Defined, 13.26
Where prosecuted, penalty, 13.27
Municipal court, 785.06, 800.12
Procedure, 785.03
Sanctions authorized, 785.04
Failure to attend, attachment, punishment, 885.11, 885.12
Inquest witness, 979.07
, Ch. 647

Vending machines:
Display or advertisement to minors, 450.155
Sale prohibited in public schools, 450.16
Action by, noncompliance with commerce department orders a defense to, 101.02 (11)
Air conditioning, heating and ventilation; registration and licensure, 101.178
Certificates, public improvements, 66.54
Construction lien law, 779.01 to 779.17
Electric wiring regulations, 101.865
Extra compensation by state, not allowed, IV, 26
Fiduciaries, 112.01
Financial responsibility certification, 101.654
Financial responsibility council, 15.157 (4), 101.625
Joint, not affected by new promise of another, 893.47
Migrant labor contractor, registration, duties, prohibited activities, 103.91
Mortgage proceeds, trust fund, 706.11 (3), 779.02 (5)
Nonresident, surety bond to revenue dept., 71.80
Prime, defined, 779.01 (2)
Wage scale, public works:
Municipal contracts, 66.293
State contracts, 103.49, 103.50
Worker's compensation, joint liability, 102.06

Action on:
For recovery of money, defendant fails to join issue, 806.02 (4)
Limitation, 893.43
Parties, 803.01 (2)
Agricultural marketing contracts, 100.23
Livestock production contracts, 100.04
Agricultural products, promise not to join associations, 103.46
Air, contracts made in, 114.08
Disclaimer of transfers of property, 701.26, 854.13
Effect of will changing beneficiary, 853.17
Anticipatory by municipality, sale of bonds, 67.10 (5)
Apprenticeship, 106.01
Attorney, for contingent fees, 757.36
Auto instalment sales, 218.01 (6)
Bank deposits and collections, variation by agreement, 404.103
Beneficiary, intentionally killing by, not to receive contract benefit, exception provision, 854.14, 895.43
Board of harbor commissioners, letting contracts, 30.32, 30.38 (3)
Board of trade, futures, not void, 241.24
Cemetery preneed sales, 440.92 (2)
Champertous, abrogation of defense, 895.375
C.I.F. or C. & F., 402.321
Commercial code, variations of provisions of act, 401.102
Common carrier limiting liability, 192.42
Condominiums, actions against, 703.25
Consideration for false money, void, 134.15 (2)
Continuing care contracts,
Cooperative and members, 185.41 to 185.44
Corrections compact, 302.25, 302.255
County-city hospitals, 66.47 (8)
Croppers, 241.03
Dairy industry, unfair, void, 100.202
Day's work, 103.38
Death, effect on agency, 243.06
Decedent's, to sell or lease land, 860.09
Dental education, 39.46
Disclaimers of nonprobate transfers of property, 701.26, 854.13
Guaranteed by schools, 241.025
Promise as to joining organizations, 103.46, 103.52
Restrictive covenants, 103.465
Environmental impact services by natural resources dept., 23.40 (4), (5)
Executory, marital property, control rules, 766.51 (9)
Extra compensation by state, not allowed, IV, 26
Farmland preservation agreements, 91.11 to 91.23, 91.31 to 91.41
Fitness and diet center contracts, 100.177
Flood control act, purchase reservoir, 87.18
Future service plans, 136.02, 136.06, 136.07
Gambling, void, 895.055
Harbor improvement, 30.32, 30.38 (3)
Awarding to minority businesses, 84.075