Electric companies, establishing, 66.073 (5)
Hospital board, 66.50
Interstate, 66.30 (5)
Joint ventures, 66.30
Public utility contracts, 196.71
Public works, 66.29
Payment of money of governmental subdivisions, limitation, 893.61
Peddlers, warning required, 241.27
Performance of, how pleaded, 802.03 (3)
Personal actions on, limitation, 893.50
Physicians with hospitals or medical education and research organizations, terms, 448.08 (5)
Power of attorney, durable power, uniform act, 243.07
Contract with other states to transfer and confine, 301.21
Temporary housing for, 302.27
Public construction contracts at less than full rate, penalties, 946.15
Public works contracts, wage scale:
Municipal, 66.293
State, 103.49, 103.50
Railroad and farmer, on fences, not impaired, 192.38
Real estate agency contract, writing required, 240.10
Realty, sold by county, assessment, 70.17 (2)
Regional planning commission, local units, 66.945 (12)
Restraint of trade:
Illegal contracts void, 133.14
Penalties, 133.03
Restrictive covenants, employment contracts, 103.465
Safety building, county-city safety building board, 66.508
School pupils, lodging or board, 121.57
Seal, when presumptive evidence of consideration, 891.27
Secured transactions,
Snow, removal from private roads and driveways, 86.105
Soil conservation on private lands by municipality, 66.34
Specific performance,
Teachers, 118.21
District clerk furnishes copy, 120.17 (7)
Notification of termination, 118.22 (2), (3)
Renewal, 118.22
Telecommunications utilities, individual contracts, 196.194
Transportation assistance contracts, exemption from certain statutes, 85.015
Transportation department, who to sign, 84.011
University with school districts for educational studies, 66.30 (2m)
Effect, 138.06
Limitation, 893.62
Variable interest rate contracts secured by first lien residential mortgages, regulation, 138.055
Videotape rental, Ch. 136
Vocational education district boards, 38.18
Wards, incompetent, spendthrift, void when, 880.215
Welfare care and services, purchase of, 46.036
Worker's compensation insurance, regulation, 102.31
Writing required, 241.02
Acknowledgment or new promise, 893.45
Leases for more than one year, 704.03
Real estate agency contracts, commissions, 240.10
Real property, 706.01, 706.02
Written, presumption of joint liability, 891.30
Yellow dog, 103.52
Action for, statute of limitations, 893.92
Affidavit to preserve lien for, 815.62
Among judgment debtors, 815.59, 815.61
Heirs may have, conditions, 777.20
Joint obligations act, Ch. 113
Judgment lien, how preserved, 815.62
Lands sold on execution, 815.59, 815.61
Legatees, devisees, may have, 777.21
Securities, joint and several debtors, 551.59

, Ch. 961
Addicts, hospitals for, 51.09
Administrative inspections and warrants, 961.52 (1)
Operating while under influence of controlled substance, 114.09
Prohibited uses, 961.42
Alcohol and drug abuse council:
General provisions, 15.09
Membership, 14.017 (2)
Powers and duties, 14.24
Review of legislation, 13.098
Amount, weight determination, 961.41 (1r)
Analogs, treated as controlled substance, 961.25
Animals, exposing to controlled substance is crime, 951.06
Assessment, ordered by court, 961.472
Attempted possession, penalties, 961.41, 961.495