Board duties, 88.35
Court order, 88.34
Examination of lands, 88.29
Final report, hearing and confirmation, 88.36
Hearings, 88.29
Laying out drains, 88.35
Multicounty district proceedings, 88.12
Notice, 88.29
Petitions, 88.27 to 88.29
Project cessation, 88.33
Report to court, 88.32
Adjacent lands, damages, 88.69
Agreements with county as to delinquent taxes, 75.365
Existing districts, 88.791
Organizing districts, 88.79
County treasurer to handle funds, 88.18
Creditors' claims, compromise and settlement, 88.56
Dissolution of, 88.82
Investment of funds, 66.04 (2)
Delegation of investment authority, 66.04 (2m)
Liability for damages, 88.69
Liability for motor vehicle accidents, 345.05
Optional operating procedure, transition to chapter 88 district, 88.161
Petition for meeting, 88.215
Refunding obligations, 88.55
Subdistrict, formation, 88.70
Suspend operations, 88.81
Transfer to city, town or village jurisdiction, 88.83
Withdrawal of lands from, 88.80
Ditches, construction across railroad right of way, 88.88
Assessed land inadequately drained, 88.73
Construction, damages, 88.62
For individual landowners, 88.94
Maintenance and repair, 88.63
Obstruction and dam removal, 88.72
Private not to be connected with district drains, 88.92
Public highways, 88.68
Railroad right of way, 88.66
Supplemental or enlarged, 88.71
Utility installations, 88.67
Effect of chapter on securities, contracts, 88.02
Equitable proceedings,
see Court proceedings, under this head
Farm drainage district, intergovernmental cooperation, 66.30
Farm drainage ditches:
Exempt from floodplain zoning, 87.30 (1m)
Exempt from navigable waters, protection law, 281.31 (2m)
Navigability, 30.10 (4) (c)
Removal of material from, 30.20 (1) (c)
Federal government contracts, 88.22
Highway construction:
Damage to natural drainage, 88.87
Notify board of, 86.075
Highway drainage ditches, 86.022
Obstruction, 86.021
Irrigation purposes, 88.93
Navigable waters, special procedure in cases affecting, 88.31
Obstructions in ditches, penalty, 88.91
Obstructions to natural watercourse, removal, 88.89, 88.90
Petition, signatures, 88.04
Railroad construction, damage to natural drainage, 88.87
Reassessment, 88.46
State lands:
Damage to in construction of new drains, 88.69 (1)
Right of way, 88.50 (2)
Trespass, right to enter lands of district, 88.13
Withdrawal of lands from district, 88.80


DRUGS 1. General Provisions1. General Provisions
Administering to facilitate crime, 941.32
Fraudulent advertising, 100.182
Hazardous substances act, 100.37
Household products, tampering with, 941.327
Marijuana, investigational drug permit, distribution by prescription, 961.34
Operating motor vehicle under influence, 346.63
No deferred prosecution, 967.055
Prescription drugs, 961.38
Pricing, unfair discrimination, 100.31
Administration of drugs to, 118.29
Asthmatics, possession and use of inhalers, 118.291
Snowmobiles, owner permitting operation under influence unlawful, 350.08