist the department of public instruction and cooperative educational service agencies to assist school districts in conducting environmental education needs assessments.
36.25(29m)(f) (f) Provide environmental education workshops and consulting services to teacher educators from teacher training institutions located in this state.
36.25(29m)(g) (g) Establish an environmental education curriculum and materials center for use by school teachers, faculty of teacher training institutions located in this state and others in educational programs who need such materials.
36.25(29m)(h) (h) Assist the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point college of natural resources in providing opportunities for teachers to complete advanced training in environmental education through the college's master's degree program.
36.25(29r) (29r)Study on the reintroduction of elk.
36.25(29r)(a)(a) The board shall direct the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point to conduct a study to determine the feasibility of reintroducing elk into the northern part of the state and to formulate a management plan for the reintroduction of elk if the conclusions of the study demonstrate that the reintroduction is feasible.
36.25(29r)(b) (b) The University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point shall conduct the study by monitoring the behavior of an experimental herd that the university shall bring into the state. The university shall also assess the herd's compatibility with other resources in the area where the study is conducted.
36.25(30) (30)Hazardous pollution prevention program. The board shall establish in the extension a hazardous pollution prevention program to promote hazardous pollution prevention, as defined in s. 299.13 (1) (c). In cooperation with the department of natural resources and the department of commerce, the program shall conduct an education and technical assistance program to promote hazardous pollution prevention in this state.
36.25(30g) (30g)Recycling market development program. The board shall establish in the extension, in cooperation with the recycling market development board, a program of education and technical assistance related to recycling market development. The program shall serve waste generators, as defined in s. 287.40 (4); solid waste scrap brokers, dealers and processors; business entities that use or could use recovered materials or that produce or could produce products from recovered materials and persons who provide support services to those business entities; and the general public.
Effective date note NOTE: Sub. (30g) is amended eff. 6-30-01 by 1997 Wis. Act 27 to read:
Effective date text (30g) Recycling market development program. The board shall establish in the extension a program of education and technical assistance related to recycling market development. The program shall serve waste generators; solid waste scrap brokers, dealers and processors; business entities that use or could use recovered materials or that produce or could produce products from recovered materials and persons who provide support services to those business entities; and the general public.
36.25(30m) (30m)Agricultural technology and family farm programs. The board may establish agricultural technology and family farm programs in the college of agriculture and life sciences at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
36.25(31) (31)Biotechnology education; consumers. The board shall establish extension programs to educate consumers about biotechnology processes and products and risk assessment techniques.
36.25(32) (32)Agricultural safety and health center.
36.25(32)(a)(a) The board shall establish an agricultural safety and health center in the extension. The center shall do all of the following:
36.25(32)(a)1. 1. Develop curriculum and materials for a tractor and machine operation safety training course for persons who are at least 12 years of age but under 18 years of age that is equivalent to the requirements, other than age, specified under 29 CFR 570.70 to 570.72.
36.25(32)(a)2. 2. Perform instructor training and coordination necessary to provide a statewide program of tractor and machinery operation safety training to persons who are at least 12 years of age but under 18 years of age and certification of persons successfully completing such training.
36.25(32)(a)3. 3. Develop and disseminate educational and informational materials and present programs on farm safety and health topics.
36.25(32)(b) (b) From the appropriation under s. 20.285 (1) (fs), the board shall award grants totaling not more than $500 annually per county to sponsors of farm safety education, training or information programs. To be eligible for a grant, a sponsor shall:
36.25(32)(b)1. 1. Secure or provide equal matching funds from private or public sources.
36.25(32)(b)2. 2. Demonstrate the need for the program.
36.25(32)(b)3. 3. Demonstrate that the program for which a grant is sought was developed in consultation with extension personnel, public health personnel, vocational agriculture instructors or other persons with expertise or interest in farm safety topics.
36.25(33) (33)Quality improvement awards. From the appropriation under s. 20.285 (1) (a), the board annually may award up to $500 each to no more than 10 system employes who make suggestions that result in significant quality improvements for the system relating to supplies and expenses. The board shall appoint a council under s. 15.04 (1) (c) to nominate recipients for the awards. The board shall not make more than one award to an employe in the same fiscal year. An award is not part of an employe's base pay.
36.25(34) (34)Center for urban land economics research. The board shall establish a center for urban land economics research in the school of business at the University of Wisconsin-Madison to conduct research and undertake educational, public outreach and grant activities related to real estate and urban land economics.
36.25(35m) (35m)Herbarium. The board shall maintain an herbarium at the University of Wisconsin-Madison to be known as the "Wisconsin State Herbarium".
36.25(36) (36)Higher education location program. The board shall maintain in the extension a higher education location program to provide information on undergraduate admission requirements, degree programs, enrollment, student financial aid, student housing and admission forms.
36.25(37) (37)Area health education center. The board shall maintain at the University of Wisconsin-Madison an area health education center to support community-based primary care training programs.
36.25(38) (38)Educational technology projects.
36.25(38)(a)(a) In this subsection, "educational technology" has the meaning given in s. 44.70 (3).
36.25(38)(b) (b) The board shall use the moneys appropriated under s. 20.285 (1) (cm) for the following purposes:
36.25(38)(b)1. 1. The student information system.
36.25(38)(b)2. 2. The development of system technology infrastructure.
36.25(38)(b)3. 3. The development of curricula to train students enrolled in the schools of education in the use of educational technology in primary and secondary schools.
36.25(38)(b)4. 4. To provide professional development in the use of educational technology for primary and secondary school teachers.
36.25(38)(b)5. 5. To provide faculty with educational technology and to train faculty in its use.
36.25(38)(b)6. 6. To pay the department of administration for telecommunications services provided under s. 16.973 (1).
36.25(39) (39)Institute for Excellence in Urban Education. There is established an Institute for Excellence in Urban Education at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. The institute shall engage in research, public service and educational activities pertaining to issues in urban public education.
36.25(42) (42)Distinguished chair of military history. The board shall establish a distinguished chair of military history at the University of Wisconsin-Madison.
36.27 36.27 Tuition.
36.27(1)(1)Board of regents to establish.
36.27(1)(a)(a) Subject to par. (c), the board may establish for different classes of students differing tuition and fees incidental to enrollment in educational programs or use of facilities in the system. Except as otherwise provided in this section, the board may charge any student who is not exempted by this section a nonresident tuition. The board may establish special rates of tuition and fees for the extension and summer sessions and such other studies or courses of instruction as the board deems advisable.
36.27(1)(c) (c) The board may not charge a student registered as a master's level business school student prior to the first semester of the 1989-90 academic year higher fees than other graduate students at the same institution.
This is an archival version of the Wis. Stats. database for 1997. See Are the Statutes on this Website Official?