Collective bargaining, 111.70
Law enforcement employes, 111.77
Notice of negotiations, 19.86
Combination positions, Menominee county, 59.20 (2)
Conservation wardens, 23.10 (2)
Corporation counsel, 59.42
Accounts and claims, settlement, 59.52 (12)
Child support, attorneys to enforce, 59.53 (6)
Children's code proceedings:

Duties, 48.09
Guardianships and conservatorships, commencement of proceedings, 880.295 (1)
Juvenile justice code proceedings:

Duties, 938.09
Private attorney designee, 59.42 (3)
County executive:
Administration dept., appointment and supervisory power, 59.52 (1)
Budgetary procedure, 59.60 (1)
Constitutional authority, IV, 23, 23a
Corporation counsel; appoint, supervise, remove, 59.42 (1) (b)
County abstractor; appointment, supervision, 59.44 (1) (b)
Duties, powers, compensation, abolishment, 59.17
Eligibility for elective office, 59.20 (1)
Court commissioners,
Court employes for juvenile matters, 48.04
Court reporters,
Deferred compensation plan, 40.81, 40.82, 66.04 (2) (b)
Deputy sheriff,
District attorney,
Elected officers, salary increases during term, 66.197
Elective offices, 59.20 (2)
Designation, XIII, 9
Term, VI, 4
Appointive offices, 66.11
Elective offices, 59.20 (1)
Emergency interim successors to local officers, 166.08 (5), (6)
Ethics code, 19.59
Stadium discounts for officials prohibited, 19.451
see County executive, under this head
Expenses, 59.22
Fees, 59.22
Allowance to be uniform, 66.111
Clerk of court, 59.40 (3)
Collection by collection agency, 59.40 (4), 59.52 (28)
Collection, state income tax setoff, 71.935
County treasurer, 59.25 (3)
New elective office, filling, 17.245
Record, remitting, 59.22
Sheriff, 59.32, 814.70
Health care insurance, provide for, 59.52 (11), 66.185
Health officials and departments,
Highway safety coordinator, 59.54 (17), 83.013
Historian, 59.56 (6)
Humane officers,
Institution employes; public school tuition fees for employe children, when liable, 121.80
Insurance premiums, 59.52 (11), 66.185
Interchange of government employes, 230.047
Joint county institutions, removal of officers, 17.15
Labor disputes, settlement, 111.70 (4)
Labor negotiator, 111.70 (5)
Land information office, 59.72
State aid for, 16.967
Law enforcement agencies:
Collective bargaining and arbitration, 111.77
Cooperation with other law enforcement agencies, 59.28 (2), 66.305
Personnel acting outside county, pay, 66.315
Law enforcement officers:

Elective office, may hold, 164.06
Training programs, 165.85, 165.86
Life insurance, provide for, 59.52 (11), 66.185
Military service, leave, reinstatement, 45.51
Oath, 19.01, 59.21
Occupational safety and health regulations, 101.02 (15) (jm), 101.055
Offices; where kept, when open, 59.20 (3)
Park commission,
Part-time offices, Menominee county, 59.20 (2)
Probate court commissioner, 757.72
Public contracts, private interest in prohibited, 946.13
Public moneys, receipts and records, 59.61
Purchasing agent or committee, 59.52 (9)
Real property lister, duties, 70.09
Recall from elective office, 9.10
Records; examination by public, exception, 59.20 (3)
Removal, VI, 4; 17.09, 17.10, 17.15